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8 years ago
Most who were born gay you would have no idea they were gay based on appearance and speech. It's because they don't feel the need to act out, they were always that way and you don't need to change your voice and your manurism to dismay your sexuality. Flamers are not born, they are made.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The fact they have you convinced a trans person can be murdered in all other states and it's not a crime shows your ignorance and why the crooks in california political circles are still elected. the citizens of california reap what they have sown.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The court ordered her clear of them till they turned 18. None of them want anything to do with her.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
In life. To disregard the link between the two is just ignorant.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
almost This is making the rounds on FB and I know there are two friends of mine who their wife's have left them due to porn accusations. Not porn addiction, but accusing them that they must be involved in porn, because they are not the same loving husbands in their 40's that they were in their 30's. Sad and pathetic
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
To pack up their families and those with food storage will be allowed to trek and camp with the saints. Some ladies book about the gathering is catching on within some circles as she is revered as a prophetess in the Mormon faith.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
A 14 year old raised like he was in this enviornment cannot be held to the same standards as an adult. I don't defend what he did, but I don't condem him as he was just a child himlself
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Good to see those who follow the religion of science reminded of this yet again. The great thing about science is that if you don't like what they discover today, just wait a few years and often the exact opposite will be proven and peer reviewed as well. Makes for a fun roller coaster ride
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
It will go the way gay marriage goes, they will simply stop performing marriages in the temple and only sealings. So the members will be married civily before (as by law in some countries today anyway) and then later sealed in the temple. No marriages performed, no need for government involvement. BSA will be similar if they keep the program. Only leaders called by their Bishop who happen
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The mission raising the bar standards of 2000 or so another. The mission age lowered. The temple ceremony change, the temple constructions, the mall, the BOM flooding the earth, the number of global missions opened up, Basically everything they do, down to hearing the leaders at conference tell them to be kind to others they take as message from God.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
An openly gay man will never be called to serve as a scout leader in the Mormon church. You can't force yourself on the organization, they will simply refer you to other non-lds sponsored troops.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
No rape occurred, is that what you are suggesting?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I was a stake HC member and was a part of 2 exings of men who abused their wife and/or kids. Unfortunatly I'm sure there were others we never knew about as many spouses stay silent with abuse. But at least in my 3 years on the HC, we went 2 for 2 at exing the scum of the earth abusive men. One of which is still in prison, the other pled to lesser charges and never served a day in jail. But ne
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Local sacrament meeting. People miss all the time for family reunions, graduations, and just going out of town on vacation.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Your example again clearly shows one party didn't want to go any further with this, that is a crime. But not what I was talking about, you can't accuse someone of rape the next day if you never said no before or during the sex act. Pretty basic, not sure why you can't keep up with it.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Completely different conversation. One is clearly an issue, the other can be clarified before it starts. The example given was a date situation. But yes, if you just go along with your date on what she wants to do to you, you can't claim assault the next day after thinking about it. Doesn't work that way.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
He was hospitalized needing 12 stitches in his head. They have already contacted the paper today requesting a retraction of the story, Elder Sam Jenkins.
Forum: Recovery Board