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Posted by: paintinginthewin ( )
Date: April 06, 2017 08:15PM

He spent years investigating for Mufon then unlisted it from his web page when he got a promotion. ; )

My super wise & employed successful cousin, says humans made up religion but kept meeting aliens they mistook for god because they had superior tech /magical level so mistakenly attributed them as THE god.

Now I don't know if my cousins aliens had their own God or reference god or believed in god but I do k now, he said to me at a funeral people thought the aliens were god and made up stuff called religion from that.

Could it be! He got everyone of his siblings out of their catholicity, one is quite nervous so it might have been ill advised I don't know. Mixed Mormon catholic families are interesting.

What do you think?

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Posted by: paintinginthewin ( )
Date: April 06, 2017 08:21PM

Agree. Plus if e re there were proof it's neither polite nor politic to stampede human populations it's not humanitarian.

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Posted by: Itzpapalotl ( )
Date: April 06, 2017 08:29PM

Yeah, aliens they saw after probably ingesting psychotropics.

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Posted by: Itzpapalotl ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 09:49AM

So can a whole buttload of psychotropics like blue morning glory seed and San Pedro spines. I've of the mind that religion got its start when our ancestors ingested pyschoytropics and "saw god" or whatever.

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Posted by: anonuk ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 07:24AM

the film prometheus uses this concept which was discussed by the promoters when the film was released.

Zecariah Sitchin adopted this idea after reading the sumerian account of gilgamesh, which does talk of a calamitous flood and alien overlords (from planet x, or 'nibiru' allegedly) meddling with earthling DNA and going to war with each other. Probably the most well known book taking this concept is chariot of the gods by eric von daniken who, I believe, used sitchin's work.

It is a plausible theory, plus, when we consider religion's view that god created the earth, this implies he is indeed an alien as he is 'not of this world' which is the textbook definition of an extra-terrestrial being, also known as 'alien'.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 09:25AM

anonuk Wrote:
> Zecariah Sitchin adopted this idea after reading
> the sumerian account of gilgamesh, which does talk
> of a calamitous flood and alien overlords (from
> planet x, or 'nibiru' allegedly) meddling with
> earthling DNA and going to war with each other.

Well, now, let's be clear:
The Sumerian account of Gilgamesh does not mention 'alien overlords.' Not once. And not from any planet, none of which it names.
Sitchin 'interpreted' all of that, meaning he made it all up.

> It is a plausible theory, plus, when we consider
> religion's view that god created the earth, this
> implies he is indeed an alien as he is 'not of
> this world' which is the textbook definition of an
> extra-terrestrial being, also known as 'alien'.

It's actually not a 'theory' at all. It's an hypothesis. And one without any supporting evidence of any kind -- making it very much IM-plausible, not plausible.

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Posted by: anonuk ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 12:41PM

don't you have anything nice to say? always barging in with 'corrections' instead of contributing something worthwhile, like the other poster who replied to my post.

The 'alien overlords' term I used that you wished to 'correct' are a matter of interpretation of the term 'annunaki' which, I believe, means something along the lines of others from another planet. I have not read the entire epic myself, only translations of some parts of it.

Please, if you only want to show off how 'clever' you are by showing how 'wrong' I got something - purely because you checked wikipaedia - so you can pretend that this is yet another subject you are an authority on (like maths, physics, quantum physics, photography including astronomical photography, tutoring disadvantaged kids, etc), leave it for someone else, not me.

I care not one iota what you think about anything.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 01:07PM

anonuk Wrote:
> don't you have anything nice to say? always
> barging in with 'corrections' instead of
> contributing something worthwhile, like the other
> poster who replied to my post.

Don't you have anything to do besides complain about me?

> The 'alien overlords' term I used that you wished
> to 'correct' are a matter of interpretation of the
> term 'annunaki' which, I believe, means something
> along the lines of others from another planet. I
> have not read the entire epic myself, only
> translations of some parts of it.

What you 'believe' is irrelevant -- that's not what the term means at all. Of course, you *could* have found out what the term means before posting (, but that's not your style, is it?

> Please, if you only want to show off how 'clever'
> you are by showing how 'wrong' I got something -
> purely because you checked wikipaedia - so you can
> pretend that this is yet another subject you are
> an authority on (like maths, physics, quantum
> physics, photography including astronomical
> photography, tutoring disadvantaged kids, etc),
> leave it for someone else, not me.

I like facts. You don't seem to. As I've mentioned probably a dozen times now, if you don't want me commenting on your BS, don't post BS.

> I care not one iota what you think about anything.

Then why this post? You actions belie your statement.

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Posted by: anonuk ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 03:04PM


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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 04:21PM

anonuk Wrote:
> facepalm

That's a good start...

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 04:35PM

I thought a correction was "something nice to say". I tend to ignore these threads, judging them too preposterous to be worth the trouble. I'm the one who is being rude. Hie at least tries to clean up the intellectual spill on aisle six.

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Posted by: yetagain ( )
Date: April 08, 2017 09:00PM

Very Active and Compassionate Activity on the Recovery Board - 2017

I still plead bull shit....

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Posted by: Redneck Wonderland ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 09:46AM

anonuk Wrote:
> the film prometheus uses this concept which was
> discussed by the promoters when the film was
> released.
> Zecariah Sitchin adopted this idea after reading
> the sumerian account of gilgamesh, which does talk
> of a calamitous flood and alien overlords (from
> planet x, or 'nibiru' allegedly) meddling with
> earthling DNA and going to war with each other.
> Probably the most well known book taking this
> concept is chariot of the gods by eric von daniken
> who, I believe, used sitchin's work.
> It is a plausible theory, plus, when we consider
> religion's view that god created the earth, this
> implies he is indeed an alien as he is 'not of
> this world' which is the textbook definition of an
> extra-terrestrial being, also known as 'alien'.

Here is an interpretation in part of Stitchin, interpreting the Sumerian Texts.

Halexandria is a Synthesis of new physics, sacred geometry, ancient and modern history, multiple universes & realities, consciousness, the Ha Qabala and ORME, extraterrestrials, corporate rule and politics, law, order and entropy, trial by jury, astronomy, monetary policy, scientific anomalies, religion and spirituality, and a whole host of other subjects ranging from astrology and astrophysics to superstrings and sonoluminesence to biblical and geologic histories to numerology, the Tarot, and creating your own reality. 

The Bible relation to Sitchin, Sumarian is at

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Posted by: anonuk ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 12:43PM

interesting link, thanks, I shall check that out when I have more time.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 04:47PM

I've read Gilgamesh a few times. If I recall correctly, it has little to say about DNA.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 09:27AM

PHD = license to pontificate stupidly ?

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Posted by: nevermo chris ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 09:49AM

PHD= Piled Higher and Deeper

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Posted by: Shinehahbeam ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 12:09PM

There are many books on this topic. Someone we were teaching on my mission showed me one, but I don't remember what it was called. It basically assumed that all of the Bible stories are true, and offered alien-technology explanations intead of power-of-god explanations. A better explanation, I think, is that they're just gods or aliens needed.

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Posted by: anonuk ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 01:00PM

The mahabarata details epic battles with flying machines which some sanskrit scholars interpret as alien invaders being engaged in dogfights with the inhabitants of the indus valley.

Of course, since there is no absolute proof of these events actually happening, it is considered by most western scholars as just a story. However, that same establishment of so-called scholars thought the stories by Homer and Ovid about Troy were all made up until Troy was actually found around a century ago; the indus valley civilisation was far older than Troy.

Absence of evidence does not always equal evidence of absence. Sometimes it is better to keep our minds open to possibilities, no matter how improbable some consider them to be. The truth of the matter is that no one knows for sure since new discoveries are made from time to time, and these regularly change contemporary scholarly thought.

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Posted by: Jonny the Smoke ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 01:43PM

"....but kept meeting aliens they mistook for god because they had superior tech /magical level..."

And that resulted in what? Stone tools, wooden wheels, big stone buildings?

How come aliens with superior intelligence and technology only showed the ancient humans technology that was already part of the time period?

Why didn't prehistoric homo sapiens have the wheel? Or was alien technology just barely ahead of human technology? Maybe they first appeared in a stone spaceship, then a wooden one, and finally a shiny metal saucer that makes nifty patterns in wheat fields!!!

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Posted by: anonuk ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 03:05PM

it's the prime directive, of course! (star trek joke)

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Posted by: brefots ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 10:44PM

Sounds like "new age" nonsense to me. To be honest I don't see new age nuttery as much of an improvement over religion. And it's pretty obvious that we humans are fully capable of inventing religions all on our own, no aliens required.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: April 07, 2017 11:22PM

The sun gives without asking. Show me a better god.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: April 08, 2017 02:23AM

I have to give my old religion some credit. Mormon God never probed my anus.

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Posted by: desertman ( )
Date: April 08, 2017 07:33PM

Based on Zeccharia Sitchin's writings and translations, whether or not you give them credence, I tend to give a certain amount of weight to this concept. No matter what, if God does not live on this planet he is by definition alien to it, therefore an alien.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2017 07:34PM by desertman.

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Posted by: cinda ( )
Date: April 08, 2017 09:10PM

And he loves watching "Ancient Aliens" on the History Channel, I would venture to guess.

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Posted by: battlebruise ( )
Date: April 09, 2017 09:14PM

In regards to the "creation" story, the ancient alien theory sounds more reasonable and plausible than the fantasy stories from the Bible. If there was anything that modern day religion would want to suppress, it would be that "god" was actually a person from another world. Can you imagine what that knowledge would do the the world's religions? That is worth my attention.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: April 10, 2017 12:28AM

Come to think of it, Elder Bednar could pass for a human-alien hybrid. Maybe I'm just assuming there are no "Men in black" at General Conference. I mean, how could you tell?

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Posted by: canary21 ( )
Date: April 10, 2017 12:42AM

I'm glad you made a thread about this.

Today while I was sitting in sacrament meeting, I was pondering this: Seeing that the Bible has archeological and historical evidence to support it, could it be possible our predecessors created the Bible as a work of cross cultural fiction? I don't mean any disrespect towards Jesus.

Your cousin's theory actually holds merit.

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