Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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7 years ago
It's a rare mormon that takes the middle way with OTC or prescription pain relief. There's an opiate and other prescriptions epidemic in Utah, but I could barely pry a half dose of anything OTC out of my super TBM mother for migraines. "Wait a half hour first!" Well, I'd always already waited quite a while hoping it was just a temporary strain or bad posture issue. But she would n
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Popolvuh! Miss the guy.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Same. My mother lost all access to my future retirement property. I'm not there yet, but that's okay, it will take a little preliminary work to keep it private. I'll have a business no one knows the name of own the property. I got angry after she violated my privacy yet again and told her to just black it out, she knows how to drive here, pretend I never gave it to her. Sniffle, injured fe
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Yup. It is a narcissistic organization that encourages sociopaths to rise in the ranks. Empathy is a tool for them, turn it on like a light switch, there's a convert to lovebomb! Get the convert dunked, assigned a HT/VT route, and graduated out of Gospel Doctrine class and boom... no more lovebombing! The convert is lucky if their name is remembered. There is nothing kind in buttering peopl
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Not true, both NPD and BPD are Cluster B disorders. This also includes sociopaths and histrionics. It is VERY common for a narcissist to have certain amounts of these other Cluster B disorders in a comorbid fashion. Likewise, so do the others also tend to have a mixed bag.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Got me out of lurking to agree, spot on. My parents actually sat me down at 16 to tell me they didn't like me, didn't like the person I was becoming, but oh they still loved me, by the way. I was a very angry teen(child abuse=ptsd), and already upset from being told I couldn't participate in a school group activity from a conversation minutes before, but I thought my head would explode, hea
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
While my story is nowhere near as bad as yours, it follows the same script. My very first boyfriend, in high school. Long before Elizabeth Smart, he Elizabeth Smarted me into thinking I had to marry him since he'd licked all the frosting off my cupcake. Well he was also a rapey, cheating asshole with a baby by another girl, and my parents DETESTED him like the spawn of Satan himself for thre
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
These stories NEED to be told, thank you for writing. I hope you write further, whatever else you can manage while protecting you believing family member. People need to know what really goes on behind the carefully cultivated "mormons seem so nice and family oriented" image. In reality they tear families apart and are very neglectful of the members in many ways, harming their
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Yes. The obvious deep enjoyment followed by relief at our devastation that my dad got out of wrestling, restraining and torturing us as small children has a sexual component that I think he's never even been aware of. I know my mom "fed" us to him to get it out of his system, making him more tolerable to be with afterwards. Then when I was forced in my teens it didn't seem very devas
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Same here. At my recent family reunion, I got to see just how heavily the adults are sheltering their female children. These are grown up 20 somethings, but they were being treated like early teens, being checked on, shepherded around, and cause for alarm when found alone... I got a lot of shocked looks for simple things like driving the pickup, carrying large objects, running around by myself
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Love a good Ood! Oh, maybe I mean oddball. Keep it weird!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Seems to make sense as "porch" swing, like he almost knows how to type but reached for the R with his right hand instead of his left and got a U instead. Why would anyone not proofread before hitting send???
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
If you were raised by a super try-hard Molly mo, or one of the "higher law" types, then you were probably trained like me. Training during the week to endure sitting still for three hours on Sunday is a cruel and inhumane thing to do to toddlers. I thought it was revolutionary that she made us some "quiet books". Who remembers those? Full of felt and fabric and buttons wit
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
It is a cult because you thought there was anything of value in that list of your "hard work", and particularly that you were so brainwashed that you would have killed someone for it and are still trying to brag about that gigantic moral failing. (Hint, morality has precious little to do with what base you got to with a girl.)
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Religion doesn't own weddings. Have you tried googling non religious wedding ceremonies? There are TONS of examples online. I cribbed from a bunch to write our wedding vows. It can range from as elaborate as a cathedral wedding to as simple as being pronounced by your officiant. What sounds good to include? Everyone signs that piece of paper that must be filed, no matter what ceremony the
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
^^^This is only a slight exaggeration. Your wife is pregnant. There will be a lull in her employment, if she's even employed. She will be at home full time with someone who has clearly declared her intent to rupture your marriage. And you're fine with that??? Please read up on narcissistic mother in laws. You are about to see some textbook behavior. I'm sorry about your kids. They w
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Very much what Cheryl said! The real reason she won't attend is more likely to be because of how "part member families" are viewed and treated socially within the mormon congregations. She looks like a failure to other mormons, even if they know nothing about the coffee and alcohol. Clearly you have no idea what they are like if you are fine with your children making that choice.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Doesn't seem like you read very closely, nobody here says it's one of them, it's one of their kids. Marie's?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Are you kidding? Of course they will have a chat with everyone AND the bishop about your "faltering" children. TSCC is nothing but a gossip machine.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
It was only ended in 2000, but not formally. Like so much about TSCC, they would rather just pretend it never happened. "In 2000 the last student graduated from the program, though the program never was officially discontinued."
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Let him read this post.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Good! I need to put something shitty on tv for background noise while playing with photo manipulation software. Sounds perfect!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Canker sores aren't cold sores. Correct? Incorrect?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
If someone is checking the logs while someone else is asked to look up a particular site, then the device mac address will be the device logged viewing that site. So it would take a little planning or if there are a very limited number of users, that's much easier to figure out by elimination, like your friend's WiFi logs where your mac address visited places he and other residents wouldn't.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
All that is available here too, but it is turned off! For good reasons. :D
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
And you're free to start a "continuing" thread, unless admin tells you you've beat the horse to death. It's appreciated by many if you post a link to the previous thread, but so few ever do...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Time to set your custom status to show to "friends except: sister". Best thing to do with people who think they can have a laugh at your expense. Or blocking, "What? I closed my FB account."
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yeah, right? I never fit in there, they made it clear I had to change a LOT to be marginally acceptable. But when I walked away, fully prepared to leave it alone, nooooo... they come stalking after me the next 15 years with the culty word "reactivation". "We'd like to activate your programming and push the tithing button please." They should have thought of that before
Forum: Recovery Board