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Posted by: 2yearsleftinlds ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 10:40PM

I am starting to lose faith in this church. I'm almost 16 years old and am being forced to go to the young women's girls camp which is being held in some rinkadink campsite with cabins built in the sixties (some having large holes in the roof).I have two close friends going with me,so it won't be completely miserable. Today in church we had a camp meeting. I was annoyed by a lot of it as usual but the thing that ticked me off was the dress code. Or more specifically the pajama and day wear parts. For sleepwear in a hot, not air conditioned ghetto cabin you aren't allowed to wear shorts because "they displease heavenly father". I thought that was stupid because the church has never officially stated that we can't wear shorts to bed. But for day wear we can't wear short shorts, tank tops, crop tops, or even leggings. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm going to be packing a butt load of short shorts. Anyway, just thought I'd share with people who don't think God gets a boner everytime he sees short shorts.

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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 11:54PM

When my mother was a YW leader (early sixties), at Girls' Camp one year the girls wore the following for swimwear: bras and panties (no one had told them to bring swim suits). And my mom took home movies of it.

How times have changed. I guess those girls displeased God, and were probably secret sluts on the side. Oh wait- they probably grew up to be normal Mormon moms.

Ask the leaders how they know shorts displease heavenly Father. Did they talk to him? Where is the documentation? Can they arrange for you to ask him yourself?

It almost seems like there is no real God, just a bunch of people who want to control your sense of self by claiming they know God better than you...

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 11:54PM

10-4, friend;

the One consistent thing about LDS, Inc. is conformity thru control & indoctrination.

U can bail when out of parents home, we'll be here to support U...

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Posted by: olderelder ( )
Date: June 11, 2018 01:14AM

You should've asked them what the dress code was when they went to camp, then watched them lie that it was the same.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: June 11, 2018 06:07AM

When I was a "priest," I and two other upstanding young priesthood holders snuck up to girl's camp, arriving about 11:30 PM. My TBM girlfriend at the time (the bishop's daughter) was the one who suggested it.
She and two of her friends snuck out of their cabin just before midnight to meet us. We brought snacks and soft drinks (all WoW-worthy, of course).
The girls came out in their "jammies," which were t-shirts and shorts. There was levity and making out. There was touching of body parts both in and out of jammies. It was wonderful.

This was 1977...perhaps some of those girls, now being TBM-LDS mommies, remember their sneaky, fun ways and don't want their daughters having the same fun, and think it was all caused by the shorts? Which, of course, it wasn't...the girls' clothing was irrelevant, the same things would have happened if they'd been in full-length, full-covering flannels :)

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: June 11, 2018 11:29AM

The first 3 years of girl's camp was in a patch of sagebrush up by the girl's home in Mantua, Utah. No showers available. The tents we had were army tents and the sides rolled up during the day, so all the bugs could come on in.

My 4th year was at Camp Bartlett in Idaho. We felt like we were living in luxury!!! We still had tents, but there was a lake with canoes and we could buy candy in the office. I went 2 more years as a youth leader and loved every minute.

We were told not to wear shorts because of things like ticks, etc. I was a YW leader back in the late 1980s and they weren't allowed to even wear knee-length shorts to activities.

I have to admit that mutual, as it was then, was much more fun than it is these days.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: June 11, 2018 01:10PM





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Posted by: ziller ( )
Date: June 11, 2018 01:25PM

welp ~

OPie has ziller's full attention ~

IN ~ 4 links to pics ~

ETA: ~ just kidding because OPie age ~

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2018 01:28PM by ziller.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: June 11, 2018 02:50PM

Wander off as much as you can.
Wander on and on and on.
Wear what you can/ must.
When in the company of those you can't trust to be yourself with.

Vacations are nice. Even small ones. Longer ones are best. Soon you'll be out. FREE, at last! You've passed the test.

Soon, if not already, you'll be testing [quizzing] (others), if you want to, and testing yourself! Doing your own thing. Growing into yourself (and outta the 'church'). Building your dreams, philosophies, tree-houses and queendomes.

Can you layer? Wear something under-over something so switching is easier when you can escape to your own devices. That's how girls did it when I was a boy.

I wish I had dressed different/ better when I was a boy. I thought dressing was a toy. Something to play with, be fashionable in, explore. Boy was I right? Girl yes!

However, I was raised [LDS] in the country - and lowered in mormoni - and so had no standards to stand upon, and no good LDS girls to stand by, with, or for me, so I stood for, with, and by other girls, and boys, who could stand a confused and FORCED later day strain coming out to themself, and, the world at large.

I HAD TO do my own thing.
We all do, really.
You should too.
And, you will (are)!

Don't sell yourself short!
Soon you'll be a forever happy - socially, mentally, spiritually, physically, artistically... - former LDS, standing tall, having a ball. Not at the mall.

I hope you have a great time at camp. Make the best of it. Connect with other great fun friends and have folly in the forests, good in your food, and waves in the water. Find solitude. Creative pursuits.

Watch what you wear
Because they won't
Don't we wish!


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Posted by: Hedning ( )
Date: June 11, 2018 02:59PM

"Anyway, just thought I'd share with people who don't think God gets a boner everytime he sees short shorts." ---- I'm not so sure about that.

It's all about control. These people get off on controlling others.

You can off course take off your Pjs once in bed, if questioned threaten them with charges of inappropriate behavior if they demand to see what you are wearing.

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Posted by: want2bx ( )
Date: June 11, 2018 03:43PM

Several years ago when my daughter attended camp, the girls were told that they had to wear shorts and a t-shirt over their one piece swimsuit.

From what you've written, it sounds like you can wear shorts during the day? In my area,the girls can't wear shorts at all.

The church dress codes wouldn't bother me so much if they were the same for both girls and boys, but they're not. There's a double standard. Girls are told how to dress for every event so that they're "modest." There isn't usually a dress code for boys...except for white shirts on Sunday. I can't remember ever hearing a talk on modesty directed at boys.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2018 03:44PM by want2bx.

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Posted by: logan ( )
Date: June 11, 2018 04:22PM

want2bx Wrote:
> Several years ago when my daughter attended camp,
> the girls were told that they had to wear shorts
> and a t-shirt over their one piece swimsuit.
> From what you've written, it sounds like you can
> wear shorts during the day? In my area,the girls
> can't wear shorts at all.
> The church dress codes wouldn't bother me so much
> if they were the same for both girls and boys, but
> they're not. There's a double standard. Girls are
> told how to dress for every event so that they're
> "modest." There isn't usually a dress code for
> boys...except for white shirts on Sunday. I can't
> remember ever hearing a talk on modesty directed
> at boys.

I think speedos are banned if that makes you feel better. Short shorts are not a problem with boys and they dont have boobs that need to be covered, well some young men do.

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