Posted by:
Date: September 08, 2021 01:50AM
Welcome to RfM!
This is the exit stories part of the board, and most of our members--once they check out the rest of this site--"go over" to the main (means: by FAR the most active!) part of the Recovery from Mormonism site which is our message board, and gradually (go at your own pace), become part of our larger gathering of members.
Our message board: suggest that you check out the RfM message board, and when you feel ready, introduce yourself with a condensed version of your story. All you really need to do is post a brief bit about yourself and your background, say that you have posted your exit story on the exit stories part of the site...and you will very likely find yourself being warmly welcomed to this most wonderful (my personal opinion!) new "home" on the Internet.
[Here is a brief bit about me: I am a nevermo ("neverMormon") who, some years ago, did a random Google search for something-or-other, I can't remember "what," and I found myself here. From the very beginning of my time here I was incredibly impressed by the people I found on RfM, so (despite having never been Mormon) I stuck around, and a few years ago I became a moderator here.
Welcome to RfM!
We are happy to have you as a part of our very active on-line community.]
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2021 01:52AM by Tevai.