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Posted by: Almostgone one ( )
Date: August 23, 2020 04:41PM

According to the internet archive his talk from October 1976 priesthood session was removed on July 19, 2020.

Another revision complete with no announcement or explanation. But they never explain anything anyway

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Posted by: Shinehah ( )
Date: August 23, 2020 05:53PM

What is to become of Boyd's famous talk? Will it be filed under:
1) I don't know that we teach that
2) He was only speaking as a man
3) Little factory talk? What little factory talk?

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Posted by: Greyfort ( )
Date: August 31, 2020 01:11AM

Shinehah Wrote:
> What is to become of Boyd's famous talk? Will it
> be filed under:
> 1) I don't know that we teach that
> 2) He was only speaking as a man
> Or
> 3) Little factory talk? What little factory talk?

All of the above, most-likely.

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Posted by: MormonMartinLuther ( )
Date: August 23, 2020 05:53PM

Talk about a prophet, seer, revelator's words standing at the last day, they can barely make it through a hot afternoon at this rate lol.

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Posted by: MormonMartinLuther ( )
Date: August 23, 2020 05:57PM

At the last day, their words will condemn them, their actions will condemn, yeah their gaslighting and alluding to powers greater than they possess will condemn them and thrust them down to hell to join Boyd K Packer in the pit of desolation while he remodels the environs for his soon to depart brethren in the Q15.

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Posted by: [|] ( )
Date: August 23, 2020 07:53PM

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: August 23, 2020 10:01PM

The first link, of the talk itself, is from the church YouTube conference channel. So I don't think they're trying to hide it.

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Posted by: thedesertrat1 ( )
Date: August 26, 2020 12:43PM

I notice that his entire talk is presented in a method known as "Voice Roll". This is where ther message is presented in a low volume monotone with a slow speed so that the listener is somewhat hypnotized.
It is the oposite approach to the fire and brimstone method and it subliminally attacks the deep internal response mechanism.
Properly used it is a powerful mind control tool.

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Posted by: ufotofu ( )
Date: August 23, 2020 07:56PM

Maybe it blue up

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: August 23, 2020 09:56PM

Another timely, turgid comment!

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Posted by: ufotofu ( )
Date: August 31, 2020 12:08AM

Thanks eod

I do what's hip
Using my lip-
I get a grip
Or let her slip-

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Posted by: Russell Mallard ( )
Date: August 23, 2020 10:49PM

Isn't this it?

I found the link on the page you linked to.

But it is interesting that there is no transcript, only a video.

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Posted by: Leaving ( )
Date: August 23, 2020 11:57PM

Click on the video and you get an error message.

"The Video Cloud video was not found."

I guess it got lost in the clouds.

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Posted by: Russell Mallard ( )
Date: August 27, 2020 04:16PM

Website technical malfunctions are very common. As someone who has cleaned up many such things, I can tell you that oversights, incompetence and laziness is extremely common and the cause of many things outsiders often attribute to other things. When you have hundreds of thousands of content assets, it's very easy to have some that do not display correctly, especially legacy assets.

Still, this would certainly be a convenient piece of content to disappear. Since it's available on YouTube from the church, it would seem like they're not trying to hide it.

Does anyone know if the pamphlet "To the Young Men Only" is no longer distributed? It was for many decades. I'm sure they still believe the ideas behind it.

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Posted by: Anziano Young ( )
Date: August 28, 2020 08:30AM

The Salt Lake Tribune reported in 2016 that the pamphlet was being discontinued.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: August 24, 2020 12:14AM

You can download the video (about 96 megabytes). It does indeed play after it is downloaded.

I do believe that the church makes their embarrassing talks/videos harder to be found. It's similar to the unsigned essays. The abhor worldly criticism of their past deeds.

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Posted by: Issues ( )
Date: August 24, 2020 01:35AM

The dude had issues- so hugely concerned about boys' private lives. Whatever he talked about in public, I am sure that he counseled youth on behind closed doors. Such a creep and an unqualified authority on human sexuality.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: August 24, 2020 01:37AM

Not a single one of them are experts on human sexuality. Becoming a GA requires monstrous views on gender and sex.

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Posted by: Issues ( )
Date: August 24, 2020 01:52AM

True, haha. Please let me rephrase - He was an unqualified SPEAKER on human sexuality.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: August 24, 2020 02:16AM


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Posted by: [|] ( )
Date: August 24, 2020 02:29AM

Not just unqualfied, but downright harmful.

Between Kimball's Miracle of Forgiveness, Packer's little factory and Petersen's suggestion to tie your hand to the bedpost*, a lot of guilt and sexual maladjustment was created.

(see #19).

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: August 24, 2020 02:58AM


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Posted by: Anziano Young ( )
Date: August 25, 2020 12:10PM

[|] Wrote:
> Between Kimball's Miracle of Forgiveness, Packer's
> little factory and Petersen's suggestion to tie
> your hand to the bedpost*, a lot of guilt and
> sexual maladjustment was created.


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Posted by: [|] ( )
Date: August 25, 2020 05:10PM

Given his claim to have never seen his wife naked, and his statement that sex was for procreation only, and his suggestion of tying hands to the bedpost, one has to wonder if Petersen wasn't secretly into gay bondage.

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: August 24, 2020 04:44PM

Why have Packer as an authority if he doesn't talk penises?

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Posted by: Void K. Packer ( )
Date: August 25, 2020 02:35AM

Haha cludgie wins best comment for me. Too bad I didn't know back in the day how pathetically neurotic and shamed Packer, Kimball and Petersen were. It would have spared me quite a bit of personal anguish in life.

[edit note] I was a live listener to the infamous little factory speech. It was piped into our stake center in El Paso. My recollection, probably corrupted by time, was no man in that priesthood session could look at any other. Therein was Void KKK Pecker's power.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2020 02:44AM by Void K. Packer.

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: August 25, 2020 04:32PM

Me, too! I was serving in Okinawa, and for some three or more conferences, they used an international telephone connection to pipe the conference into our building. I went to the priesthood session where I heard the talk. But years before that, I was at a special stake priesthood meeting for youth only, and the speaker actually kept saying things with the term "little factory" in it. We were crushed shoulder to shoulder in the movie theater at Edwards AFB, and had no way to escape.

The international telephone connection proved much too costly for the district, so after only three conferences, they stopped it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2020 06:32PM by cludgie.

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Posted by: Anziano Young ( )
Date: August 25, 2020 12:12PM

I'm more surprised to find out that General Conference used to have Friday sessions. How did I not know that?

Also, dear god--sitting through *another* day of droning heads? Shoot me now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2020 12:13PM by Anziano Young.

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: August 25, 2020 12:41PM

So...they rubbed it out?

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Posted by: stillrecovering ( )
Date: August 26, 2020 12:54AM

Gross. And very sad.

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Posted by: MormonMartinLuther ( )
Date: August 26, 2020 09:46PM

Was it removed because he wasn't talking as an apostle of the Lord or they realized he was speaking as a man with a little factory even littler than previously supposed?

I am so confused now.

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Posted by: Lowpriest ( )
Date: August 27, 2020 04:44PM

Seems like a natural act.

BKP was a little factory of hate.

It's about time his views were pulled.

The mormons should have tugged that content long ago.

It must have been hard for the Q12 and the 1P to let go of this object lesson in bad metaphors.

Well, it must have been a prophalactic measure to staunch the emmision of backward ideas.

Oh oh oh...

The little factory was the seminal talk that defined male sexual purity for a generation!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/2020 04:49PM by Lowpriest.

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Posted by: cinda ( )
Date: August 27, 2020 04:53PM

Nevermo here. I believe that when I first became aware of this talk, it was in written form and was no doubt a link on this site. Anyway, I do recall thinking that it was one the most amusing things I'd read in a long time. When he speaks of "fondling", I think I actually laughed aloud :)

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Posted by: thedesertrat1 ( )
Date: August 27, 2020 05:05PM

Boyd Packer had delusions of sitting in the big chair. In my opinion his big problem was he believed his own B.S. It would appear, that all other things considered, he was on a power trip and forever looking out for #1. It is sad because he could have done so much good.

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Posted by: MormonMartinLuther ( )
Date: August 27, 2020 09:07PM

If only it hadn't been all about his little factory.

Who knows he might have become an older Bednar.

Yes the guy was headed places,

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Posted by: AlmostGone one ( )
Date: August 30, 2020 11:59AM

I just checked the link again and the talk is now listed there again.

Maybe someone at HQ is reading here???

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: August 30, 2020 02:07PM

There is no text/transcript available to read while every other PH talk from that evening is mysteriously unaffected.

The video becomes "corrupted" when attempting to play the direct link.

I will leave it up to the reader to form h/her own conclusion to what the church is hiding.

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Posted by: Lowpriest ( )
Date: August 30, 2020 07:59PM

I am glad it finally got wacked.

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Posted by: ufotofu ( )
Date: August 31, 2020 12:12AM

Who was rubbing what? Rubber what? Rub her what? It's the rub.

I never got rubbed by a talk... though many robbed me. Took my time. Tried to rob my mind. I gave it the rub.

If it weren't for spell check I probably wouldn't know where the edit button was.

I'm going to rub this comment out.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2020 02:37PM by ufotofu.

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Posted by: MormonMartinLuther ( )
Date: September 03, 2020 07:26PM

and now a moment of silence for Boyds little factory talking

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