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Posted by: icanseethelight ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:29AM

...internal battle that was going on in the 12. They are ramping up the control. It is only going to get more fun to watch.

This also gave me a moment of great clarity. I have talked about this before, but Hinkley told everyone that the TSCC was bullshit. He said it in public, in his writings, to anyone who was listening.

In fact, In another two generations he will be credited with the initial cracking of the foundations thousands of TBM's.

Nelson and Oaks are just sliding the dynamite in the cracks and lighting a fuse. Satan is winning when someone calls you a mormon? LOL.

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Posted by: Darren Steers ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:37AM

I already have publicly given Hinckley credit for putting a huge crack in my testimony. His public interviews were good at cracking testimonies. So count me as 1 among the 1000's whose foundation was fatally cracked by Hinckley.

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Posted by: Wally Prince ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:45AM

But I cringed for and on behalf of the faithful TBMs when Hinckley did his "couplet" and "flecks of history" riffs. Part of me wondered whether Hinckley's obvious dishonesty and lack of faith was going to trigger a critical mass of Mormons into a crises of faith.

And then I stood all amazed when it just went right over the heads of the TBMs like an angry bird with diarrhea while they insisted on calling the white goop on their faces "manna from heaven."

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:52AM

Hink cracked my shelf, The Smiths and friends brought it down.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:38AM

It's interesting to see this. I wonder what other proclamations are going to come forward from Mr. Clean.

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Posted by: Wally Prince ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:38AM

Apparently, Monson was working for Satan. lol.

President Monson (October 2011 General Conference) recalling a personal experience in his conference sermon:

"Instantly there flashed through my mind the thought, 'Monson, you are not a Catholic; you are not a Jew; you are not a Protestant. YOU ARE A MORMON, so you just stand here!' I can assure you that I felt completely alone. Courageous and determined, yes—but alone.

"And then I heard the sweetest words I ever heard that chief petty officer utter. He looked in my direction and asked, “And just what do you guys call yourselves?” Until that very moment I had not realized that anyone was standing beside me or behind me on the drill ground. Almost in unison, each of us replied, “MORMONS!” It is difficult to describe the joy that filled my heart as I turned around and saw a handful of other sailors.


"As we marched away, I thought of the words of a rhyme I had learned in Primary years before:


Dare to stand alone.

Dare to have a purpose firm;

Dare to make it known."

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Posted by: angela ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:41AM

icanseethelight Wrote:
but Hinkley told
> everyone that the TSCC was bullshit. He said it in
> public, in his writings, to anyone who was
> listening.

Can you elaborate about Hinkley and his writings? I was out before he was prez. I did hear about his interview with Larry King, but that's it


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Posted by: icanseethelight ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:51AM

Off the top of my head and the most glaring, when asked the question “Are you a prophet?” He answered...

“The people sustain me as one.”

The second, which he said many times...

Paraphrasing - The church rises and falls on Jospeh Smith, he was either a prophet or the greatest fraud ever perpetuated on mankind...

It’s like looking at one of those pictures that can be a young girl or an old lady. Once you see the other picture, you realize what he was saying all those years.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:53AM


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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 11:01AM

angela Wrote:
> icanseethelight Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> but Hinkley told
> > everyone that the TSCC was bullshit. He said it
> in
> > public, in his writings, to anyone who was
> > listening.
> >
> Can you elaborate about Hinkley and his writings?
> I was out before he was prez. I did hear about his
> interview with Larry King, but that's it

Here is a nice start

"The Miracle Of Faith" Gordon BS Hinckley April 2001 LDS General Conference

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Posted by: valkyriequeen ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:41AM

Aha! The Book of Mormon IS Satanic! Wonder what Nelson and Oaks will declare that it's real, righteous name should be?

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 10:54AM

icanseethelight Wrote:
> ...internal battle that was going on in the 12.
> They are ramping up the control. It is only going
> to get more fun to watch.
> This also gave me a moment of great clarity. I
> have talked about this before, but Hinkley told
> everyone that the TSCC was bullshit. He said it in
> public, in his writings, to anyone who was
> listening.

you mean like this ????????????????????????

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: October 08, 2018 11:06AM

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