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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 23, 2021 10:54PM!!

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 23, 2021 11:35PM

    I would like to get some support regarding my complaint about having to pay taxes above 12.5% of my stated, what-they-can-prove-in-a-court-of-law-with-testimony-and-evidence income.

    Thank you.

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: September 27, 2021 03:00PM

I have the exact same problem. That shiftless A hole who cooks here is lazy and has lost all imagination when it comes to menu selection....gonna fire his ass,,,,of's me...hehe

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 27, 2021 05:02PM

That's easy, EOD. You just need to join the super-rich, who pay an average of 8% per annum--like the Former Guy, who paid zero in ten of the fifteen years from 2000.

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Posted by: Kentish ( )
Date: October 07, 2021 08:21PM

How about a complaint about the plethora of general knowledge questions being posed IMV to boost ratings to keep the current champion on the show. Not a scientific or technical question in the mix that might play to the strengths of others.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 12:24AM

I would like to complain about the food at my place of residence. The person who cooks the food acts like she is too tired to care about what is served on your average weeknight.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 12:37AM


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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 01:19AM

I know the feeling Summer. When Hub was always traveling there were many nights that I had cheese and crackers for dinner. Triscuit or whole grain Club with a nice cheese. Sometimes a little sliced ham and honey mustard. Add a piece of fruit and it is not a bad meal. You should see if you can get Schwans in your area. They have a lot of delivery options and good food. Now that I am having to cook for three I have to really COOK :(

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: September 27, 2021 03:01PM

I have the exact same problem. That shiftless A hole who cooks here is lazy and has lost all imagination when it comes to menu selection....gonna fire his ass,,,,of's me...hehe

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 02:43AM

I seem to think this thread is headed sideways.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 03:54AM

Take that to mean there is little interest. Nothing stopping you from writing them. Knock yourself out. Return and report.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 10:26AM

What complaint are you thinking of? Complain about what?

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 10:53AM

the complaint would be regarding the disproportionate number of Mormo & Utah related Clues on the program

I did this myself alone a couple of years ago and it seems to be reduced for a while but now board posters & myself have noticed it lately 'again'.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 01:12PM

Really? It has that much effect on you? How is that different than a mormon writing a show to complain about porn shoulders or something mormons don't approve of. And what would it accomplish? You getting satisfaction?

I guess some people are hung up on mormonism and can't let it go. Writing an editorial for a newspaper complaining about harmful mormon practices would be a better effort than complaining to a game show about having mormon related questions.

Also, mormonism is total Americana history, so why wouldn't it be included in the questions?

Oh well, carry on.

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 01:46PM

Roy G Biv Wrote:
> Also, mormonism is total Americana history, so why
> wouldn't it be included in the questions?

I thought of this the other day and forgot to come back and add that comment to my own thread about it. I can see that because it's a made-in-America religion it is of interest to an American or even North American audience.

In terms of noticing the disproportionate number of Mormon-based clues, I guess that's to be expected given the topic of this board and the experiences and interests of the posters. If I hadn't fallen in with Mormons I doubt I would even notice the number of Mormon clues.

It's funny to think of future contestants cramming on Mormon history and theology because of the chance that topic may arise during their game. Sometimes it's been a whole category, a few times just one clue in a broader topic. But with the Jeopardy game one clue can be highly significant with a win and $$$ perhaps depending on one answer.

By the way, I took the OP to be tongue-in-cheek. This is certainly not the most pressing of issues at the moment. :)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/24/2021 02:37PM by Nightingale.

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Posted by: Tyson Dunn ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 11:07AM

The J! archive includes the questions for shows going back to 1984.

It has a text-based search which you could use to justify your suspicions. That said, you have to account for the number of shows per year, variant terms (Mormon vs. Mormonism), etc.

A cursory review doesn't suggest to me that they have any more questions on Mormonism than any time in the past.

It is possible that you are experiencing confirmation bias where you notice the instances of a Mormon reference more than when it's not present. That's why I'd suggest a firm statistical study of the data before you move forward, rather than going by your gut impressions.


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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 12:04PM

You're the kind of person who runs around saying and doing things that make flying off the handle look bad!

If humanity relied on prudence, careful consideration, and simple thoughtfulness, we'd still be ... blah, blah, blah..., etc.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 01:28PM

Thanks, Tyson.

I can't say I care enough to research, but I think what I was wondering is if they had as many similar questions about other oddball religions like JWs and Scientology.

Some of the questions are tangential to Mormonism which would be hard to evaluate and query. Also, it would be hard to evaluate if they have put more emphasis on things about Utah over other states.

I do think we would have a bias on RfM. The reason we mention it here is because this site is the perfect place to discuss it.

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: September 26, 2021 12:29PM

I was going to say that I don't think they ever mention JWs. I could just be forgetting. I vaguely recall a category about Scientology a while back. I think they treat it more like history than religion when these topics are featured - just an impression.

I agree re the confirmation bias. That seems very likely the reason it stands out to (some of) us more than to the casual viewer, I'd guess.

And yeah, that's what I thought, that people here would be interested in anything Mormon-related.

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 12:18PM

A friend of my wife's is Jewish and works on 'Jeopardy', yet I don't think there is an overuse of Jewish/Israel clues.
As long as they keep putting in clues about WWII and old cars I'm good.

Oh, and I still want LeVar Burton as host; I just wish he'd calm down a bit and relax into the role. :-)

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 12:30PM

I will take Potent Potables :)

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: September 25, 2021 12:01AM

Name the type of starship propulsion system that Star Fleet used before the development of warp drive!

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 25, 2021 12:37AM

Squirrel exercise wheels. Everybody knows that!

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 12:28PM

Prudence, careful consideration, and simple thoughtfulness describe Ty but you have to add RESEARCH!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2021 12:56AM by Susan I/S.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 24, 2021 01:14PM

    Is there such a thing as DESEARCH?

    Cuz I swear I've seen it happen on this website.

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Posted by: logged out today ( )
Date: September 25, 2021 02:26AM

First World problem.

Can someone explain the big Jeopardy boner to me? I genuinely don't get it. It's just a f***ing game show.

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Posted by: Kentish ( )
Date: September 26, 2021 09:52AM

How many is disproportionate? Seems to me they are only once in a while and hardly disproportionate at all.

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: September 26, 2021 12:44PM

I'll take Cancel Me for $1000.00 Alex.

I want to cancel my thread on this topic and I won't mention it again.

I brought this topic up on another thread. I thought it was interesting that Jeopardy clues about Mormonism come up quite regularly now. My main point was that while they may have a category about religion or the Bible now and again they’re not usually specific to one branch of Christianity but lately they do seem to single out Mormonism. Kind of like mainstreaming it. If you hear about Moroni often enough he may seem normal, or something like that. As I said, I don’t see clues about Lutheranism or Presbyterianism popping up at least once a month as seems to be happening with Mormonism lately. It is idle speculation just for a laugh that there is perhaps some Mormon influence now, maybe because Ken Jennings, a former champion on the show, is involved as a producer.

It's just another aspect of Mormonism to mention here at RfM that some people may find noteworthy, others not so much.

What somewhat irks me in general about aggressively proselytizing religions (i.e. JWs, Mormons) is the old bait and switch. If you have to use techniques and obfuscation to snag converts then you're not being honest and that bugs the hell out of me.

I realize that the Mormon thing is likely far tougher on BICs than on most converts. It causes various types of pain for different reasons. They call interested folks investigators – the trick is to actually investigate. If you listen to the very one who has an ulterior motive to influence you to buy what they’re selling you can find yourself in the Mormon font in a New York minute.

I was the blithering idiot who succumbed without enough thought and subsequently followed the missionaries all the way to the Mormon temple awaiting enlightenment as I sat through a bizarre show in which Satan seemed to be the star. He sure had the most lines. And repetitious with it. Not to mention boring beyond belief. I actually felt bad for feeling bored, like I wasn’t being respectful or spiritual enough.

The most exciting moment was when a missionary and I were told off by a busybody matron for being in a side room after the session. The seats are not for sitting apparently. Your tithes don’t buy you a moment of reflection. You have to keep moving through. That sums up Mormonism to a T. Maybe pausing for a minute will lead to thinking and we can’t have that.

Of course the Jeopardy-Mormonism thing is a first world problem. But this is a board for discussing Mormonism. We gripe about a lot of things both in life and here at RfM that don’t rise anywhere near the level of the horrors regularly occurring in OtherLand. But you kind of go with what you’ve got. Red lights are irritating when I'm in a hurry. The ball game gets rained out and I'm irked because I was sure looking forward to that hot dog. Parking is so expensive and there's not enough of it. The farmers market doesn’t have the variety of apples I favour. My best friend’s husband is dying. If I had to grub for food or cross a desert or hide from bombs I guess I wouldn’t care what the hell was on TV. That’s life.

When it was mentioned that Mormonism is an American religion and that could account for its primacy on Jeopardy as the faith branch most highlighted, that made sense to me. That’s likely a reason it shows up as a clue once a month or so now. Nothing scurrilous. Just an American religion. Problem solved.

I’m sorry I mentioned it. I won’t bother next time.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2021 12:49PM by Nightingale.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: September 26, 2021 12:57PM

Don't apologize, Nighty. You are way too hard on yourself. I'm glad you brought it up because I had the same thoughts as you. I'm glad I had someone to discuss it with.

The game J! has millions of people watching to enjoy seeing if they know the answers too. It may be a first world problem, but as trivial as it seems, I'm glad to discuss my impressions of the host selection process.

There are several cultish religions that fit into history. I'm not fully convinced LDS influence doesn't have an impact. Not that it matters either way. I respect Tyson's view since he would know a lot more about the process than me. Still, the Mormon-related questions are going to stand out for us and it is always a laugh when no one has a clue about them.

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Posted by: logged out today ( )
Date: September 26, 2021 02:23PM

I wasn't remarking on the occasional Jeopardy post, and certainly didn't have you in mind. I was commenting on going so far as to feel the need to write in to complain about it.

It's like OP is demanding to talk to the manager of Jeopardy because he doesn't care for the Jeopardy menu – and trying to recruit a brigade of Jeopardy Karens.

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