Lot's Wife Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ridiculous. > > Notice where they are meeting. Holland didn't > even get an interview in her office. He had to > accost her while she was waiting for the elevator.
No office meeting. The meeting was in the hallway.
If you read the article (maybe not worth the time), it avoids saying it was an elevator meeting but says several times how rushed she was and how she made a bit of time for him.
It brings to mind memories of Jeff Flake getting waylaid by protesters in the elevator at the Senate. Holland is a well-dressed irritant, nothing more.
Yes, the article says Holland was "with" May for 15 minutes in her office. It does not say he "met with" her for 15 minutes in her office.
My interpretation is that they had a tentative appointment in her office but she was busy, so he waited for 15 minutes in her antechamber. She then let him in for a standing chat, at which he handed over the big genealogy chart. If you look at her body language when receiving that thing, she looks preoccupied and eager to leave. She then said, "I gotta go" and he accompanied her to the elevator, where he gave her the book.
I doubt they shared 100 words in what looks like a meeting she never even wanted.
Bamboozled Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Looks like he didn't get to see her at No 10 but > was able to see her in an office at Westminster. > > What I love is May looks like she can't wait for > the photo op to be over. LOL.
Ha! Looked at the article and pictures. Holland has more chins than chinatown.
the pedigree looked a little big, I wouldn't gleefully hang that on my wall and I have lots of stuff all over my house (hoarder), though I guess it's a gift and she has to act nice in front of the camera.
Genealogy is so important to Mormons for some reason.
If anyone outside my family handed me geneology information I'd be likely to ask who gave permission for all the delving and poking around stuff that is not their business.
So......looking for a report of this in the Parliamentary bulletin, nothing. BBC's report Today in Parliament didn't mention this either. I do note however that Holland sat in the gallery for 'strangers' during Question Time and was guided towards the PM by a Mormon MP using his parliamentary privilege. The local primary school had a similar experience this year. I've no doubt Holland signed the visitors book, as did I a few years ago when I did my tour.
The only references to this amazing event I can find in an Internet search come from KSL, Deseret News, mormonnewsroom, and LDS Life. Apparently outside of Utah, it is of exactly zero significance.
I was kind of amazed at Kerr's comments. Nowhere did he say or even imply that Holland was privileged that May made time for and was willing to meet with him. The privilege was all hers, for having met an LDS apostle! Ummm, ok.
the presentation of an award to the Chief Squirrel Control Officer for North London and official photo showing May's receipt of a letter of congratulations from a girl's school in Manchester. Originally, the time was slotted for a promotional photo with a Dalek replica from Dr. Who, but the Dalek replica was damaged in transit, so Holland, previously on a diplomatically offered "waiting list" unexpectedly got worked in to fill the empty slot.
May looks absolutely thrilled! (Just kidding. She looks like she's trying to figure out who these people are and why any kind of meeting was schedule with them.)
It's hilarious that guys like Holland are chasing after fame and status through meet-and-greets with political establishment hacks like May. Does he think it will raise his status or the status of the Church in the eyes of the general public?
Can you imagine Jesus begging for an appointment to meet some corrupt politician and offering to give a free Jesus blessing as an inducement. "Pleeeaaase....I really want to see the Prime Minister! Pleeeaaase....tell her I have a free book and a blessing for her. I've been waiting for 3 hours! I'm Jesus fer Christ's sake! Why can't I just get 10 minutes in front of the elevator or something?"
LOL! Really, who are they fooling? Look at the body language! In one photo it looks like she is pointing towards the door! Whoever let those yokels into that office will be reprimanded, that's for sure. I'm sure the Utahans were searched, in case they were packing pistols.
Absolutely, my response would have been, "Who gave you permission to dig into my private family life?"
No one was sitting down, in any of the photos.
You Brits would know if this was a waiting room, or the PM's inner office. Looks like a waiting area to me.
How phony and presumptuous to have a Mormon photographer there, to capture the whole thing. It was like a set-up ambush. As Lot's Wife says, "He had to ACCOST her while she was waiting for the elevator."
I don't know why I think this is so funny. Thanks for the good laugh!
I really feel that it's rude to give religious scriptures as a gift to elected officials and leaders unless you are certain that the scriptures will be both meaningful and welcomed. Holland at least seemed to realize that it was a privilege for him to visit with the P.M. Kerr was being rather arrogant in stating that the good fortune was hers.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/2018 11:29AM by summer.
Looks like the Church is trying to suck-up to the Brits because they lost their tax exempt status on the Temple in England. Maybe “Tom, the AnointedOne’s” efforts have begun to pay off.
as they were parting, Theresa May said: "It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Netherlands. I will treasure this gynecology thing that you have given me for a long time."
He was doubly disturbed when, as he was waiting for the elevator, he overheard her tell an assistant to "take this thing down to recycling, unless you have some use for it."