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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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6 years ago
What did I have to confess? I had been trained to be a good chaste, even pure thinking LDS girl. I WAS!!!! Then after I married I was too busy popping out babies to do anything sinful, that was my husband's domain, which hurt me deeply and I went with him when he confessed, but once again, what could I say??? All that chasteness and clean thinking did not do me one blame bit of good. I sti
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Having and raising children 1872-forever. Whew!!!!!!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Ummm,not sure. My beef and lamb roasts (lamb roasts are an Australian icon) are pretty popular. If a good cout of roast I cook it without covering in a slow oven and add onions for the last hour which I use to flavour the gravy. If I have a cheaper cut of roast, one sure way to tenderize it and give it lots of flavour is to cheat a bit. I place two pieces of alfoil in a cross on the baking
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Take care of yourself love and I send all my best hugs to you and your family. Your Mum was fortunate to have such a wonderful child.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I slept. I am no longer young, wanting to keep up a 20 hour work week, and also have my best friend VERY ill with cancer. LOTS of good times but also a lot of distress. I am doing fine, but the extra rest was WELCOME!!!!! I must admit when I was attending tscc, I did enjoy it, but am left more than cold today when/if I go, usually about once every 2 years. ENUF already of the JS bul%$#@!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I am SO sorry mate. You and your family are REALLY having a terrible time. My thoughts are with you ALL the way. I hope it helps, and I will be thinking of you often! There is NO apology needed!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
My condolences Amyjo. He sounds like a wonderful man. I know how difficult sorrow and grief are. PLease be VERY kind to you!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
YUP!!!!! I REFUSED to marry until I had the 'burning in the bosom'. Got that (still can't explain it!), but oh boy did I marry an abusive man or not???? I stayed because I thought it was a 'holy ghost' inspired marriage, but my children and I really suffered as a result. Not impressed, beleive me neither was I!!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Once when I was a TBM, a friend phoned my then-active husband and said there was an evil presense in their house. My husband (who was their HT) brought her and the baby to my home for the day, and her husband, the Bishop and my husband went to the home (in full suits etc this being a priesthood event) and told the 'thing' to depart using their M priesthood. Nothing happened, no big noises or ru
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Wow, just wow!! Nice to see at least SOME level of honestly coming from a church related source. LOVE the quote edzachery!!! Spot ON!!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Good for you!!!!! Yay!!!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I was a TOTAL dyed in the wool, pain in the a#@$ rule follower. I bought the whole thing, hook line and sinker, for many many years. I must have been a TOTAL pain to be with, although most people say I wasn't. I guess I kept my judgements to myself. All I know is I judged myself badly enough. THEN I married HRH God-himself who expected only perfection from the person he deigned to honour
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I have always found that puzzling. I was SO impressed when it was given to me as a blessing, as a bride in the temple. BUT I got sick like everyone else, I lost a child, have had cancer, etc etc etc, and it seems to me that with the exception of some of the illnesses associated with smoking and heavy drinking, tscc has as many sick people in it as any other group. We all still die right???
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Hello Aussieblokesarebest (love your name!!!) Thanks for that. I couldn't find that meaning anywhere, but it makes sense doesn't it? I love some of the place names and they often are about animals or land use. Love Korumburra silvergenie!! Perhaps the only better one than that is Coonabarabran which means 'place of shit' after the designated area of any Aboriginal living site, used as a l
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Hello anybody. Wagga Wagga is a town in NSW, now famous for it being a military training base. How Wagga Wagga came by its name, I do not know. The original word Wagga means a blanket or quilt. Quilts were always called Waggas when I was a child (I am in my mid sixties). Mothers made them by stitching together old pieces of clothing and then stuffing them with cut up old clothing as the
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Hello anybody. Wagga Wagga is a town in NSW, now famous for it being a military training base. The original word Wagga means a blanket or quilt. Quilts were always called Waggas when I was a child (I am in my mid sixties). Mothers made them by stitching together old pieces of clothing and then stuffing them with cut up old clothing as they stitched them all together. They were very warm
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I was 23, had had 3 pregnancies in 2 and half years. The last one I had had heavy post partum bleeding. The doctor said "If you get pregnant again within a year, I cannot be responsible for your health or your life". So with 3 little ones to care for I went on the Pill. I was exhausted and needed a break once in a while. The BPs wife offered take care of the babies so my husb
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
SO good to hear such good news Ron! We all want only the best for you and your wife. My thoughts are with you!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
It is not too hot, but very humid in southern Queensland Australia, where I am visiting my brother for Christmas. We have opened our gifts and it is now 11AM. I am preparing several different salads to eat with cold chicken, ham and prawns. Yummy!!! I hope all my ex-mo mates have a wonderful and safe Christmas and festive season! Lynn
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
My sympathies go out to the poor employee who is obviously doing a good job. As a 'chubby' myself I send her all my positive thoughts. Poor girl! But the other thing that strikes me is the writer's need to have a perfect world to live in, with NO ONE to set a (so-called) bad example for her kids. What the ......???? Surely we should be teaching our kids tolerance and love, NOT judging all
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Since doing some (and only some) ancient history, I too had come up with Bezoar's explanation - wine was better for you in biblical times, than water, as water was very polluted and could make you sick. The ancient peoples had not worked out things like the best forms of sanitation that could be used in cities (although some areas were quite good). Before the advent of cites and towns, the hun
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
All the best cantsay!!! Take care of YOU and stay well!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Good for her!! This reminds me of maybe abut 15 years ago. I was going through an online catalogue for flags, looking for a nice one to put up for the Australia Day festivities. I saw a lovely multi-coloured Aussie flag, and thought how nice it was. I had my finger on the button to buy one when the significance of it hit me. It was a gay pride Aussie flag. I laughed and laughed, not
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
What???? These people SERIOUSLY need to GROW UP!!!!!! Those photographs are positively TAME!!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
How will young people ever understand was racism is if they are not exposed to (now) very outdated and obviously hatred filled ideas? The history of the development of racism and other forms of prejudice is very important to understand if there is ever to be a non judgemental society. I agree this sounds VERY totalitarian.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Heh heh!! Happy (and VERY clean!!) Christmas!!!! I will chuckle all day over this, just to know I don't HAVE to go and serve the Lord with a vacumn cleaner in my hands ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!! Heh heh!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Can you imagine??? I am having fun with it, I can see you are too!!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Are they kidding? NEVER!!!!!
Forum: Recovery Board