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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 29, 2018 09:53PM

I want to know exactly how this works since the 'no soliciting' sign doesn't stop sh#t as far as religious people. Another person banged on my door again like it was the fire brigade and that was the last straw. Only mormon's knock on doors like this to scare the sh#t out of people, no morals and no boundaries and no concern for others and i am tired of it. I got to put up a stronger sign. Legally i can put up a 'no trespassing' sign without going through the legal system, correct? And no trespassing covers everybody unless i invite them over, correct? And i can call the cops on them if they are violating the sign, right? I just want to heal right now from surgery in peace but nobody gives a f#ck, lets just annoy the sh#t out of me the whole time. And i am going to change my god d@mn phone number again. Get a sh#t load of calls a day and i can not take it. I will pay you people when i can for christ's sakes. Paid all my bills religiously for like 17 years and they can't give me a f#cking break. Anyways, just want to know if i can put up a no tresspassing sign on my door without going through the courts or anything. I am so f#cking annoyed right now. This is my punishment for any bad i have done in my life i swear. It is time i quit letting the people that just want to mess with me on this property. The badass is going to fight the cult stronger now that he is a little stronger as well. Not going to let them control me for 50 more years, f#ck that noise. Tired of feeling controlled just because they use the god card, f#ck that. God couldn't even heal the badass when it f#cking mattered. The doctors and specialists are doing what god never could. The fantasy is almost gone and the lies will be gone as well from my mind and my heart. Yes the badass has a heart. If i am struggling to be normal and free i know others will never get out of the cult and that pains me.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: January 29, 2018 10:03PM

Putting it on your door is problematical...

The notion of 'no trespassing' has to do with land. People on one side of your fence see the sign and are thus warned that they could be facing a penalty of some sort if they cross your fence.

But if you're within shouting distance, they can stand on the public side of the fence and call out to you.

Meaning, in my view, that they are allowed to walk up to your door, notice your sign, and recognize that they are not to enter your premises without your permission, but that's already the situation, since unlawful entry into a dwelling is breaking and entering, a statutory offense.

But they can knock, and be within the law, since they are not entering your dwelling.

I'd put a sign on your door with a specific message, something like, "Unless you have my personal invitation to visit me, DO NOT knock on my door or by any other means attempt to attract my attention. Failure to heed this warning is on you, fother mucker." (I'm a little shakey on how to end it....)

Then ask Cheryl to tell you the story about The Mormons and The Hose.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 03:12AM

I am going to make a 'do not knock sign unless invited'. I think that might work i have know clue, they don't care about boundaries for sh#t and it is time i f#cking teach them f#cking respect. That is all i ask just f#cking respect me. Do not knock on the door like the fire brigade unless you are the f#cking fire brigade and the house is f#cking burning down. I am so pissed today because i was f#cking resting and they knock on my door like the house is f#cking on fire. I don't want to see a person in a suit at my house ever again. I am serious, they are f#cked in the head, fight that f#cking brainwashing for christ's sakes. Sorry old dog but they have been pissing me off for a long time, if they really want to help me for real then help me get my f#cking tithing back so i can pay my bills. The tithing that didn't go to help the poor, yea thats what i want back. I don't care about the stupid handshakes. Just be honest with people about your god d@mn religion from the beginning and don't ruin people's lives with the milk before meat bullsh#t. This is all i ask of them, just be f#cking honest for once in your life and not snake people out of 12 percent of their income for your god d@mn corporation.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 07:44PM

Okay, well if that's how you feel, put it on your door, upside down!

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Posted by: Enuffisenuff ( )
Date: January 29, 2018 11:15PM

Spraying them with the hose works. I have used this method after reading it here. I started counting down from 5....and they scattered to their car. They won't stop showing up. They found me after I moved 7 different times. Removed my name and they still leave Mormon material at front door when I am gone. They still drive by the house. We are dealing with a cult that does not allow cult members to leave. I will be suing the bishop and home /visiting teachers that keep harassing me. They can't take no for an answer so they will pay me.

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Posted by: Enuffisenuff ( )
Date: January 29, 2018 11:22PM

It is a very easy lawsuit to win. Just document each and every act of harassment they commit. Have all your dates, and details. They are screwed as they are on my surveillance cameras and I am heard repeatedly telling them go away and leave me alone. Stop harassing me. When I showed my lawyer all the evidence I had, the surveillance videos, the detailed notes, the pictures I took of them parked in front of my house his response was "I knew Mormons we're weird but what a fucking cult they are."

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 03:17PM

Enuffisenuff Wrote:
> It is a very easy lawsuit to win. Just document
> each and every act of harassment they commit.
> Have all your dates, and details. They are
> screwed as they are on my surveillance cameras and
> I am heard repeatedly telling them go away and
> leave me alone. Stop harassing me. When I showed
> my lawyer all the evidence I had, the surveillance
> videos, the detailed notes, the pictures I took of
> them parked in front of my house his response was
> "I knew Mormons we're weird but what a fucking
> cult they are."

D@mn maybe suing will work. Maybe i need to step it up a notch with surveillance cameras. Sounds expensive to get surveillance but will be worth it in the end. I never actually installed cameras as an alarm technician otherwise i would put them up myself. Cameras started to get big after i left the industry. But d@mn i want to know if you actually win the lawsuit.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 03:25AM

Enuffisenuff Wrote:
> Spraying them with the hose works. I have used
> this method after reading it here. I started
> counting down from 5....and they scattered to
> their car. They won't stop showing up. They
> found me after I moved 7 different times. Removed
> my name and they still leave Mormon material at
> front door when I am gone. They still drive by
> the house. We are dealing with a cult that does
> not allow cult members to leave. I will be suing
> the bishop and home /visiting teachers that keep
> harassing me. They can't take no for an answer so
> they will pay me.

F#ck, you got the they never quit part right. What is their tactic just keep annoying the sh#t out of people until they give in? Can you even win a lawsuit? I definitely feel harrassed. I heard that the only way to change a mormon is to sue them and that may be right. I don't have a hose but maybe i will buy one, desperate times call for desperate measures and i know from the last few years that they will never quit no matter what you do. I am planning to move secretly, this is f#cking crazy, life should not be like this hiding from a treacherous cult all the time. You should not have to live in fear of an organization, it's f#cking bullsh#t. I am going to officially resign soon, i wanted to see how much of my tithing i could get back with them helping with rent but they made it a hassle and kept giving me bullsh#t to try not to help me. They don't want to help anybody, they just want to destroy and rape people out of money and that is it. I didn't think i would have to fight back to a next level but i think i have to. I think everybody that wants to be truly free of the cult has to fight back in a strong way or they will never quit.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 12:44AM

Try putting a Church of Satan sign and a pentagram on your door.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 03:29AM

Babyloncansuckit Wrote:
> Try putting a Church of Satan sign and a pentagram
> on your door.

F#ck some already think i am the devil. I don't think leaving a cult is a devilish act though. I feel like a better man now then i ever felt being active in that miserable organization. I can actually THINK haha. I am not as brain dead.

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Posted by: scmd ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 12:46AM

No. It will stop some but not everyone. Some fools think "no trespassing" means everyone but them.

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 12:52AM

You may have to be more specific than no trspassing. Add no representatives of the Mormon or any other church. This includes missionaries, home teachers, relief society teachers.bishops or any other officials.

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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 01:19AM

I believe a No Soliciting sign is the proper notification.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 03:31AM

slskipper Wrote:
> I believe a No Soliciting sign is the proper
> notification.

I have a no soliciting sign on my door already but it does not stop the mormons at all.

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Posted by: Journey ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 01:30AM

I put a "NO MORMONS" sign in my window, but it didn't work at all.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 03:32AM

Journey Wrote:
> I put a "NO MORMONS" sign in my window, but it
> didn't work at all.

Jesus christ that is not very hopeful if even that one didn't work.

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Posted by: catnip ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 01:45AM

Did you ever actually RESIGN?

It has been my experience that THAT little stunt works WONDERS.

One of my former VTs told me that even if I invited them (and why would I want to???) they could not set foot in my home. She is married into a branch of Mormon royalty, and is unbearably self-righteous. I ran into her at a polling place once, after I resigned. From the look on her face, you'd think she had run into the Adversary in female form.

I don't hear ANYTHING from the Mormon community, ever, except for once in a while when DH's HT's wife (whom I actually like and consider a friend) calls to invite me to lunch. We don't talk about religion. She is very well-educated and I enjoy her company. But that is altogether different from the barrages you are enduring.

DH is still nominally a Mormon, (though totally inactive) so HE gets HT visits, and occasionally (maybe a couple of times a year) he gets asked to feed the mishies. He takes them someplace to eat. We both get good pensions and can afford this. If I feel up to it, I join them. If not, no big deal.

By their own policies, after you resign, most of them are required to leave you alone. It's like they are afraid of exmo cooties or something. At least, that has been my experience.

If you send a resignation letter (I'm pretty sure there are links to sample letters on this website), be sure to specify NO CONTACT. There is no reason to list the million-and-one reasons why you are leaving the church; I don't think they read it anyway. Just follow the form letters.

Back this up by getting a new phone number and changing your mail to a P.O. Box address. Maybe put a sign up that says something like "No access without prior appointment." (And how can they make an appointment if they can't reach you by mail or phone?)

If anybody persists in pounding on your door, call the police on them. Word WILL get around. If the police ask, "Do you want to press charges?" I would be inclined to say "Yes," but I honestly don't know what that involves. If you have to hire an attorney to do it, maybe it isn't a good idea. But you DO have the right to be protected from unwarranted invasion.

Maybe somebody with legal knowledge can help on this. Do you have access to Legal Aid services in your area? They help people with limited financial resources.

I don't know if you can file a restraining order against any and all representatives of the Mormon Church, FORCING them to leave you alone. I filed one against my ex, years ago, and he was forced to leave me alone. (And of course, this costs money, but refer back to Legal Aid.) But it may be worth looking into.

Nobody deserves the kind of harassment you have been going through. It is malice, pure and simple.

Take care, guy, and HEAL!!

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 03:46AM

I have not officially resigned yet but i will soon. I wanted to see how much help i could get from the bishop to help with rent and get some of my money back before i cut the tie. I have a feeling the help will stop soon. Maybe getting help still is my downfall. So they keep knocking on my door relentlessly. Not sure if getting a few thousand grand back before i resigned was the best move. Probably would be less harrassed. I have never looked into Legal Aid but maybe i will. All i know is i am so tired of all of them and all their sh#t. I am not f#cking around anymore, i have got to take this sh#t seriously or they will keep thinking they can knock on my door super loud and walk all over me. I have been walked on by that organization and my family for way too f#cking long. I am sick of it, i really am. Their used to be scapegoat is becoming a real f#cking human being. And i will defend myself because i am a person and i have f#cking rights despite the cults efforts to make me think that i don't and make me feel like a non-human POS that can be walked on at any time because they have fake jesus on their side. No one should have to hide and live in fear of these guys for the rest of their lives.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 11:03AM

My fences and gates keep them out. I guess they will not go past a closed gate.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 01:06PM

If it's a mormon or someone associated with mormons, church people don't think signs apply to them. If mormons have helped you with something as small as a plate of cookies, they think this gives them the right to pound on a door anytime from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM and they don't care if you're sleeping, recovering from surgery or if you obviously have a houseful of guests. They assume what they want takes priority over everything.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 05:52PM

Cheryl Wrote:
> If it's a mormon or someone associated with
> mormons, church people don't think signs apply to
> them. If mormons have helped you with something as
> small as a plate of cookies, they think this gives
> them the right to pound on a door anytime from
> 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM and they don't care if you're
> sleeping, recovering from surgery or if you
> obviously have a houseful of guests. They assume
> what they want takes priority over everything.

Yep i think you are right, no sign on the planet will work to stop these people from pounding on my door. I have concluded this today in my mind, no sign will work but i might try with a more specific one.

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 02:24PM

Either don't answer the door or answer the door and tell them

not to come to your house again, that you aren't interested.

Let us know what works... just don't be afraid to say what you

want. NO body gets far in life hoping that someone will take a


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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 06:01PM

saucie Wrote:
> Either don't answer the door or answer the door
> and tell them
> not to come to your house again, that you aren't
> interested.
> Let us know what works... just don't be afraid to
> say what you
> want. NO body gets far in life hoping that someone
> will take a
> hint.

I have already tried these things saucie. I battled head to head with mormon missionaries and thought they would never come back only to see two different missionaries pounding on my door a few weeks later. They are f#cking crazy and don't listen to sh#t. Ignoring the knocking does not work either, they will continue to knock every few weeks. I am going to make a sign that says No Knocking unless invited first. F#ck it i am doing it.

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 07:56PM

you could call the bishop of that ward and tell him that if you keep getting missionaries knocking on your door after you've expressed to them that they are not welcome, you will call the police.

They are being a public nusance to you and probably others.

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Posted by: isthechurchtrue ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 02:30PM

@Badassadam1 You need to put up a Do Not Trespass sign for legal reasons. I put one up but I still got door to door salesmen knocking on my door. The advantage of having the sign is that you are legally protected. That way if you want to take action you can.

Technically they shouldnt be knocking on your door to begin with but what you can do is answer the door with a camera filming, Point to the sign and say No Trespassing! You are Trespassing! Dont ever come back or I will call the police. This is your only warning.

That way if they do come back then you will have plenty of evidence for a criminal trespassing charge and a harassment charge.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 06:04PM

isthechurchtrue Wrote:
> @Badassadam1 You need to put up a Do Not Trespass
> sign for legal reasons. I put one up but I still
> got door to door salesmen knocking on my door. The
> advantage of having the sign is that you are
> legally protected. That way if you want to take
> action you can.
> Technically they shouldnt be knocking on your door
> to begin with but what you can do is answer the
> door with a camera filming, Point to the sign and
> say No Trespassing! You are Trespassing! Dont ever
> come back or I will call the police. This is your
> only warning.
> That way if they do come back then you will have
> plenty of evidence for a criminal trespassing
> charge and a harassment charge.

Ok this is what i wanted to know. The legal stuff i can do.

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 03:11PM

Anyone remember? I have my doorbell turned off because my last dog had heart problems and he'd go crazy when the doorbell rang. I haven't turned it back on and it has been almost 3 years since he died. I don't always hear the pounding on my door. I ignore it unless it is someone I want to see. I don't get a whole lot of people coming to my house, but I do get some.

I hope you can find Susie's sign and then make a big copy of it.

And resigning doesn't work. Since I've lived here for 31 years, many people know me well and they still think maybe I've just fallen away, not that I DO NOT BELIEVE. So they still try the love bombing. I enjoy some of the treats, in fact almost all of the treats!!! But I don't answer the door and they just leave it. I always know who it is.

Anyway--DO NOT ANSWER. You don't have to answer. I know it is irritating. You have every right NOT TO ANSWER.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 05:33PM

Found it! :)


I am under no obligation to:
avoid all loud laughter,
evil speaking of the lords anointed
or any other impure or unholy practice

Enter at you own risk
Rachel, My New Name

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Posted by: janis ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 03:46PM

I noticed they always show up the last few days of the month. I put a green temple apron on my flag pole that's next to my front door the last week of the month. I did this for 3 months. I haven't seen any mormons for about 5 years.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 06:06PM

janis Wrote:
> I noticed they always show up the last few days of
> the month. I put a green temple apron on my flag
> pole that's next to my front door the last week of
> the month. I did this for 3 months. I haven't seen
> any mormons for about 5 years.

Haha nice. Never got one of those aprons thank god.

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Posted by: Fascinated in the Midwest ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 04:28PM

There used to be suggested wording for a door sign that was shared on this site a few years ago....something about avoiding loud laughter and signed, my new name in the Temple, Rachel (or whatever). It was said to have kept some missionaries away. If only I could find it now...

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Posted by: baura ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 05:24PM

Decades ago, when I was a door-to-door salesman our boss told us
that the people who put up "no soliciting" signs put them up
because they knew they were suckers who would fall for any sales
pitch. We were instructed to ignore "no soliciting" signs.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 06:07PM

baura Wrote:
> Decades ago, when I was a door-to-door salesman
> our boss told us
> that the people who put up "no soliciting" signs
> put them up
> because they knew they were suckers who would fall
> for any sales
> pitch. We were instructed to ignore "no
> soliciting" signs.

Good to know.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 05:40PM

In general terms, to win a lawsuit, plaintiff must suffer & Prove damages.

My primo example would be a couple pleasuring each other in a secluded place & visitors saw them After crossing a No Trespassing notice:

That might result in emotional distress.

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Posted by: Enuffisenuff ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 09:04PM

GNPE Wrote:
> In general terms, to win a lawsuit, plaintiff must
> suffer & Prove damages.
> My primo example would be a couple pleasuring each
> other in a secluded place & visitors saw them
> After crossing a No Trespassing notice:
> That might result in emotional distress.

I have moved 7 different times and each time the new bishop / ward members would seek me out and harass me by sending "visitors". Each and every time, I would tell them to leave me alone I don't want to be bothered...I was inactive for the last 20 years. They cult doesn't care what you wish. They violate it. I was forced to remove my name by their cult like harassment. It has reduced the phone calls and surprise visits. They still leave material at my door / driveway when I am not home. My lawyer says the emotional damage the cult has inflicted by constantly showing up and not taking no for an answer leaves them liable. My blood pressure is high stressed over their harassment I don't sleep well...have ulcers because of them. The Bishop is being served as are the visiting / home teachers because they would not leave me alone after repeated requests.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 31, 2018 01:02AM

It's giving me high stress and high anxiety as well. I can't even sit on my couch without thinking they may start pounding on my f#cking door at any second. I haven't felt comfortable at all living here. I may move where my counselor is going, Lewistown i think the name is, 5 percent mormons there. She said she saw no church buildings there. I am so jealous. I haven't had real peace in so long.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 31, 2018 11:54AM

Amyjo Wrote:
> Here's a smorgasbord of no trespassing signs.
> Take yer pick. Better yet, mix em up. Getting the
> message across is the goal to the lugheads.
> S644&biw=1366&bih=629&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=8wBxWv6kNIS
> yzwK5h7nQBA&q=funny+no+trespassing+signs&oq=funny+
> no&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i67k1j0l3j0i67k1l2j0l4.74775.7
> 9164.0.80971.
> 1c.1.64.psy-ab..29.8.368.0...123.Fhkso0FcpJk

Some of those signs are pretty brutal. Not sure i want to be that brutal but maybe i have to be.

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Posted by: isthechurchtrue ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 07:24PM

There is a joke sign that says
"Do NOT Disturb! Disturbed Enough Already!"

Maybe that will get the message across...

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Posted by: readwrite ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 09:25PM

That's a good one.

Private Property - No Trespassing

This is your legal. You don't need to ask anyone's permission to assert your rights.

I have also seen 'Trespassers will be shot - survivors will be shot again'

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Posted by: Mother Who Knows ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 10:48PM

If you are accepting help from the Mormon cult, then you have sold your soul to the devil. They will feel they have a right to harass you whenever they feel like it, because they own you.

Too high a price for a plate of cookies, or a bogus "priesthood blessing?" Your only alternative is to stop accepting any help or support, and to resign.

My kids and I weren't going to resign, because we were not subject to any so-called, made-up "authority". The Mormons had no power to tell us what to do. The Mormons did, however bang on our door late at night, and call, and accost us in our front yard, relentlessly. After we resigned, 90% of the stalking stopped. That's the only sure way. You have to end it.

We put up a "no soliciting" sign, but that didn't do any good. The Mormons just said, "We're not soliciting." I would say, "You want our tithing money." and shut the door. The sign gave me a quick and easy out, though.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 31, 2018 01:09AM

Mother Who Knows Wrote:
> If you are accepting help from the Mormon cult,
> then you have sold your soul to the devil. They
> will feel they have a right to harass you whenever
> they feel like it, because they own you.
> Too high a price for a plate of cookies, or a
> bogus "priesthood blessing?" Your only
> alternative is to stop accepting any help or
> support, and to resign.
> My kids and I weren't going to resign, because we
> were not subject to any so-called, made-up
> "authority". The Mormons had no power to tell us
> what to do. The Mormons did, however bang on our
> door late at night, and call, and accost us in our
> front yard, relentlessly. After we resigned, 90%
> of the stalking stopped. That's the only sure
> way. You have to end it.
> We put up a "no soliciting" sign, but that didn't
> do any good. The Mormons just said, "We're not
> soliciting." I would say, "You want our tithing
> money." and shut the door. The sign gave me a
> quick and easy out, though.

You are right, they have paid my rent twice but it definitely is not worth it in the end. They give me sh#t to try and find other help instead of them helping. I gave my tithing without harrassing their leaders for f#ck's sake. Why do i get harrassed for asking for help. They don't want to help one f#cking soul and it sickens me. If i could work right now i would cut the tie no problem and get that soul sucking leech off of my neck.

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Posted by: exminion ( )
Date: January 30, 2018 10:51PM

If the Mormon church is paying your rent, or giving you food, or other valuable help, then just put up with it. The cult wants its payback.

I'm sorry you are in this mess.

Get well, soon!

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: January 31, 2018 01:11AM

exminion Wrote:
> If the Mormon church is paying your rent, or
> giving you food, or other valuable help, then just
> put up with it. The cult wants its payback.
> I'm sorry you are in this mess.
> Get well, soon!

Not sure how long they will pay my rent. Once they stop i will resign which may be very soon i feel.

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Posted by: readwrite ( )
Date: January 31, 2018 11:40AM

What was your excuse a few months ago?

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: February 01, 2018 02:27AM

readwrite Wrote:
> What was your excuse a few months ago?

Before they were helping me? I didn't think i was strong enough to handle the backlash from certain people and get in arguments over resignation. I did not want to deal with the mormons basically that would be pissed at me for leaving. I know there will be tons of family that will turn against me even more than they have in the past. Everyone is strong in the cult except a few cousins on both sides of the family.

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Posted by: FNQ sparkymn79 ( )
Date: January 31, 2018 10:18AM

Hope the neck is getting better
But the intruders are more a pain in the neck
I guess you'll close this episode/nightmare chapter of your life by resigning and move on in many ways.
At least you're getting some benefit financially from having paid tithes when you could.
Hang in there as long as you can, milk the bas..rds, like they did you for all those years.
Sweet revenge.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: January 31, 2018 10:39AM

They might help, but it's necessary to openly stand up to mormons and it usually takes speaking out to them more than once to make them back off. Resigning also helps but doesn't always eliminate unwanted contact which sometimes requires a follow-up letter to the bish or a few verbal objections to random mormon visitors.

I think it's fine to ask mormons for monetary or other kinds of help even though this makes it harder for them to understand that you want to cut off contact when they cut off aide.

Good luck. I hope you can find a good solution.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: January 31, 2018 11:31AM


But what you do after that might.


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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: January 31, 2018 01:27PM

"I just had surgery and am unable to come to the door and probabl sleeping. Please do not disturb."

Maybe that will work.

I also got help from the church. I've talked about it. The reason I felt I could ask is because they had been helping my brother's MIL who hadn't been to church since she was a child, was an alcoholic, and was in jail for beating up her boyfriend. The other person I knew getting help from the church was my husband's boyfriend at the time and it just so happened to be the bishop who had told me to marry him who was helping his boyfriend out with rent and food and this guy wasn't even mormon.

It all depends on the bishop. It seems to me that oftentimes they help those they think are missionary projects.

You have just had major surgery. If you have to close the blinds or curtains, do so, but put up a note about your surgery and tell them not to disturb you.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: February 01, 2018 10:49AM

One of my original attempts to keep the LDSaway was going to place a sign on the front door saying "Mormons Use Other Door".

The funny thing would be watching them walk to the other door where another side would be awaiting them saying "Mormons Use Other Door".

Then watching their reaction!

"Mormons NOT WELCOME" might do it.

Along those lines... (you get my drift; especially if you're a boat).


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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: February 01, 2018 12:52PM

moremany Wrote:
> One of my original attempts to keep the LDSaway
> was going to place a sign on the front door saying
> "Mormons Use Other Door".
> The funny thing would be watching them walk to the
> other door where another side would be awaiting
> them saying "Mormons Use Other Door".
> Then watching their reaction!
> "Mormons NOT WELCOME" might do it.
> Along those lines... (you get my drift; especially
> if you're a boat).
> M@t

Haha that's awesome.

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Posted by: Dumle ( )
Date: February 01, 2018 12:15PM

If you enter our property without our permission you agree to pay a fee of $100.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: February 01, 2018 12:20PM

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: February 01, 2018 01:28PM

Dumle Wrote:
> If you enter our property without our permission
> you agree to pay a fee of $100.

Well i don't know they pay tithing and fast offerings without questioning where it goes so maybe they would pay it. Just say the 100 dollars goes to help the lord's kingdom(apostle's salary).

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: February 01, 2018 02:03PM

I'd have to say that idle threats sometimes work and don't bother me if they're directed at harassing adult mormons.

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Posted by: readwrite ( )
Date: February 01, 2018 03:21PM

No cult preaching here!
Unless you're ready to learn.
We know it all already.

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