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Posted by: Doxi ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 11:50AM

Women will NEVER get the priesthood in the Mormon church like African-American (males) did because the reasons for denial are different.

Ostensibly, black people were "cursed"... Well, the ban became inconvenient so budda-boom, budda-bing, the curse got lifted at a real convenient time. Women, on the other hand, are told that they are already so holyholy or speerchul or some such bilge that they "don't need it". Plus, of course, there are SO many Mollies who smile in such a sweet, submissive way and say, ohh, noooo, that's for the menfolks, I just stay home and make the donuts and cookies for them.

Gotta have SOMEBODY to lord it over, see... part of being a good ole boys' club.

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Posted by: GayLayAle ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 11:52AM

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Posted by: onendagus ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 12:04PM

I'm willing to bet the house women will get the priesthood. JS laid the precedence and all but did it in his lifetime.

I'm pretty confident that at some future date when the pressure is on, they will rummage around in the archives and say: "hey look what we jus found? Women can be ordained, problem solved!"

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Posted by: Doxi ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 12:27PM

I hope you're right and I'm wrong.

NOT that I really give a $Π¡ŧ about what the Morg does... I just hate unfair things that designate and denigrate people as inferior!

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Posted by: Ex-CultMember ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 12:25PM

The LDS church has evolved and changed SOOOOOOO much since the time of Joseph Smith that I don't put ANYTHING past these guys. The GA's are managers of a corporation trying to grow the business. They're not theologians or inspired prophets of God. The LDS church will change just about ANYTHING as long as there is enough negative publicity (i.e. blacks & priesthood) or threat to revenues (i.e. polygamy). They evolve with the times and will do what is necessary for survival.

I don't see women getting the priesthood anytime soon because its really not an issue yet. The Bible is rife with patriarchy and the rest of society doesn't really seem to care at this point whether Mormons deny women the priesthood. When this DOES become an issue, I see the LDS leaders being stubborn for a few years and then eventually caving.

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Posted by: deb ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 12:32PM

a gal who was nvestigating @ the same time i was did question women having roles of power in church(priesthood). IT was during the sunday school lesson and priesthood was the subject, that day. It seemed as once she asked, it was answered, a missionary answered s'thing to the effect that they are there all of the time(anytime) for the members, etc. and then the older gentleman answered as if he was coaxing women stating he knows he would not be able to handle what a woman does or goes through. i.e. childbirth, etc. So she got answered very quickly. You couldn't tell whether the males were muffed or not b/c if so, they didn't show it.

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Posted by: ontheDownLow ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 01:04PM

Its interesting when you bring up the curse of cain and then when you read the 2nd article of faith and see a major contradiction in belief. Men are accountible for their own sins, yet God punished Cain's offspring (in the millions of souls) for killing Abel...Oh yes, this makes a hell of a lot of sense, NOT!

Oh wait, I am mistaken, those offspring from Cain were less valiant in the war in heaven. How the hell does that happen? I mean did they not pick up a rifle and fire? Where they complaining about having to march? How the heaven can you be less valiant in a spiritual war and why does that have any effect on your test in coming to this earth???? It sounds like the philosophies of men mingled with illogical ancient writings.

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Posted by: ExMormonRon ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 01:31PM

Why the hell would any woman want to go to all the meetings that the penishood holders have to go to? I was in bishoprics and on the high council and my Sundays began at 5 AM and went on until 10PM. Fuck that.

Careful what you wish for. I'd rather be home making donuts.

Just sayin'...


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Posted by: Lost Mystic ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 01:34PM

You know what? I hope nobody takes offense to this....

I would have traded the "priesthood" or any other blessings that males get in the church, to have at least the opportunity for more intense and potential multiple orgasms. Women seem to win in that aspect over men. I have orgasm envy...

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Posted by: GayLayAle ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 01:35PM

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Posted by: Gullible's Travel's ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 02:44PM

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Posted by: imaworkinonit ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 03:11PM

. . . the MEN don't have any magic priesthood, either. They just have the social expectation to act as if they do, and to boss people around because of it.

The bossing-other-people-around part is the only real power they have, and they only have THAT because people GIVE it to them.

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Posted by: imalive ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 07:00PM

Actually, according to D. Michael Quinn, women did get the Priesthood in 1843 along with the endowment.

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Posted by: Misfit ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 07:40PM

At the beginning of the endowment, it is stated that you have been washed and anointed "to become kings and queens, priests and priestesses, to the most high god..."

...who, of course, is a male.

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Posted by: helemon ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 08:45PM

And they have just as much power as men to call on God for help, which is all the priesthood does. Women can join in when a father is giving a blessing to their child to get better or a blessing of comfort. The main difference is they are not called to the bishopric, or higher positions with the exception of the church RS presidency. Still I am sure many wives of the leaders of the church have had considerable influence on the leadership, teaching, and actions of the men they are married to.

The main barrier I see is the appearance of evil and fear of temptation by having women serve in positions of authority with men. Members are told never to be alone with a member of the opposite sex that is not your spouse.

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Posted by: snb ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 07:17PM

The Mormon church has changed drastically in the past. It will change drastically in the future.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 07:50PM

...those old vultures bring polygamy back.

That we they can still deny women full rights. Any woman prophet that tries to take it away again would have to give her "keys" back as well.


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Posted by: What is Wanted ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 07:47PM

He gave it to the Blacks as well.

Women in Joe's day gave blessings and the relief society was the female organization of the priesthood.

That is why women wear "Priesthood robes and apron" which symbolizes the priesthood they hold. Lets not forget only Priests did ceremonies in the temple from solomon till Jesus because they held the priesthood. Now if this is the restored gospel and women are doing ancient ordinances in the temple then they hold the priesthood.

The thing is the leaders forgot to eliminate evidence of womens priesthood and so excommunicate any women who discover the priesthood was actually given to them.

Ugh....this is like talking about the Lord of the Rings with

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Posted by: yours_truly ( )
Date: April 21, 2011 08:29PM

Women are conferior.

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