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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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10 years ago
This is very disrespectful to you as the father of these children. These people believe that to be sealed to parents means the children will be with them as a family for all eternity, effectively pushing you completely out of the picture in their minds for eternity. Not that I believe this, but it's kind of an insider look at what they believe and the purpose of having your children sealed to
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Definitely on my bucket list. In Texas we have Flipside, which I'd also like to do!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Well, that's kind of sad even though, as I remember from the last time I ate there about four years ago, the food was horrible. It's funny, nothing much has changed in Burley since I lived there in the 70's. After not having been there in over ten years, I went home to see my family and other than a few new hotels and a new road on the west side of town, not much had changed. Were you ar
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
As I was reading that I "heard" the mighty voice of a GA. ROFLMAO
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
The same thing for me. When I finally walked away the morg was not part of my identity. This was after years of on-again, off-again activity in the church and guilt. Half my family were nevermos and the other half TBM so I had good examples of good people away from the cult to help me. I was also very fortunate to have been raised by two very strong women (mom & stepmom) who had their own
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10 years ago
Knowing my cousins and brothers, they'll probably invite them in for a beer or two. Either that or they'll be met at the door with a gun. Never know with those guys up there.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
The Houston temple is not far from my house. Whenever I drive by there are never more than a handful or so of cars in the parking lot. Of course, it's sitting on a prime, expensive piece of real estate next to a very expensive neighborhood and a golf course. I don't think I've ever even seen wedding parties outside taking pictures.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I was a year and half old then, but this speech formed much of my life. A few years ago DH and I went to Washington DC and I stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where MLK stood when he gave this speech. It was quite an exhilerating moment.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I haven't been to any of their meetings but worked extensively with them in the peace movement where I gained a great deal of respect for them. Definitely worth checking out.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
My nevermo husband's family is Methodist and they are very laid back about their religion. He's not a member of any religion. Funny, way back when they left the Baptist church for the Methodist the rest of the family had a fit because they were joining that "librul" church. Personally, I like the Episcopalian church some because they allow female clergy and are tolerant of alternate
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
My mother was nevermo and never had any problem talking about sex. There were all kinds of Playboy and Hustler magazines in the house (thanks to my stepdad) so I read those starting at a young age. That and friends were my sex education. She never gave me "the talk" though. When I was 16 she asked me if I needed to go on birth control. That was it. My TBM stepmother came home fr
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
This is an addiction and it's a tough one to recover from. I have it, too. It's not just a matter of wanting to quit and anyone who has ever smoked and been addicted knows that. So don't be hard on yourself. Support is super important. Most of my friends have recently quit using the ecigs. I'm thinking about giving them a try again as they have changed since the last time I tried th
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
In my family the story is told that ancestors discovered the copper in what is now the copper mines (Kennecott) on the west side of the SL valley. Brother Brigham told them not to mine because the laird didn't want it to happen at that time, so they didn't. Later some very rich people started the mine and it's been going strong ever since. Nice, huh?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
In 1980 I worked in the COB doing data entry for the geneology department. The pay wasn't great but it was my first job out of high school. I left in 1981 after I got married and moved out of state. A few years later I learned that my former position had been phased from being a paid position to one done by volunteers and missionaries. It's been going on for a long time. Why pay somebody w
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
My first marriage was for 20 years. I was the one who filed for divorce but still, when it was final, I felt a sense of sadness and loss. I think this is normal. Give yourself time to just grieve if you feel the need It's okay.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
"Since making the decision to abandon all organized religion, sin no longer fits in my vocabulary. I see sin as a word invented by religion and I do not accept it as a valid action that a responsible adult needs to even think about." Yes!! Have you ever had a conversation with a "religious" person and discussed that concept? They don't get it and it hurts their tender lit
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I was never asked that question specifically but, since I was pretty horny as a teenager, the bishop and I had quite a few "chats" about what was appropriate and was not. Never could figure out what was wrong with having premarital sex to learn about it and figure out if my potential mate was actually compatible with me in all ways. I still haven't figured out how I made it out of h
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
To me, it was completely a matter of not wanting my name associated with this corporation that operates under the guise of religion. I did not want my name associated with the lies, the hypocrisy, and all the rest. So I sent my resignation letter to TSCC mostly because it made me feel good to do it. Family and friends were not an issue for me. I couldn't care less what my TBM family thinks
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
When did the morg become so hardline on this? Growing up in SL valley in the 70's, several of my friends in high school got pregnant and kept their babies. They weren't pressured, weren't ex'd or even disfellowshipped. Several of my cousins who also live in Utah have gotten pregnant out of wedlock and kept their babies and remained active members. In my opinion, expecting a mother to
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Your feelings are absolutely normal and there is nothing wrong with them. Mine is now sealed to his third wife (I was the first and the second one divorced him). I hope wife #3 has better luck with him than #2 and I did, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I was hurt when he married #2 five days after our divorce was final (he had to get a judge to okay that) but I got over it. although
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Go to the ring ceremony and be there for your daughter. If the wedding happens, it is about her and her day. If you do not go she will likely never forgive you. My dad did not attend my first wedding in the temple. He was not there when I came out of the temple. He and his wife showed up at our wedding reception so full of anger and contempt that I would have rather he not be there. This
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I was diagnosed with PTSD several years ago due to severe emotional and physical abuse from parents and exhusband for many years, the death of my son and various other horrible things. At some point I just shut down. My body wouldn't work, my brain wouldn't work. I could not make myself to do the simplest of things. The nightmares were horrible and I would cry out in the night, waking my hu
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Don't feel bad, Elder. Most of my ancestors and immediate family on that side of the family tree went jackmo and nevermo. We're the black sheep of the family. LOL
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I got myself a pedigree, too! apparently I'm a descendent of Hyrum Smith and the profit Joseph F. Smith.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
What your wife did sounds like it was deliberately designed to hurt you publically. Is she looking for pity or what? What a despicable, horrible, humiliating thing for your wife to do to you, all the while making herself look like a martyr for the morg. Too bad she can't see how good she has it. Happy Birthday, for what it's worth.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I lived in a marriage like that for 20 years. It won't change. When I left I just wanted OUT & let him keep mos of what littl we had. I've never regretted it.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Never fit in. Dad was inactive, stepmom VERY active. But I have always been an oddball and danced to my own music. I asked the wrong questions and was way too independent even though I did try really hard. Never drank, smoked, partied, snuck out of the house, had sex, did drugs or any of the stuff most of the "good" kids were doing. I started teaching primary in high school be
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
You never know for sure until you try it. However, not cheating on your wife is a good thing. Just try to get her to be adventurous in the bedroom. :)
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I used to think we were here to learn lessons in life on being human. I've studied Christianity, Buddhism, Wicca, Islam, Judaism and a few others. When my son died in a car accident at 22 just before he was supposed to go to Iraq I was told he was fighting in God's Army in heaven. This only pissed me off. Of all the billions of people on this planet, God did not need my son who did not be
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Good grief, Ragnar! I've buried one son and that was more than enough pain and grief for me to bear. I cannot possibly imagine having to do that twice. Many hugs and much love.
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