Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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9 years ago
Don't give up hope yet! I filed my disability last June, and got my first rejection letter in February. You'll hear nothing at all between the one and the other, and then once you appeal the rejection, things will start moving. Usually one has two rejections before one actually speaks to a real person; it's their way of trying to discourage people from continuing the disability process. I've hear
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
So do only priesthood holders have the option of getting tossed into Outer Darkness? Because I'm female, and in my life as an apostate I've always been a little proud that I wasn't going to get shoved into a Mormon heaven. ...if it wasn't all BS. ;)
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Panentheist pagan here. Been a happy little witch for over ten years, now. I'm of the personal belief that we interact with divinity with the forms that we're prepared to comprehend.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I was just discussing this article on my facebook. #1 and #2 fit like a glove, and I've been through all of the others as well. I can't help wondering how much of it was instilled in me by my workaholic father and food-addicted, narcissistic mother, and how much was instilled by the church. Or are dysfunctional families like this enabled, even fostered by the church and its culture?
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
1. I need a man to get to the highest level of the CK, and cannot do it on my own in any way. 2. I need to be prepared to share that man with bunches of valiant women who won't have a worthy man of their own. 3. My ovaries mean I'm not worthy to hold the priesthood. 4. I'm better off dead than sexually fulfilled.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Ironically, when my mother found out I was studying witchcraft, her response was, "I don't even know you anymore. What else don't I know; are you going to become a lesbian, too?" I didn't have the heart to tell her I was also bisexual.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Where's my like button?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I know. I lurk most of the time, and I'm not about very often anymore. To be honest, I generally only visit rfm out of nostalgia, since I feel pretty much recovered from it all. I've been out for ten years and a bit of wiggle room, now, and I'm forgetting things about the church--and that's utterly fantastic. I'm seriously hoping that particular grey matter has since been devoted to something
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
...and I was supposed to pay tithing off of it at the end of the year, but it never made it that long. Despite all of the lessons on the blessings of tithing, I just didn't understand why God wanted my money. I was a kid, and God was well, God! He could get along just fine if I saved up my cash to buy art supplies instead. I'm not omnipotent; I couldn't make my own paints and coloring pencils.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Oh, I believed in Satan 100%. I'm bipolar, so when I started manifesting symptoms as a teenager, I was positive that the obsessive thoughts were Satan trying to attack me. What 14-year-old child do you know that spends All. Night. Long. on her knees, begging God for protection from the adversary? I honestly think freedom from Mormonism was what allowed me to look at experiences like this a
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Wow, you guys are awesome! Thanks for all of the info.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Confusion is looking for tomatoes in the fruit section on the Kroger self-checkout line.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
My boyfriend and I have been together for five years now, and we're lucky enough to still have a fairly active sex life. There are always times when it doesn't sync up, though. We both view porn and masturbate whenever the need arises; there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's not controlling your life, it's not harming your relationship, and it's not causing a problem. It fills a need,
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I really never did understand the whole tying-one-hand-to-the-bedpost thing. I mean, if it's really that big of an issue, shouldn't you tie both? Leaving one hand to flap about still allows "self-abuse." And at that point, you have a completely different problem, because you need someone to do the tying and to get you loose in the morning. Though some of us might not view that as
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
And really, it's a good tutorial despite the fact that she keeps repeating that phrase over and over again as if one has forgotten that she's all about the Perfect Cup of Tea.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
"Shy" is just another way of saying, "You need to get up and bear your testimony/give talks/participate in class discussions/say group prayers more often." At least, that's how my parents and members of my ward treated my shyness as a child/teenager. The idea was that if they kept forcing me into it, I'd stop being so introverted and act more like them. The reality was that
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Edit- This is more than fascinating. If this is linked to bipolar as closely as it seems to be linked to schizophrenia and MS, then it holds out the hope of actually getting off the manic-depressive roller coaster sometime in my life.
Forum: Recovery Board