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Posted by: koriwhore ( )
Date: August 26, 2017 05:26PM

"Chariton Jacobs, Zina’s second son from her marriage to Henry Jacobs, was born in a covered wagon in a rainstorm on the bank of the Chariton River in Iowa. But Zina did not seem to “mind the difficult situation, for my life had been preserved, and my babe was so beautiful.”

After Henry deserted Zina and the two little boys, Zebulon and Chariton, she married Brigham Young and crossed the plains to the Salt Lake Valley with his family. A few years later a daughter, Zina Presendia Young, was born."

That's a GD lie!

#1. Lie by ommission. No mention of Zina's sham 'marriage' to Joseph Smith, since there is no way to justify that kind of sexual exploitation with any law ever written. and

#2. Henry didn't "Desert Zina and the two little boys" he was halfway to the Salt Lake Valley with them when Brigham Young stole his wife and kids from him and sent him packing for an overseas mission to England, his 5th mission for the church. The other 4 were when he was sent packing by the previous Prophet, Joseph Smith, who was the first one to cuckold poor Henry, by having his way with poor Henry's Wife Zina, while he was away serving 4 missions for the corrupt sexual predator that started the Doomsday Cult they belonged to.

It's pretty sad when Wikipedia is more honest than a church that claims to be the sole representative of God on Earth.

Marriages and children

Zina recorded in her autobiography that when she was eighteen she was courted by Henry Bailey Jacobs. During this time, Joseph Smith, also taught her about plural marriage in private conversations; he proposed that she become his spiritual wife on at least three different occasions.[6]:90[10]:77–79 Zina declined the proposals out of her respect for Emma Smith and for traditional Christian monogamy, and because such a union would require secrecy.[6]:90 On March 7, 1841, she married Jacobs, believing she had thus avoided future proposals from Smith.[6]:93 Nauvoo mayor John C. Bennett conducted the ceremony. Her journal from the day of the wedding reads:

I was Married to Mr. Henry Bailey Jacobs. He had been a missionary preaching the Gospel for some time. His Father Henry Jacobs was one of the first elders in the Church, faithful and true until the last.[6]:94

Zina become pregnant shortly after her marriage. However, she continued to feel concern that she had rejected God by rejecting Joseph, whom she considered a prophet and God's spokesperson. Later she recorded, "I received a testimony for myself from the Lord of this work, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God before I ever saw him, while I resided in the state of New York, given in answer to prayer. I knew him in his lifetime, and know him to have been a great true man and a servant of God."[6]:94 Smith wrote to her in October 1841 that he had "put it off till an angel with a drawn sword stood by me and told me if I did not establish that principle [plurality of wives] upon the earth I would lose my position and my life."[6]:95 [10]:80–81[11] She and Smith were married on October 27, 1841.[10]:81–82 [12] Her brother Dimick performed the ceremony. By that time, Joseph was married to five other women, besides his first wife Emma: Fanny Alger, Louisa Beaman, Lucinda Pendleton Morgan, Nancy Marinda Johnson Hyde, and Clarissa Reed Hancock.[6]:96

Zina was about seven months pregnant with a Jacobs's child (Zebulon William Jacobs), as confirmed by DNA evidence,[13] when she married Smith.[14] It is not clear when Jacobs was made aware of the wedding to Smith, however, he believed in Smith's prophetic counsel.[6] Zina and Henry Jacobs continued to live together as man and wife,[10]:81–82 and Zina's "connubial relations with Joseph Smith, if any occurred at all, [were] certainly infrequent and irregular."[6]:104 She never had any children with Joseph, but she and Jacobs had another son, Henry Chariton Jacobs, on March 22, 1846. Her husband Henry was constantly called on missions (he served at least eight between 1839 and 1845)[8]:177 and was thus often absent from the house. In the face of such absences, Zina did not turn to Joseph but rather sought relief from female kin. Her marriage to Henry, riddled with absences as it was, was the only time in her life that she would have a full-time husband.[8] Though many 19th and early 20th century Mormon biographers painted her marriage to Henry as "not proving a happy union"[7]:33 to justify her subsequent marriages to Smith and later to Brigham Young, evidence from her diaries suggests this assertion is unfounded.[10]:81

After Smith's death in 1844, Jacobs stood by while Zina was sealed to Smith in the Nauvoo Temple.[14] Later in life, she called herself Joseph's "widow."[4]:698 Zina was present at the meeting at which Brigham Young was chosen to lead the church, after Young spoke with the voice and appearance of Smith.[15] Because she believed him to be God's chosen leader, she consented when Young, 20 years her senior, claimed he acted as Smith's proxy, proposed they be married for time (as many other members of the Quorum of the Twelve did with Smith's other plural wives). They were married February 2, 1846, and at the same time she was re-sealed to Smith for eternity.[6]:103 At this point, Young and other church leaders considered her civil marriage to Jacobs canceled, superseded by the spiritual marriages, though no formal divorce was ever documented.[6] In October 1861, Brigham would go on to assert, "There was another way—in which a woman could leave a man—if the woman preferred—another man higher in authority and he is willing to take her. And her husband gives her up—there is no Bill of divorce required in the case it is right in the sight of God."[6] In May 1846, Young called Henry Jacobs to serve a mission to England. During Jacobs's absence, Zina began living openly in a marital relationship with Young and continued to do so for the rest of her life.[10] :84,88,90–91[16] She had one child with Young, Zina Prescinda Young, in 1850.[2]

Jacobs struggled with the arrangement, still very much feeling that Zina was his wife, and, in later years wrote to Zina, "the same affection is there .... But I feel alone .... I do not Blame Eny person .... [M]ay the Lord our Father bless Brother Brigham .... [A]ll is right according to the Law of the Celestial Kingdom of our God Joseph".[10] :81–82 Henry would eventually remarry and settle in Utah, though it appears that he and Zina did not keep correspondence or contact.

Zina Young joined the Mormon Exodus to the Rocky Mountains, arriving in the Salt Lake Valley in September 1848. In Utah Territory, she would raise her two Jacobs sons, her daughter, and the four children of Brigham Young and Clara Ross with fierce independence and strength.[17] She resisted the loss of her independence as Brigham drew her, physically and socially, into his vast household, and found herself very lonely once there.[18]:87–89 She relied heavily upon kinship ties to her brothers and sister for the rest of her life."

The world's largest army of Doomsday CULT recruiters is out there lying every day by omission, since none of them would ever breath a word about any of Joseph's wives, except Emma.
Isn't that kind of like selling a house and failing to disclose the fact that it had major cracks in the foundation?
Isn't that fraud since that would have been make or break information for me, had anybody been honest with me in the 1st 40yrs of my life.

Now for Mormons to act like this is common knowledge, is just an insult to me and the 4 generations of Mormons before me who were lied to about the sexual predator who founded our faith. Had any of us known the truth, that Joseph and Brigham really did destroy their follower's lives by stealing their wives and kids from them, we all would have left the church immediately and never darkened the door of another Doomsday Sex Cult again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2017 05:59PM by koriwhore.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: August 26, 2017 05:49PM

To this day they are stealing our families and dividing us.

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Posted by: edzachery ( )
Date: August 26, 2017 06:37PM

Amen, my friend.

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Posted by: Lilac ( )
Date: August 26, 2017 06:04PM

I know you like to harp on this idea every so often, almost like beating a dead horse. But you are right, it is fraudulent. Polygamy should never be forgotten or swept under a rug. It should be held up to Mormons like a mirror. Never forget the monumental disgrace of it, the broken lives, like a cancer. Invasive, far reaching, never fully eradicated.

Keep pushing it, bring it up every time, throw it in their faces. There is no excuse good enough for Mormons to not confront it or realize it was an absolute reality, in all of its ugliness. They like to claim ignorance, but you/we know better and are more than willing to educate. I commend your efforts! If ever the opportunity arises, may we all take the chance to lay it all out for Mormons what a despicable, heinous practice it was.

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Posted by: koriwhore ( )
Date: August 26, 2017 06:18PM

just like to give others ammo to fight the world's biggest army of Doomsday CULT brainwashers, who go around lying by omission every day by failing to mention the fact that Joseph Smith was a pedophile and an adulterer who destroyed his follower's lives by stealing their wives and children after sending them off on overseas missions for the church and committing adultery with them.
And it's not polygamy that bugs me, it's the blatant disregard for the rule of law, even their own laws they claim as having come directly from God. Mormons act like "The Law of the Priesthood" was just a suggestion when it comes to defending Joseph's wife swapping.
When there NEVER was a law in all of Western Civilization that allowed that kind of behavior. It's ALWAYS been considered adultery by civilized societies. Even Babaric societies, like Muslims who still practice polygamy, don't allow a man to 'marry' another woman who's already married to another man. But somehow Mormons are cool with it and refuse to say whether or not wife swapping was good or bad, since both Brigham Young and Joseph Smith practiced it. Mormons completely overlook the fact that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young violated the law of the Priesthood and every other law ever written governing marriage, by stealing their follower's wives.
They have zero empathy for guys like Henry Jacobs, who had his life destroyed by two successive Prophets who wouldn't let him have his wife to himself. They convinced him they were Gods so they could fuck his wife. That's horrible and heartbreaking, but to Mormons it's no biggie, since, well, God must have commanded Joseph and Brigham to do that to him, otherwise God would have struck them dead.
It's insane.

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Posted by: Lilac ( )
Date: August 26, 2017 07:02PM

I agree with all you say. Mormons live by a slide rule of ethics. And maybe saying you harp on it sounds mean. I didn't mean any disrespect at all. I just meant you bring it up often. Polygamy/polyandry disgusts me so much and I think it helps that others like yourself keep it upfront and out there so Mormons can never live it down or let it go or forget about it. It's disgusting too how they try to belittle it or treat it like it wasn't so bad. Hell, I tried to read books about it, but I just can't stomach it.

Good work, keep spreading the word.

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Posted by: Boballooie0691 ( )
Date: August 26, 2017 09:33PM

You're right of course, koriwhore. Of all the despicable, fraudulent, criminal acts commited by con man Smith, this was one of the worst. And was icing on the bitter cake of the reason why I left.
Those that are still in it should be pitied really...

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: August 26, 2017 10:51PM

In the '70s and '80s, we were taught that all those poor Civil War widows needed to be cared for--hence polygamy.

As if Helen Mar Kimball were a Civil War widow. (Remember her?--a few months shy of her 15th birthday!)

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Posted by: koriwhore ( )
Date: August 26, 2017 11:30PM

I need a Joseph's Myrh punching bag so 5hat everytime I hear another disgusting perverted story about him I can go beat the shit out of a punching bag to release some of my anger that 5generations of my famimy were duoed by this obvious fraud.
But then I remember, at leadt I got myself and my kids out, which makes me grateful.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2017 11:32PM by koriwhore.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: August 26, 2017 10:57PM

I wish that LDS lies were:

a) recognized & corrected
b) Very Unusual

unfortunately, they are neither.

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Posted by: catnip ( )
Date: August 27, 2017 12:08AM

terrifying, especially for a young girl. Naturally, you would want to be pretty when you grew up, and have a nice family, but if you lived in a culture of sexual predators, you would want to (and forgive my out-of-historical-context-metaphorical-mixing here) fly as far below the radar as you could. You would not want to be noticed by the likes of JS or BY. As soon as you appeared on the radar, your life was no longer your own. There would be hot and heavy competition for your female "parts." And your own wishes in the matter were of little interest to anyone but yourself.

Imagine a bunch of hot and horny old blighters swarming around you, when you had your eye on the cute guy who lived just down the block and you have known each other forever. Try to stay in plain view for the one, while disappearing down the rabbit hole when the others in the 'hood. Sounds awful

Perfectly legitimate reason to make yourself appear as unattractive physically,intellectually, and spiritually as possible. And yet, catch the eye of somebody decent. What a conundrum.

And avoid parents who had high stakes in marrying you off to someone of importance!!

How very helpless they must have felt, moved around like sexual/Political/Dynastic pieces on a board, when you didn't really understand the game.

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Posted by: Finance Clerk ( )
Date: August 28, 2017 10:29AM

Catnip, I like where you are going with this. But the thing is...polygamy was kept secret, even from the members. Young ladies would not have known to hide their appearances until it was too late. They were already on the radar screen by the time they found out about the perverts' intentions.

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Posted by: LadyKorihor ( )
Date: August 27, 2017 12:26AM

Especially when they say the Book of Mormon was directly translated, there was only one unchanging translation so it's the purest, most unedited book from Gawwwd

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Posted by: Gd ( )
Date: August 28, 2017 12:07AM

Until I recently learned the truth about church history, I would give JS and BY a pass. How could I be so naive? So gullable?

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Posted by: valkyriequeen ( )
Date: August 28, 2017 09:38AM

It would have been so difficult to be a young girl during the days of JS and BY, because they weren't raised to have spunk. I admire Nancy Rigdon because she had that spunk and even when JS had her locked in a room and cornered her, she practically told him to go to hell, even when he threatened to lie to the whole town and trash her reputation if she dared to tell anyone what happened. You'll never learn things like this in any sunday school or RS class.

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Posted by: jacob ( )
Date: August 28, 2017 09:42AM

Generally speaking you bring up great points that you then obscure with the extreme. Sometimes it is hard to know if you are being purposefully hyperbolic or if you truly believe the things you say.

1. Most Mormons are not lying through their teeth everyday. Most have been lied to for multiple decades and are genuinely ignorant of how awful polygamy actually was.

2. Mormonism is not, now, a sex cult, and it was only ever a sex cult for a select few. I know these semantics drive you crazy but I find them important. The number of well meaning people duped by evil men far outnumbers the number of evil men duping well meaning people. The closest it comes today to being a cult centered around sex would be the extremely unhealthy attitudes it has about sex. And that distinction is lessened because there are many religious organizations that share that particular issue with Mormonism.

3. I'm guessing on your definition of doomsday cult, but if I'm right than most of Christianity can be put into the category.

4. Mormons are very big on the proselytizing and deserve a lot of grief for how they do it. Particularly how they treat the young people who have been manipulated into service. However, I think you would be surprised at the sheer number of not Mormon missionaries. Granted most are well meaning charitable missions but this is a relatively recent development. At least as recent as LDS inc moving away from some of their more unsavory beliefs.

At least for me, and this is a personal thing I get it, your combative extreme nature detracts so heavily from your valid points as to make your proclamations worthless.

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Posted by: Finance Clerk ( )
Date: August 28, 2017 11:05AM

Jacob, your points are well taken. As you say, most Mormons are not lying, because they are ignorant of the facts of history.

But...the church as a whole is systematically lying...and using the ignorant members/missionaries at their voice.

Just like this... ...from Indepedence Day movie.

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