Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2024 10:06AM
I was listening to a BBC documentary on suicides earlier this morning. What the documentary said was that a lot of countries list suicide as being "illegal" and that if a suicide attempt fails, then family members of the person who attempted to commit suicide often beat up that person. According to the documentary, there are some places including Pakistan and Guyana where the legality of suicide is changing as well as what the ways countries use to try to prevent it.
The documentary noted, among other things, that human religions tend to view suicides and attempted suicides as sinful acts and I wondered how your former church viewed them. I'm well aware that suicide among homosexual Mormon teenagers is very high in Utah as there has been a lot written on this Board on that subject. But what I'm wondering is does the number of suicides matter at all to the Mormon church and, if so, how does your former church view and deal with people who actually attempt to commit suicide.