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Posted by: crissykays ( )
Date: April 27, 2015 12:56PM

I have posted in the past I think on this actual topic but having a six year old child it has really been on my mind a lot lately. I still attend church only sacrament and my daughter does attend with me. It bothers me though and even when I was a complete TBM I always cringed when I heard such young children proclaim that they knew of the TRUTHFULNESS of the church when they were so young. Of course most of the time there mother was whispering it in the ear. Sadly I have older children I may have done this with myself. Did it ever bother any of you???

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Posted by: rubi123 ( )
Date: April 27, 2015 01:02PM

I was only LDS for a short while and didn't attend Fast and Testimony meeting very often. But a few times I did see little children giving the "I know this church is true... I know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God" spiel. Everyone seemed to love it and think it was precious. I thought it was freaky and weird. It's indoctrination and cult-mentality.

The LDS Church is very, very good at indoctrinating little kids. I noticed this when my daughter attended frequently with my ex-husband. She was beginning to get strange ideas. Thankfully, I was able to get in my divorce decree that she will not be baptized. I attend a Christian Church with her when I am able to. This is awesome because she learns to have faith in Christ, not in some man who thinks he is closer to God than everyone else ("Follow the Prophet").

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Posted by: amyslittlesister ( )
Date: April 27, 2015 01:08PM

I had it whispered in my ear every Fast Sunday. I was so cute. I could have been reciting Eensy Weensy Spider for all I knew.

And, it didn't take. Nor did it take for three of our parents' four children. The sibling who stayed TBM has had three of her four children call it quits as well. The brainwashing doesn't work very well.

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Posted by: AmIDarkNow? ( )
Date: April 27, 2015 01:08PM

Adults teaching, singing and testifying the LDS church as the only "true" church on earth and we wonder why little children would emulate that behavior.

Nothing legitimizes religious delusion better than mom, dad, brothers, sisters grandpa and grandma all together involved in and pushing the agenda of the church 24/7.

My advice. Stop taking the child. End the input.
If you don't the child may very well begin to look at your actions at home as "lesser than" decisions and will lean towards church orientated and dedicated testimony givers.

You will end up the mom that chose poorly and the child's mind will belong to the church for life including any posterity.

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