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12 years ago
If he's not going to take his temple covenants seriously, can we believe he'll take his oaths as PotUS seriously?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
You don't "know" it's believe it's true. The problem is, your belief doesn't make me believe.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Rob About as inspired as the above autogenerated one.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
The church does not have a monopoly on anything good in life. Kindness, charity, compassion, structure, morality...all exist outside of the mormon church bubble. Realizing this really helped me to make the break.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
What will waiting gain him? To a mormon, there are never any good reasons to leave the fold no matter how eloquent you are in expressing them. Resigning now or later will end with the same results. Mormons being offended and refusing to acknowledge any legitimate arguments.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
The church manipulated your good feelings about good events to make you think that somehow equals the truth of the mormon church. It doesn't. It feels good to hear things that confirm what you believe, it feels bad to hear things that are negative to your position. The truth doesn't care about your feelings.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I was in your shoes 20 years ago. Mom cried, dad was silently seething. I told them I didn't feel right about serving a mission. I moved out and went to school in a city 5 hours away. Had to get student loans to do it, but was worth it. 5 years after the fact, my mom confided in me that she "knew I wasn't the missionary type." I was always a quiet/introverted person. It's t
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I was going to jump on this yesterday, but I thought they hadn't used the BoM at all...until I saw the 2 Nephi one. Funny how the BoM is supposed to be one of the cornerstones of their religion. You and I see right through it, but sadly most TBMs will lap this right up as proof that they're christians. GC this year will probably be a lot of misdirection and double talk. Do you think they'
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I dodged the porn bullet when I replied honestly... "I don't have a problem with viewing porn." and I left it up to them how to interpret that statement.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
So many posts are "attack the messenger" and ignore the facts. Are these mormons or scientologists?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Yup, it was you! Thanks! I'd forgotten my password, so I couldn't reply right away to that thread. I got mine in the spring of 2000 or 2001...Cardston. Can't recall exactly, but it was a real mindf*ck. I went home and read up on Barnabas and almost convinced myself to sell off all my possessions and quit my job to be more like him.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I have been out of the church, resigned for about 10 years now and during the last decade of browsing this forum and other boards I had never heard of anyone else with the same temple name as mine. It was in the last week or two that I finally saw someone else post their temple name as Barnabas. Thank You! That was the last little nagging splinter in my mind. I know it was stupid, bu
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
"One major struggle is with the idea that I may be abandoning friendships and relationships that are key to my life and those of my wife and kids." Let me leave you with this thought: Healthy religions don't make believers fearful. TSCC has made you scared of losing your family and friends if you question your religion. That is not what a worthy religion should do. You will quic
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
There were a few reasons why I jumped through their hoops to resign. Some of them already mentioned, but the one that struck me was....death. What if I die before my parents or my TBM sisters? If I'm still on their roles, and they convince themselves that I was just struggling with living the gospel, they might actually bury me in those ridiculous temple clothes. Yes, I went through the tem
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Excuse my ignorance, but what does he do that justifies earning $18mil / year?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I think you're confusing "sad" with "envious" or "jealous". TBMs don't usually think before they speak. When they do, and they spout nonsense like your RS friend it's hard to think of a witty comeback in the moment because your brain has been momentarily shut-down to prevent the stupid from registering.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Excellent post Steve. I'd like to see you add the quote from was it Monson or Hinkley about the 1st Vision being the most important event ever, truth of the church resides on it...etc.. I hope you know the one I'm talking about. I found it on i4m. "You and I are faced with the stark question of accepting the truth of the First Vision and that which followed it. On the question of i
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
> > I wish I had a reference for the story of the War > in Heaven, and how the wicked spirits were > banished with Satan, the good spirits who followed > Christ were reserved to be born to this Earth, and > the spirits who were sitting on the fence were to > be born with a black skin as descendants of Cain. > I swear we were taught that in Sunday School class >
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
When I quit praying I took up meditation and candle gazing. Nothing spiritual about it, I'd just light a candle and sit at eye level to it and watch the flame flicker and focus on my breathing. I don't do it anymore, but during my transition time out of mo'ism it was quite beneficial to my mental health.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I think you will find out quickly whether or not these "church friends" are real friends or not. Once you make it clear that you are not joining sit back and watch them scatter. Sorry. Church consumes so much of their time / lives that unless you have a strong non-church related bond with any of them, it will be over.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Judo is a really good workout. You spar almost every class as well at about 80%. Some people will go all out. Not a lot of meditation stuff involved. Funny thing though. I was really into judo while I was TBM, but once I decided I was tired of being beat up spiritually, I also decided I was done with getting beat up physically. I still have the urge to get back into training though.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Rob So a lot of the comments are focusing in on how the article mentioned he was raised a mormon, debating about whether it had anything to do with his actions. I think it actually played a large part in it. I remember being 20 and the intense pressure to go on a missio
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
The 'Why we left' stories was a huge help to me when I was having doubts about the church. I know exactly how you feel. The problem isn't in us, it's in the church. It's not true and we no longer have to twist our brains trying to make sense of it.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
That's one of the many things that always bothered me about the church. So many instances of claiming the importance of witnesses...yet there were none to the most important event in the foundation of TSCC...the first vision.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
You're allowed to drink gallons of mountain dew, but not a sip of green tea.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Are you worried about resigning or having your work re-done for you after you've passed away? I had a dream last night that I was at a gym filled to capacity with women in hot yoga pants. It was awesome. Unfortunetly, real life is alot less so.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I quit paying my tithing, and now I'm debt free. Huge house and 2 vehicles paid for. Guess Satan is better at handing out the worldly blessings than God?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Go Biff on them. (Back to the Future) Grab them in a headlock and wrap on their noggin while asking repeatedly "Hello? Hello McFly...anybody in there?"
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I tried dating a few ex-mo's too, and unfortunetly all it did was serve as a reminder of a past I was trying to move beyond. Get yourself a partner that has no religious upbringing or ingrained god-concept if you want to be atheist. It's been working for me.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Watch the following: Orgazmo Saving Private Ryan The Matrix Donnie Darko Mary Poppins Just have some fun. Play videogames, relax and just go with whatever happens.
Forum: Recovery Board