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4 months ago
Thank you, Lot's Wife!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
In the FLDS episode a young woman stated that if anyone left the faith their blood would change and the person would no longer be considered family. I've been out nearly 25 years from LDS,Inc. Did they teach a similar doctrine but say the blood of the faithful would be changed/purified at some point but I don't remember the particulars.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 months ago
I had not listened to the song when it was released - I wasn't "ready". I know that John and George had their faults and their loved ones were hurt by their failings. It seems that both of them acknowledged and changed their behaviors and made amends before their passing. If they had lived in todays time, I believe their words and music could have brought more peace to the world.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I'm sure we were told this back in the day but I have forgotten the answer we were given. When you get the little slip of paper (do they still do this?) with the name of the person you are the proxy for, how is that person supposed to know you are doing the work on their behalf? I knew a few people that said when they were in the temple they looked up toward the ceiling and saw the person
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
YAY!!!!! You've been missed!
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Lewis Bidamon was no prize either - he cheated on Emma in their 17th year of marriage with Nancy Abercrombie, a widow who had recently moved to Nauvoo and fathered a child with her. When Emma died in 1879 he married Abercrombie. Emma seemed to have a 'type' :-D
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
1. ALWAYS being told we’re not good enough, not doing enough, not paying enough – I was a single mom with 2 kids and had 4 callings and when someone could not teach a SS class or Young Women’s class, I was always asked to sub without notice. Absolutely exhausting but my own fault since I never said “NO”. I felt gawd would withhold ‘blessings’ if I turned it down. 2. The Temple
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
The church building I attended as a youth/young adult was built in 1909 and was sold to the SDA church in 1985. A new building was being constructed to be the new Stake Center two blocks from the old building and it was finished in 1983 but the Stake Center portion was nixed as the leadership in the existing Stake Center didn't want to drive 3.1 miles to the new building :-D Things may hav
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
The blind faith. Before leaving I would have never thought so many people could be this ignorant. They have turned off their brains as I once did and I'm embarrassed at how I spouted ignorance to non-members and I cringe at what they must have thought. Shortly after I left a 'friend' told me that I think too much and that is what lead me out. I replied that absolutely it did and it shocked th
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Whatever works for them...wonder how their local leaders feel about them being so public?
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
My nephew (not LDS), his wife and daughters age 14.5 and 11 moved to St. George recently. My nephew made up his mind one morning to move and within a week they were in a hotel in St. George looking for a house and put their CA house on the market. They rented a home for 2 months until their new house was built. Nephew sites that he doesn't like "the way things are done in California"
Forum: Recovery Board
3 years ago
Burl Ives. Met him when I was 13 at my uncle's home. He was arrogant and had the most creepy vibe. When he smiled I felt it was hiding a sinister motive. Was not a nice person.
Forum: Recovery Board
3 years ago
My city has an FB page and the missionaries and some members are posting things such as they will do yard work, wash your car, etc. and the members are posting a Red Cross blood donation drive and the soon to be Creche festival. I posted for people not to be fooled by their tactics, the amount of time and money they will lose to LDS,Inc., the fake friend strategy and so on. A lot of people ag
Forum: Recovery Board
3 years ago
I've read stories here before and I know it's nothing new but it just burns my bacon when I have to deal with a dishonest MO. This couple lives in Tucson and after speaking with the husband for a few days I figured he was LDS. My company is a new/used vehicle (not cars) dealership and was going to buy their used vehicle. The man said everything was working, no damage, inside/outside was in
Forum: Recovery Board
3 years ago
Looks like a McTemple - what is with the Stake Pres office? ;-) Does one have to hold a recommend to live there? Some of the furniture and lighting looks like it could be the 'celestial room'. The drinking fountain, screening room for the temple movie, baptismal font (pool) and the painted mural! This place had to be built by ChurchCo. Back yard is nice but the front of the house and interi
Forum: Recovery Board
3 years ago
I truly believed they cared from my teenage years until my ex went to prison for sexual abuse of my daughter. I asked the Bishop if the ex would be excommunicated for his conviction. Bishop replied that he wouldn't go that far and would wait to see what would happen. WTAF?! He was a convicted sex offender that was sentenced to prison and he was basically saying he wasn't going to do anythi
Forum: Recovery Board
3 years ago
to perform ordinances at the time of the Kirtland and original Nauvoo temples? If it was, how was that tracked?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
A woman in my ward adopted two girls with Down's syndrome that were students at the school she worked at. She was praised for adopting the girls and received a lot of help from the ward with home maintenance and yard work. Most people were very willing to lend a hand. This part has nothing to do with the OP's question but one of the girls had a higher mental capacity and she spoke her mind.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I have been a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for nearly 15 years. I practice to understand my mind and emotions and to tame them. I have discovered this is possible by my experiences. To tame one's mind and not let anger,frustration, fear, etc. influence my life and actions has lead to peace, joy, wisdom and freedom from ego. My success depends upon how much I really want it and how much e
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I had forgotten about the taste from the paper cups! Bleh
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Hi Mel, I threw them all away in one fell swoop including the scriptures. I had no problem in doing that and have had no regrets.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Watching the Pence interview this morning...he looks speaks and has the tone of every GA slinging BS to the sheeple. *** Admin note: Please watch the politics and keep the replies non-partisan. ***
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I was 35 when I left...I had been reading some "New Age" material at the time & it was so much more loving than the weekly beat-downs at church and the depression brought on by TSCC was overwhelming in that I could never do enough or be enough to satisfy the Sky Daddy. One morning I woke up, looked out my window and had this amazing good feeling wash over me and the thought came
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Read up on Keratin products. CHI and IT make excellent Keratin hair care products, I use both.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Many years ago when I was in Young Women there was a fire in my town in an area called Ganesha Hills. Our Laurel teacher was an absolutely lovely person and so is her husband. We loved her kind and truly caring ways and she felt a great responsibility toward us us. They lived in the Ganesha Hills area at the bottom of the hills, last home on the block. The hills caught fire and several h
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
"Maude" or Mod...HOW was my post political? I did not mention parties or offices - I, like many others here, was expressing anger and fear of not being believed whatever the circumstances. I referenced a prominent issue - abuse by men in it's many forms and not being supported even by my own gender. LDS Inc. is all about suppression. Seems like you completely misunderstood my post an
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
. holycarp wrote: I'm a #metoo - my own mother did not believe me. It was my brother and she said 'Oh, I don't believe he would ever do that". My brother was a true psychopath & she always made excuses for him and I never trusted her again. I know how others feel that they fear they won't be believed or supported. At almost 16 yrs. old I had two girlfriends, both LDS, who whe
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
holycarp does Mr. Righteous know about porn hub? :-D
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Had a bishop (and before he was bishop) that would just blubber every time he was asked to speak - sac meeting, SS, RS, Young Women and any youth meeting. Same story every time - a personal incident between he and his wife but it actually happened to his wife. This went on for years and each time he told the story he became more emotional to the point where it was so uncomfortable to watch and
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