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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: December 05, 2023 12:23AM

So glad to see this abusive Sex CULT being exposed in their hometown newspaper!

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Posted by: InCognito2 ( )
Date: December 05, 2023 10:49AM

If there's something to expose in the church the trib will do it

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: December 06, 2023 04:12AM

Nothing new. The Salt Lake Tribune has never been pro LDS. It’s always been a gentile paper.

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Posted by: lousyleper ( )
Date: December 05, 2023 12:16PM

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: December 05, 2023 12:48PM

I wish that I could say that I'm shocked, but this is what they expect~ victims will agree to be silenced for a pot of $$$.

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 05, 2023 10:37PM

Here is the faithful LDS response.

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Posted by: lousyleper ( )
Date: December 05, 2023 10:52PM

All she wanted was her 15 seconds of fame. She was reading from a script. It's only an opinion, she is entitled to it, regardless of how maddening it is.

Ms. Know it all, thinks parroting the party line is good for her because it shows the church is true apparently.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: December 05, 2023 11:32PM

"The church does not tolerate abuse of any kind..."

I don't even know what to do with that remark.

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: December 06, 2023 12:07AM

summer Wrote:
> "The church does not tolerate abuse of any
> kind..."

It really is "The church will not tolerate revealing abuse of any lind"

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: December 06, 2023 01:18AM

summer Wrote:
> "The church does not tolerate abuse of any
> kind..."
> I don't even know what to do with that remark.

It’s the ultimate gaslighting.
It’s like them saying they condemn all forms of racism, past, present and future, when their own scriptures they publish are the most racist verses ever to be confused with the Word of God.

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Posted by: Villager ( )
Date: January 22, 2024 07:03PM

Could she not actually say the words "sex abuse"? If she is going to use abbreviations (SA) she needs to use the term at least once when it is obviously going to be the subject of her entire rant. "SA" doesn't make the crime any less horrible.

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 06, 2023 08:44AM

From personal experience I can say that when I told a bishop about abuse the bishop sided with the abuser and not the victim. Yes, I also went to the police and the German boy scouts about it because the abuser was a high priest who was called as a Scoutmaster. The police and the German boyscouts thanked me for coming forward with the information where as the bishop told me to be quiet and not tell anymore in the ward and stake about it. Well I got my hands on the stake directory and I have emailed over 100 people about this man who has served 7 years in prison for doing bad things to children. The Scoutmaster had done bad things for over 20 years and I don't think that 7 years of prison has cured him. He got excommunicated and was not supposed to enter any LDS buildings. But November 2021 he attended an LDS branch which was not informed of that he got excommunicated for child abuse.

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Posted by: 3am ( )
Date: December 09, 2023 02:11PM

Subeam, please consider reporting this story at floodlit (I help maintain the database there of LDS sexual abuse cases worldwide):

You can also share your story anonymously:

List of anonymous abuse survivor stories:

Thank you for your courage in shining a light for so long on this problem.

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 06, 2023 09:17AM

But subeam you misunderstood the lds church they try to help they even have a course to help the victims.

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 06, 2023 09:25AM

Ofcourse I want to believe that me sending over 100 emails out has something to do with it.

But still no background checks are being done in Germany for people working with children and youth at the lds church. My concern is that the "healing from sexual abuse" might put the blame on the victim by forcing the victim to forgive his/her abuser because forgiveness is a commandment from God. I have not taken this "healing from sexual abuse" course from the lds church so I could be way off with my assumptions.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: December 06, 2023 09:57AM

Various podcasts continue to refer these cases as being "mishandled" by the church. I don't see it that way, but I suppose they are afraid of being confronted by the LDS law firms over libel and slander.

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 06, 2023 10:05AM

I have an LDS case number the case about the high priest who was a Scoutmaster and did bad stuff to children and youth.

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: December 06, 2023 11:35PM

Before I left the church years ago, I got a call out of the blue from an old childhood friend, who asked me if I’d ever been molested by our Mormon Scout Master growing up. I told him I hadn’t, but that I had witnessed some things going on with that scout troop the first time I stayed in a big tent at our scout master’s house, that convinced me scouting wasn’t for me.
He told me that he’d been raped by our scout Master starting about the same time and it went on for all four years he was in scouts until he got his Eagle Scout and got out.
Back when I was a kid the Mormon boys couldn’t drive until they earned Eagle Scout. No driving meant no dating and that was motivation enough for most boys to basically forced into it.
That happened to my Dad and he didn’t like it and I grew up on a horse ranch so I was driving at about 12. My Dad would throw me the keys at 3am and tell me, you’re driving and we’d go to the ocean fishing trip once a year. Fortunately he didn’t force me into scouting because not only did my friends get preyed upon by this pedophile for years, so did their older Brothers.
I was naive and had no idea all these Mormon kids were being raped around me. Come to find out it was 10in all who filed a massive lawsuit against the church.
When I found out about it I mentioned it on an internet forum I was a part of, New Order Mormons, NOM.
Immediately I got contacted by another Mormon I grew up with who was a lawyer with a vendetta against the abusive CULT we grew up in. He corroborated my story and sent me all kinds of information and links to lawsuits against the Cult by Mormon victims of our former Scout Master. It was a long list of victims.
My friend called me a day later and said,”What the hell did you write on the internet?”
I told him.
He said,”Holy Shit Dude! My Mom got a call from Kirton McConkie lawyers asking if I was intending on filing a lawsuit against the church and wanted all of my contact information! She told them she didn’t know if I intended on suing the church but that I had every right to do so!”
I gave him the name of the lawyer we grew up with and he put him in touch with a guy straight out of a John Grisham novel. Tim Kosnoff, badest MF’er in town and won a lot of lawsuits against the abusive CULT and the BSA.
The CULT flew a plane full of attorneys out here to go meet with all the Mormons who weee victimized by this serial pedophile and threatened friends of mine who were victims and threatened to bury them in legal bills if they participated.
My best friend was one of them. His own Dad was this guy’s Bishop, after the dude raped his two sons. When my best friend came forward and admitted what had happened to him to his parents, they threatened him with being disowned if he sued the church. They threatened to cut him out of their will because they didn’t want anybody to find out they let this monster rape their sons and did nothing to stop it. So they doubled down when the lawsuit hit.
Kosnoff subpoenaed me to testify and so I did, as a Mormon and a Scout Leader with two boys in scouts. I told him about the Scout Troop I was in, and that I had received proper training but when I tried to do what BSA trained us to do, Child Protective Training, it would get thwarted and turned into a rah, rah recruiting meeting for future missionaries. I told him how my friends had been threatened by McConkie Lawyers and threatened by their own parents with being disowned.
He told me he’s won a lot of lawsuits against the Catholic Church and the Mormon church and he noticed a real pattern.
Whenever a Catholic comes forward and admits they were abused by a Catholic Priest, their families always rally around them and turn on the church in defense of their loved ones.
But the opposite happens with Mormon families for some reason, they almost always turn on their own kids in defense of the church.

Nothing has changed.

Except my friends who participated in the lawsuit never have to worry about money again for the rest of their lives and the ones who didn’t are still poor working stiffs.

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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: December 08, 2023 10:03AM

Forced parciptaion in BSA and no driving until Eagle Scout?

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 07, 2023 10:07AM

schrodingerscat how long was the pedophile Scoutmaster? Why am I asking? In my case the pedophile of my former ward had calling with children and youth for over 20 years. Yes, over 20 years the power of discernment did not work. This man was called as Scoutmaster, another time calls as YM president, another time to be second counselor to the bishop. He was even a high priest.

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: December 07, 2023 11:29AM

4 years.
The Church is a magnet for known pedophiles who know their past pedophilia will get swept under the rug by convincing the powers that be they have repented and rehabilitated.

In the case of my friends they were blamed for the abuse.

I’ve seen it way too many times in the CULT for it to be coincidental.

Mormons are more interested in ‘Protecting the good name of the church’ than they are in being good citizens and protecting kids by holding pedophiles accountable and turning them in to the proper authorities. Fortunately lawyers like Kosnoff are making the CULT pay billions!

Fortunately I got my kids out before they fell prey to the known pedophiles in our ward when I left.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: December 07, 2023 12:07PM

When they are collecting tithing at church, they should ask:

Please select if your tithing dollars should be spent for:
-pay off victims
-pay for PR spins for church image
-pay for lawyers
-pay for investment managers

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: December 07, 2023 02:32PM

+Very nice

(in a Borat accent)

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Posted by: Villager ( )
Date: December 07, 2023 12:54PM

This is an awesome thing SLT did. This is why I continue to subscribe.

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: December 08, 2023 12:54AM

Pedophile know since 70’s get put in charge of my kids scout troop, for 13yrs and wrestling team at

When I resigned in 2001 in response to God being MIA on 9-11 I was the assistant Scout Master in the same Ward as David O’Connor, who had sons my kids age and in our troop.

When I resigned Dave O’Connor became my son’s Scout Master. My wife is still Mormon and thought it would be best if we kept our son in his scout troop, since all of his friends were in it.

I begrudgingly let her, not realizing I’d be forced to go to some Scout activity at the Ward I resigned from, see the Bishop I just told ai wanted no contact, and encounter missionaries I had just got done arguing with on my front porch about rampant sexual abuse in the church nobody was doing anything about except lying and covering it up.

This is all after many of my childhood friends had come forward with accusations of abuse by our Scout Master growing up. They filed a massive lawsuit against the church and won a huge settlement, thanks to Tim Kosnoff, warrior for children abused in churches and BSA.

I had told my Bishop about this major lawsuit and pointed out we were not following BSA training in conducting Child Protection training for kids and parents.
He didn’t want to do it. I brought it up over and over to the Bishop to the Scout Master, in every meeting and always got shut down.

I told him he was vulnerable and so was the church, because there was abuse going on in the same building in another ward in another scout troop our kids all went to scout camp together and camped in the same campground.


I called the other ward’s Bishop, where I knew about the abuse going on and the Bishop denied knowing anything about it. He lied about the fact it was going on. Then he punished the scouts who reported it to me, but not the scout who was raping a mentally handicapped kid on their troop. I was friends with his parents and their kids were friends with my kids. They told me that’s why they pulled their kid out of scouts.

I told Kosnoff that in my deposition in my childhood friend’s case.

He said,”Wait a minute, you’re telling me you were trained to do do child protection training and you’re not doing it why?”

I said, “Because my Bishop won’t let me and I’m not in charge of making those decisions.”

He said,”If something happens, you are putting yourself at risk.”

I believed him, since he won millions suing the Mormon Church on behalf of my friends who all had to sign an NDA.

I resigned.

That was 13 yrs before Dave O’Connor finally got arrested and charged with 13 counts of child abuse.

Thank goodness I got my son out when I did!
This guy was also son’s wrestling coach at the local school which has also paid out millions to settle lawsuits.

I can back up every word of the above, and a lot more.

It’s insane that good people turned a blind Eye in O’Connor’s case for at least 13yrs that I know of, this guy was a KNOWN pedophile, since the 70’s, but everybody forgave him because he ‘repented’ According to the Bishop who put a known pedophile in charge of my son’s Mormon scout troop, unattended, no two deep leadership, no Child Protection training, rampant abuse happening all around!

But the same thing happened in my Mormon scout troop growing up, over at least 4 yrs that I know of, a known (only to the Bishop) pedophile was put in charge of a BSA troop when he had a history of raping kids. A lot of them.

And our Bishop did nothing.
Just like my wifes Bishop did nothing.
Just like the other Bishop did nothing
Except lie and punish the victims
To protect the ‘Good Name of the Church’
Instead of kids,

As a result kids got raped.
Hundreds of them.

And the cycle just keeps going on,

Generation after generation

Nothing changes

Mormons remain silent

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: December 08, 2023 05:28AM

That's the mentality in much of the Catholic church as well, and at the present time, it comes straight from the Pope -- that if a priest confesses and repents, the problem has been dealt with. It is a horribly naive mentality to have, especially in this day and age when we know better. We know that there is no cure for pedophilia, and that pedophiles must steer clear of children for the rest of their lives. Even among family members, they must either steer clear or be heavily supervised.

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: December 08, 2023 02:59PM

Yeah but there is a real difference between what happens to Catholics and Mormons when they come forward with claims of sexual abuse they suffered at the hands of priests in their church. Catholics turn on the church in defense of their loved ones. Mormons turn on their loved ones in defense of the church.

It’s disgusting and it’s why it continues unabated, generation after generation.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: December 08, 2023 03:23PM

> Catholics turn on the church
> in defense of their loved ones.
> Mormons turn on their loved ones
> in defense of the church.

I think this has a lot of truth to it.

In wondering why this is, one big difference between the two systems is that the local leader in one is an 'amateur' selected from, as it were, the audience, while in the other, the local leader is ostensibly a professional trained for the position.

So it's a lot easier to shake your fist at a stranger, as opposed to a guy you know, who you believe was chosen of ghawd ... and who could be you next.

Catholicism is a huge, worldwide bureaucracy run by a bunch of weirdos in a foreign headquarters with painted ceilings, while mormonism is a quaint little American home-spun prairie religion featuring (and depending on) a direct connection with ghawd.

Admitting mistakes is for losers!

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Posted by: blindguy ( )
Date: December 09, 2023 09:44PM

Schrodingerscat wrote in part:

"Catholics turn on the church in defense of their loved ones."

While this is true now, it wasn't always so. In fact, I would argue that many Catholics were in denial about the behavior of their church and some of its priests on this issue until at least the expose that appeared in the Boston newspaper in 2003.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: December 10, 2023 12:34PM

My sense of it is that the majority of Catholics will side with their family members over the church. I've seen this play out in a number of ways. They don't have the same attitude towards their church that the Mormons have. But they did have excess faith that their leaders would help to solve the problem.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: December 08, 2023 04:55AM


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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: December 08, 2023 06:02PM

I'M THINKING that a buy-out NDA can't prevent an individual from reporting an incident/abuse to the cops and/or prosecutors OR to prevent testimony - a witness statement.

a victim can get compensation for the abuse in a civil sense, but not criminal.

I could be wrong on this.

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 08, 2023 07:04PM

> "Catholics turn on the church
> in defense of their loved ones.
> Mormons turn on their loved ones
> in defense of the church"

My TBM mom stands by the church! She was very upset at me when I called the police and informed the police of what I had heard. The pedophile has sent an apology letter to my mom for what he had done to one of her children. Per German law the abuse happened too long ago so he could not go to prison for it anymore. Well police showed up at my mom's house and wanted to see the apology letter. The police asked my mom for a copy of the apology letter and my mom gave it to the police. Both my mom and dad were upset at my foe getting the police involved 2013 since the abuse happened around 1995 or so. Well the pedophile goes cought in the act in 2014 in Romania in a hotel room with a 13 year old boy. The Romanian police contacted the German police since the pedophile is German and the Romanian police found out about what he did 1995 in Germany. To this day both of my parents are still upset at me for reporting it to the police. My dad thinks it brings shame to our family. My mom thinks that we need to forgive everyone.

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: December 09, 2023 12:30AM

I'm sorry that is the case empathize with you and can totally relate subeamnotlogedin.

My own TBM sister disowned me because I reported to the police the fact her daughter (my niece) told us her Mormon adult Brother(my Nephew) was molesting her and her younger sister (since she was a toddler). The cop told me they couldn't do anything about it if the victim was unwilling to file charges and the parents wouldn't do anything. I was furious. I said, "Seriously? You can't go stop a kid from being raped if you hear a report that they're being raped?"

"Nope. It's just hearsay unless we hear it from the victim."

So go talk to the victims!

They said they couldn't.

They did nothing. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. I reported it to CPS.
They made a welfare check. Sister denied there was any problem and threatened her daughters against saying anything to them. She bullied them into silence.

Our Dad bought a ticket to send the pedophile overseas, away from his victims, to live with his Dad, but my Sister refused to allow him to leave. The rest of us in the family think her behavior towards her daughters is abhorrent, because we're not Mormon.

So she moved out of the country to avoid us and we have not seen or heard much from her in the past 7 years, disowned her daughter, who turned out to be an amazing adult and we're still on good terms.

But TBM Sister still gets together with the the pedophile son who was never held accountable and now has a wife and daughter of his own and there's not a GD thing anybody can do about it.

Reporting it to the clergy, cops and CPS is pointless.

They're all worthless.

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 09, 2023 02:21PM

"Reporting it to the clergy, cops and CPS is pointless."
You and I have created a paper trail. If/when the German pedophile repeats his bad stuff the police might see that he has already done bad stuff in 1995.

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 09, 2023 02:48PM

I gave the police the phone number from the stake president and the police talked to the stake president. The police said that if someone confessed something although by german law it has been too long ago for consequences he should have reported it anyway. Needless to say that the stake president hates me. Every bishop in whole Germany (that is not a lot of people) will receive an email from me every 4 years to inform about the pedophile. I will make sure that the pedophile Scoutmaster will not be rebaptized anytime soon. Can I prevent anything? Nope. Why am I doing it? The stake president wants to silence me and he can not. Nope I will keep sending out my emails.

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: December 09, 2023 08:28PM

That’s important.
When people tell you to STFU
It’s time to Speak TF Up!

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 09, 2023 09:33PM

Did the lds church brake the law by not having her lawyer present?

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 10, 2023 11:18AM

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: December 10, 2023 01:03PM

Power corrupts. The church proves again it’s not immune from this reality.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: December 10, 2023 03:00PM

The trademark symbol for the LDS Church should be a broom. They sweep all their dirt under the rug.

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 11, 2023 07:47AM

The lds church although has over 100 billion dollars can not keep everyone quiet.

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Posted by: 3am ( )
Date: December 12, 2023 04:28PM

Time to let all the lights shine. #LightTheWorld

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: December 12, 2023 10:27PM


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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 15, 2023 05:34PM

What are bishops good for?

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 20, 2023 10:06PM

Trigger warning her interview is very raw.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: December 21, 2023 02:03AM

Long and brutal, but that demonstrates the value of what Dehlin does.

This story is now documented and will remain in the public domain indefinitely.


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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: December 21, 2023 08:20AM

She names the bishop by his name. First bishop wanted to do the right thing after talking to the stake president he changed his tune.

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Posted by: T-Bone ( )
Date: December 21, 2023 02:21PM

OMG - James O'Keefe would have a hay day with the Mormon church.

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Posted by: HMer ( )
Date: January 20, 2024 10:00PM

All this Nelson worship is to distract from the oncoming abue tsunami caused by the Floodlit website.

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: January 21, 2024 08:51PM

HMer Wrote:
> All this Nelson worship is to distract from the
> oncoming abue tsunami caused by the Floodlit
> website.

I contributed to that brilliant website, unfortunately I have witnessed enough abuse in my Mormon life to lead me straight out of the abusive CULT.

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Posted by: 3am ( )
Date: January 22, 2024 02:21AM

Thank you for pitching in. I’m sorry you’ve seen so much abuse - but I’m glad you’re in a better place now.

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Posted by: Livid ( )
Date: January 23, 2024 05:36PM

I've found at least one church member I knew on there. Scary.

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Posted by: 3am ( )
Date: January 22, 2024 02:19AM

Thank you for the compliment. We’re just trying to gather and report facts to help survivors heal, and to raise awareness about SA in the LDS Church. We’re far from the first to do this, and we are thankful that there have been and are so many others tackling this issue.

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