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Posted by: fischmama4 ( )
Date: November 08, 2015 08:48PM

Hello all! I've been lurking on this board off and on for a few years but officially registered today. I left the Mormon church in 2007 and am the daughter of an gay man who lived a closeted life as a faithful Mormon for many years. He was married to my mom in the Temple and as many other stories go their marriage fell apart when he realized that no amount of praying and Church service could make the the gay go away.

I also have two younger brothers who are gay, one still lives as an inactive Mormon hoping the church will one day change it's policy on homosexuality and he can return to active service in a church that he still loves. My other brother left the church a few years ago and is an activist in the LGBT community. The announcement from the Church this weekend shook me to the core. I never submitted my resignation to the Church because I never saw the point but I will be doing so this week. I do not want my name tied any longer to an institution of such hate and vile!

I've been outspoken on Facebook since I got the announcement but decided tonight to put my thoughts to paper so to speak and wrote out my feelings on my blog. It posts to my Facebook page where I am still friends with quite a few TBM so it may get interesting in my life over the next few days. But I just don't care anymore! I'm done being polite dammit! The bear has been unleashed....

I hope to be an active voice on the boards from now on and look forward to taking on the Mormon church head on, for all the children!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2015 09:38PM by Susan I/S.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: November 08, 2015 08:50PM

Right on, Kari!

I bet you're going to love being a strong voice in a growing choir!

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Posted by: fischmama4 ( )
Date: November 08, 2015 09:08PM

I think I will! I've said for years it feels better on this side but I think it's just going to get even better!

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: November 08, 2015 09:20PM

Welcome, Kari! So glad that you came out of lurkdom. We're glad to have you.

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Posted by: fischmama4 ( )
Date: November 08, 2015 09:32PM

Thanks summer!

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Posted by: ellenl ( )
Date: November 08, 2015 09:47PM

Welcome, Kari!

Thanks for letting us read your heartfelt blog post. It's very well-written and spot-on.

It's clear you understand the true meaning of Families are Forever. I'm glad you are blessed with such a family!

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Posted by: Greyfort ( )
Date: November 08, 2015 09:50PM

Right on, Kari. Welcome.

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Posted by: honest1 ( )
Date: November 08, 2015 10:12PM

Way to go. And yes, for the children. For all of us I think our heart aches for the kids. Best wishes for your future...sure to be a bright one now.

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Posted by: unworthy ( )
Date: November 08, 2015 11:29PM

Welcome,, more views the better,,

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: November 09, 2015 02:58AM

I am the ex-wife of a gay man. My story is all over this board. I have 2 children, boy/girl twins. They will be 30 in 2 weeks. I don't know why, but this is a nightmare to me. My daughter is TBM. I just woke up from a restless sleep and I still can't believe this is real. Even if I no longer believe, this is unbelievable to me.

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Posted by: Ex-Sis ( )
Date: November 09, 2015 03:50AM


You are valuable for who you are. Old hateful men are showing the world how psychotic Mormonism really is. It has nothing to do with family, or protecting families, or children. It divides and alienates families and causes depression and suicide in many cases.

Thank you for sharing your story. Minors need defending and protection from a corporation with Jesus in the title. Your voice will make a difference. Your unique perspective and experiences will help so many people, and hopefully cause a change of heart in those who need to understand that family is not defined by a proclamation.


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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: November 09, 2015 04:06AM

Hi Kari!

There's so many people like yourself coming forward because of this one announcement.

It has shaken me to the core, and I've been out of Mormonism for a good long time.

It's still personal, because this is about the children, and goes to the heart of the sanctity of the family.

The cult has just devised yet another way to divide and conquer at the expense of sanity and yes, godliness.

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Posted by: AfraidOfMormons ( )
Date: November 09, 2015 04:25AM

The Mormons are such sore losers, and when they lose (and they've been losing a lot, lately) they retaliate with hatred and vindictiveness.

They lost Proposition 8, lost to the point of humiliation! So, in retaliation, they do this? How can a group pretending to be "Christian" stoop so low?

My exMo friends think that TSCC is deliberately pushing the gays out of the cult. Monson and gang don't want to deal with them, at all.

Gays are usually two-income families, which means two tithings. As a group, they are normally sucessful, but how many gay CEO's, CFO's, billionaires, presidents, senators, congressmen are there? How many Mormon bigshots are there. TSCC doesn't need to recruit the gays. It can survive without their good opinion. It can survive with less tithing (TSCC's big profits come from real estate holdings, the cattle industry, banking,and big business.

Who does TSCC really want to impress? Who are they toadying up to? White, wealthy, businessmen, like all those bigots who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to support Prop 8. Read that list of names. By getting the vindictive last word in the argument, TSCC is winning the hearts of homophobes, everywhere.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: November 09, 2015 04:56AM

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Posted by: shannon ( )
Date: November 09, 2015 07:15AM

Welcome fischmama4! Your post brought tears to my eyes.


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Posted by: fischmama4 ( )
Date: November 09, 2015 08:25AM

Thank you all! It's good to be here and finally feel like I have a place where people will understand me. I slept better last night that I have in days, showing me that I'm doing exactly what I need to do to move forward in my life.

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Posted by: blueorchid ( )
Date: November 09, 2015 09:31AM

Thank you for the post Kari. Your words matter a lot because you put a "face" on what just happened--which was an impersonal bigoted business decision that ignores the humanity of that church's members and their love for each other.

I don't think the Big 15 see the members as anything other than charts and graphs, and, well, their fans.

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