Posted by:
SL Cabbie
Date: August 12, 2018 04:19PM was working as a treatment pro when his works were first being offered--including his PBS series--and we were all "eating it up."
"Cathected Shame" (i.e. "frozen) is at the root of an entire "family" (pun not intended, but I would be remiss in not acknowledging it) of psychological issues, personality types, and behavior patterns.
I've "done my own work" extensively on my own issues as part of my own recovery, and it is some of the hardest yet most rewarding "introspection" I've undertaken.
When I first came to RFM around 20 years ago, I posted about this subject, noting that the LDS Church was a "Typhoid Mary of Toxic Shame." Tevai is spot-on in the distinction between the two; in terms of what we "internalize" in our emotional make-up, guilt involves recognizing that one's actions were "wrong"; shame--which is suppressed below the level of consciousness and "acted out"--is "processed and mitigated" by "survival beliefs," and because these events happened when we were really young, instead of recognizing our actions as something separate from our being, we assimilate the shame with beliefs such as "I'm a P.O.S." (usually it's a variation of "I'm unloveable").
From a clinical standpoint, childhood shame is manifested as adult anger, rage, and control...
Sound familiar?
Here's a good YouTube of Bradshaw...,2143401Go slow with this stuff, and I strongly recommend you "do this work" with a caring and skilled therapist.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2018 04:21PM by SL Cabbie.