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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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4 years ago
I would like to find other blogs, about various subjects (that are positive) or about humor and hobbies, etc. I love RFM, but would like to branch out. That's all. I nave none to recommend to you, and I don't know where to find them. What are your favorites? Any suggestions?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
"Snow-global". LOL! I have been openly cringing every time I hear the new not-Mormon church referred to as the GLOBAL church--that's so arrogant. Snow global. Snow global. You made me laugh on a day like this! Thanks, Deb. I've been wondering about what Nelson's words of encouragement would be. Hm-m-m. No promises of bedsice priesthood blessings.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
My daughter's family fought over whether to feed 2 slices of bread to the ducks. The ducks won. Good decision! We need to keep up our morale!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
You're right, that the cult had been heavily marketing GC to the masses! I cringe every time I hear the Mormons refer to it at a "GLOBAL" church. Even in cancellation of conference was infused with bragging and promoting, and the word "global." The flop of Mormon conference is one bright spot in this whole mess. Thanks, Brother of Jerry, for posting about something pos
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
What a great story! I love that baptism, and that your daughter was happy with that! Grandma just has to deal with her own insanity. I was once brainwashed into thinking that way, and I was devastated when the cult would not allow me to get married in the temple, because my previous wife-beater husband was mean, and wouldn't sign the papers to give me clearance (he was alread on his second t
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
People retire at age 65 FOR A REASON. Ha, Disneyland is way cheaper. How many visits could you have per year, instead of paying tithing? Still laughing about Jessica Rabbit! Warrior, your counselor is wrong about you.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Since we can't control the Mormons, our only option is to self-isolate. I do something I swore I would never do, because I want a home that is warm and welcoming, but I do the crass thing, and open a side window and yell, "Who is it?", and I never open the door, unless it is someone I know. It's usually a Mormon stalker, pestering my grandchildren, by delivering advertising flyers or
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
If the cult shuts down for more than three weeks, members will get a sweet taste of freedom, and they will never want to return! I know this is true, because it happened to me, during summer vacations. I never dreaded going back to school and/or my jobs, but I sure did dread returning to the Sunday drudgery of church. Most Mormons have never been away for an entire 3 weeks. The cult wil
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
You got me, too, CZ. You didn't warn us of sarcasm in your title! We need RFM! Who else can we talk to at 2:00, without infecting anyone and without waking up anyone? ((((virtual germ-free hugs to all)))) virtual sloppy kisses xoxoxoxoxoxo!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I think that this is what happened to my mind, too. I call it Mormon "brainwashing". Along with that, I have fears as a result of my TBM parents constantly THREATENING me with punishment from God and from themselves, which they carried out with frequent hitting and "spanking", for the slightest child-errors, such as spilling something, or losing something, or not doing thing
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
The old codgers are scared of germy handshakes at the veil.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
"The Glow". In Mormon women, it's that glassy-eyed stare, when they baby-talk to you, in their little-girl voices. It is very distinctive, in that they can look at you, without really making eye contact with you. Behind their vacant eyes, it seems like nobody's home. What they say seems scripted, somehow, yet they speak as though they are saying something very profound and s
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
What if she kills herself?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I agree with the girl's mom. Anyone who says, "No" doesn't need to give a reason or explanation or excuse, either. I have survived the worst possible scenarios with attempted rapes by creeps I sort of knew. They all kept pursuing after I said "No." Trying to explain WHY I didn't want to date them, or get to know them, or have a conversation alone with them at night, ma
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Yes, good advice. My ex-husband's dysfunctional TBM family had 3 and possibly 4 suicides. We mourned the loss, without focusing on how they died. You don't have to understand, to mourn. Death is something we all must face. Even remembering happy times with the deceased seemed to evoke thoughts of what a waste of a life suicide is. Saying how wonderful a young person was, makes it more tra
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
No, the missionary has been trained in BS salesmanship, and he'll talk his parents into giving him a new car anyway, and seduce his girlfriend into marrying him anyway, and his ward will call him to be their elder's quarum president (or whatever that position is called these days.) Anyway, that's what happened to the creep that molested my little girl. Years later, his temple wife divorced him f
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Is it true that the accused is not allowed to bring anyone into the "court of love?" They can't have any witnesses or character witnesses, or at the very least, someone to hold their hand? Does the person being judged have any opportunity to speak? Is it true that these trials are now called something different, now, as part of the Mormon language-scrubbing? Damn, "Abused a
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Doesn't fasting lower the immune system? Does taking Vitamin C, Zinc, and Eccanasia break a fast? Isn't the magic underwear supposed to protect Mormons? Maybe the Mormon cult should send temple garments to China.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I have always felt that it was a parent's duty to tell their children the truth. Children deserve the truth! IMO, most Mormons I knew when I was a member, treated their children like dirt. My TBM mother would lie to me in a very negative way; I mean, she would use threats to control me! For example, "If you don't obey, God will punish you!" The Mormon cult does this, too. For ex
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Thank you for going through all that effort to return and report to us! You are doing well, to be able to type, and to think straight! Glad you are home! Your TV can be a life-saver. If you have a DVD player, there are some good movies to rent on Redbox, right now. I hope you and your husband can take care of each other, now. Yes, this, too, shall pass--and spring is just around the c
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Ha-ha-ha! Great analogy! It's true, though. Old "Mormonism" was just creepy Utah polygamists that did secret temple rituals for dead people, and not the 100-billion-dollar-hoarding "Global" business cartel that it is today. What with all the Mormon suicides, pedophilia, child abuse, torturing the "gay" out of people, excusing and covering up all kinds of Mormon
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Our neighborhood used to have mailboxes smashed all the time, and everybody would just get a new one, only to have it smashed again. It was frustrating--but luckily we haven't had any mailboxes smashed for years, not since my sons went away to college. We haven't had Halloween pumpkins smashed in the roads, either, or houses being TP'd, strangely enough....
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
24 hours ago, I was wracked in pain, curled up in a ball in my bed, in a darkened room, feeling sorry for myself. I had promised myself to dwell only on positive thoughts and memories this time. So, on top of everything else, I was beating myself up for breaking my promise, and for going down the rabbit-hole of my PTSD horrors. I started to cry, which I usually do not do, but I was all alone.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
How are they going to explain all the empty seats at conference? Or, maybe this will be a preemptive excuse for the empty seats that will be inevitable, anyway. They'll just rope off the back seats, so people will be forced to crowd into the front seats, and the cameras will show the crowded section, only. They will give special mandatory tickets to some wards with ethnic-looking members, an
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
LOL--burn all the China-manufactured junk in the Deseret Bookstore, along with those BOM's. Thank you, posters, for all the good health advice! Perhaps, we should apply some of these, and the missionary guidelines, right back at the missionaries, and other intrusive Mormons: --Stay 6 feet (1.8 meters) away from Mormons. --Don't let Mormons spew on you. --When they do their proselytiz
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I like this! Yes, it's good news! The Mormon cult definitely should be grouped with those other cults and their recruiters. Mormonism certainly does not fit in with the Christian religions, no matter how hard they try. As long as there are Mormon temples wherein couples are married "under the New and Everlasting Covenant", which means polygamy, and as long as Mormons still belie
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
LOL, Kathleen--It's the bank on 400 South and 700 East, SLC.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
These are great! You people are on a roll! It's been a rough day today Full of sickness, pain and dismay Your limericks I read, Then I jumped out of bed "Laughter's the best medicine", they say! Thank you. How can the "judges" possibly choose just one winner?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Thank you, Topper. I really needed this today, as it was a rough day, pain-wise. I will watch this video over and over again. I don't like feeling like I'm "disabled", and I don't want to mourn my loss of health so much that it ruins my good attitude about my life. It has been difficult for me to deal with my childhood PTSD, and my two abusive Mormon husbands. The Mormon cult seeme
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Pope left himself wide open for that one, LOL. I was going to give up candy, again, but I think I'll give up "tittle-tattle", instead.
Forum: Recovery Board