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5 years ago
I have nothing to add to this topic from my own perspective because I don't have children, but I came from a family of five children whose parents were completely overwhelmed, so if I had been straight and had children, I am pretty sure I would have limited myself to two. I have also read two excellent books, both written by men who grew up in super-religious Catholic families, both describing
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Want an answer from a genuine lesbian? :) Your friend isn't necessarily attracted to you, but she may just feel like she never gets any alone time with you. It doesn't mean she wants to jump your bones. Maybe she's not out with very many other people, so she can't let her hair down with other friends. Maybe she's going through a situation at work or something that has her stressed. I do agr
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I sort of agree. If I didn't want a religious wedding, I wouldn't ask a minister to perform it. I'm an atheist now, so if I married I would either go to a justice of the peace or ask around to find a civil authority of some kind.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Underneath my garments I'm completely naked. ;)
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Well ... I don't know what good it does to bait people like the OP is doing. When I was a believing member of the RLDS Church, or later on the Lutheran Church, if someone had come up to me badmouthing Joseph Smith or Martin Luther or whoever in the confrontational manner you did, I'd've gotten my back up too. I'd've been wrong, of course, but still ... ;)
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Yeesh. I couldn't say whether this is a Mormon thing, but if you ask most really fundamentalist Protestant ministers to preach a wedding or a funeral, you're going to get a "come to Jesus" message. Even if they swear up and down beforehand that there won't be. It's part of their job, to scare the heathens into submission. :lol:
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I would think the fact that so many faithful Mormons have huge families would be a big part of this. My parents had five and they were overwhelmed. I have TBM childhood friends with eight or nine. It's unreal to me how you could ever keep up with that many kids.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Junior high school was 40 years ago for me :) I'm sure that school locker room facilities don't feature the "gang" showers that existed in my day. I was just reminiscing about how uncomfortable the experience was for me.
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5 years ago
Emma Smith was responsible for the founding of the RLDS Church (which is my childhood church) and that church has always vehemently disavowed polygamy, to the point that they tried really hard to sweep it under the rug up until fairly recently, when researchers had found enough proof to make them look foolish for doing so. I think it's reasonable to assume she wasn't having any of that. ;)
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
My closest brother (emotionally, not chronologically) committed suicide in December 2016 after having suffered over a year from lung cancer. I did not know he had cancer and neither did most of the rest of the family--the two brothers who did know were sworn to secrecy. He and those brothers all live almost a thousand miles from me and the remaining sibling, so we couldn't have known just from se
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
P.S. The first time I had to shower communally was in seventh grade PE class, more than 40 years ago. That was DEFINITELY an all female environment. It was awful and I don't think any minor child should be required to disrobe in a communal setting like that. But adults have the choice to leave the health club and shower at home, or whatever. Just my tuppence.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I don't really care who pees where as long as they don't leave a mess or peek in between the panels of my stall. Mop up the counter and get the heck out, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
In the Jim Crow South, merchants were totally free to discriminate when deciding who they'd serve. Great model to strive for, eh? If my ex and I (both female) had stayed married, we'd have celebrated 25 years a couple of weeks ago. Our wedding was neither legally recognized nor sanctioned by any religious denomination. My father, an RLDS elder (he still is), performed it. Rather than brave the
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
If you were a fashion designer, would you feel entitled to refuse to sell your clothing line to people who could afford it and could fit into the clothes, but that you felt were unattractive? Asking for a friend.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
It's always been amusing to me that Mormons think they "invented" funeral potatoes. I grew up RLDS, then later spent twenty years in the ELCA Lutheran denomination, and both of those churches were big on greezy-cheezy-starchy goodness in their potluck dishes. It's a churchy thing, not exclusive to Mormons. And my mother, who had to cook for seven people, used more than her share of cann
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I was RLDS, not LDS, but the hymn I loathed the most was called "The Old, Old Path." I don't know if they sing that one in any other church, but even today it sets my teeth on edge. :lol:
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I'm not really sure how many, probably a good 30 to 40 percent of RLDS members have left that church (which later became the CoC) and joined one or the other of the dissident groups. Independence Missouri is my hometown and there's a shitload of them there. LOL
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I'm a lesbian and I don't think it makes any sense to attempt to force houses of worship to perform marriages they don't want to perform.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
A lot of the more conservative families I grew up with belong to this church or one of the other RLDS offshoots now. In my experience people in the fundie RLDS movement are nearly as insufferable as their LDS counterparts. But they also believe Brigham Young was an apostate .... :lol:
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
My girlfriend of over five years and I had the amiable breakup dinner last night. We have agreed to be friends (the lesbian community requires it, otherwise they revoke your toaster oven, lol) and we will still have some ties because of investments we made together, but she is ready to look for someone more compatible with her and I am ready to be alone again, which is what I really prefer. I am
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Finally, a reason to be glad I weigh over 300 pounds and totally cancel this bitch out. LMAO I'm going to have a Twinkie with breakfast in her "honor."
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Cinnamint: *waving at you from over in Kansas* LOL
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I sang alto in the 80s and the 2003-2004 years. In 2005 I decided since I had most of the soprano notes except the really high ones, I would move up. It was such fun to learn the other part, plus I treated myself to a new score. :) I know eventually I will have to drop back down to alto, but the rehearsal conductor, who is a real sweetheart, says as long as there are 28 other sopranos I don't hav
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I just caught the thread about someone not liking Handel's Messiah and it made me giggle because my one main tie to the church of my childhood (other than still having many friends in the different stripes of Latter Day Saintism) is that I still sing in the Independence Messiah Choir, which has performed the piece since 1916, beginning at Stone Church and later at the RLDS Auditorium (now Communi
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I had written a couple of weeks ago about my relationship with my partner, which was pretty bad. I wanted to post an update. She is starting to move her stuff out this weekend. We have some of my friends (RLDS! haha) helping us empty the storage pod this afternoon. She is not actually going to live in the new place until she has a chance to get it sprayed because the guy on the other side of t
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The closing happened. We are getting along a little better, not that I don't still get snapped at. But I think it's sinking in that this is going to happen. The storage pod is being delivered this coming Friday. I appreciate the input from people. I feel more positive about things now that I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The new closing date is 9/15/2014. We will see whether it actually happens. I have been putting pressure on her and so have the sellers.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I'm starting to be nervous that you are peeking in the windows at my house ... lol ... because that is exactly what's happening. She was supposed to close on the new house on Friday and now she's saying she overdrew her bank account (which she NEVER does) and can't do it. However, I am calling her bluff and pushing for a committed date.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
She did say that she "expected" me to do what I did, which I find weird. *shrug* Her name is coming off my house once she gets her own place. We already agreed on that.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
She does not say I owe her. She says I need to forgive myself for what I did, which I'm working on, but that she does not consider that I still owe her any money. Also, "mental gymnastics?" She has paid neither a house payment, a condo maintenance fee, an electric bill, a water bill, a trash pickup bill, or a gas bill since she gave up her apartment four years ago. So no, I didn't si
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