Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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1 year ago
They have always felt negative. From the very beginning people did not believe it. They're negative because they do not understand it. I was a Mormon for 25 years, and I didn't understand it either.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
No, of course they don't credit woman. They love to pretend they do. Read the Journal of Discourses to hear how they feel about women. If they credit woman at all, they talk about them as daughters of Zion. The only one credited with changing church policy is Jesus, who is at the helm.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
She redefines crazy. She also left enough clues to sink a battleship. Her story is so complex, it's inevitable she would be caught. Death follows this woman around like white on rice.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
The so-called 'hill' Cumorah is a Drumlin. It is naturally occurring, with many others, in New York State. If you want to see how many there are, go to Goggle maps, zero in on upper New York, and select the terrain view. These are probably remnants of the ice age. Brigham Young claimed there were thousands more plates piled on tables, and they would also be translated if the chosen ones were f
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
They're deeply entrenched in the psyche of members who have been indoctrinated since birth. Good for you for rooting out the falsehoods that kept you marching in lock step. Of course they don't own you, but they would if you let them. You're totally free. You always have been.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Well, Joseph Smith took ideas from everyone, the Masons, Ethan Smith, Swedenborg. Even the idea that Nephites and Lamanites were from Jerusalem. It has been proven by genetics that native Americans are from Asia. Read Simon Sotherton's book. Just let go of your questions about Mormon doctrine, whether it be celestial marriage, polygamy, priesthood, coffee, personal revelation, the holy ghost,
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
The sales pitch is actually subliminal suggestions delivered in 'talks' by general authorities. They're not trying to get your approval. they couldn't care less about you. They're desperate to keep the numbers up. So, They manipulate the will of the believers. The goal is to reinforce their belief system in TSCC. Every time they speak. There is no point in arguing with them. Just leave.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Well, the thing is dying, obviously. Why would anyone want to join the Mormon church in this day and age? The church continues to reel in misfits and needy people looking for a special connection to God. But, the Mormon heyday is past. Even misfits are skeptical now.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
The spell is created by subliminal suggestions delivered in 'talks' by general authorities. They're not trying to get your approval. they couldn't care less about you. They're manipulating your will. The goal is to reinforce your belief system in TSCC, every time they speak. The people on this board know better. Do you see it?
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Dick Van Dyke is the greatest song-and-dance man ever. Watch Mary Poppins. Especially 'step in time'.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Yes, I think Bednar's comment is a subtle way of excusing the lack of Temple attendance. It is perhaps intended to be subliminal. I think church leaders have used, and do make use of subliminal messages or 'suggestions' as used in hypnosis, to modify behavior of the followers, slowly, quietly. They are stuck with the 'one true church' story, which people are waking up to as phony. They can'
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Since I resigned, I haven't heard a word from anyone, and I like it that way. They're still trying to save (reactivate) you, because you talk about your 'sins', not the things that bother them the most. I've found the best way to get everyone to shut up and run away from you is to talk about the following: 1. The golden plates were imaginary. There never were any physical plates. The 'wi
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
They need you to play their game. They Need communal reinforcement (testimony) from you. You're not providing that (neither did I). If you're not helping to hold the Mormon edifice together, they don't have a use for you.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Living an authentic life is not always easy. Truth is sometimes inconvenient, but living a fantasy your entire life is soul-crushing. Sometimes you have to leave significant people behind
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
The Smith's lost their home in Vermont, then lost their home in New York. Joseph grew up in this environment seeing how hard it was, at least for his family, to be successful in the world. He didn't want to end up like his father: working himself to death, and still unable to make mortgage payments. But he knew that some held the belief that money was buried in various places in upper New Y
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
When someone stops coming to church, one of two things usually happen. They are either love-bombed by a few members, or totally ignored. When I stopped attending the ward I had been attending for thirteen years, the silence was almost deafening. I was a faithful member, a full tithe payer, recommend holder, and held many callings over the years. I was one of the ward members who came to church we
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
She's not ready to see the truth about her church. People do not want their belief systems challenged. They get defensive or dismissive. If she becomes unhappy with the church she'll be more open to critical talk about the church, which she 'knows' is true. And it may still happen.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Truth does not need to be copyrighted, and needs no defense. Only lies need defending. Like people telling each other, "I know with every fiber of my being the church is true". Lies wither and die. Truth cannot be stopped. It is always unfolding, like it or not. The Mormon church is temporary. An elaborate hoax. It will be a footnote someday.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
It's symbolic of the church drying up, and the toxic aftermath.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
There were no Lamanites. Or Nephites. The 'plates' were imaginary. You probably know this already, but the entire veracity of the Mormon church hinges on the reality of golden plates. There never were any physical plates. Don't take my word for it. Look into it and see.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
There was a young prophet named Joe whose libido was running the show His passion for beavers of buxom believers brought fame that continues to grow. He was part Irish I think. If you have something to add, please do.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Well, converts are like illegal immigrants. They do the jobs that 'real' Mormons don't want to do. Generational Mormons are groomed for leadership because they're safe. They have too much to lose if they go off the reservation (apostatize), so they faithfully carry on the illusion of 'we're the true church'. Converts like me grew up without Mormon influence. We don't have a whole lineage of Mo
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
I think they know they have hit their high water mark. It doesn't really matter. They've been investing tithing income for many years and have huge investments working for them. They only have to continue the illusion of being a church to maintain their tax-free status. Their investment income from real estate, businesses, stocks, etc. will sustain them.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Even though I was a 'golden' convert and followed the program as faithfully as possible, after a few years, I felt like the church was making a fool out of me in the following ways: 1. Since I was not from Utah I would not advance much. 2. I worked for free when 'called'. 3. They took 10% of my money. 4. No matter how hard I worked, I was never good enough. 5. They make you feel guilty.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
Well yes, I could have been more specific. I have only belonged to two religions, Catholic and Mormon, both Christian, though I have more than a passing familiarity with non-dual traditions like Advaita Vedanta. The Catholic church is not as controlling as the Mormon church, but unconditional love is still quite a stretch for them.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
All religions have one central message, not usually stated, but resembling the following: ‘You need to improve, and you need us to help you. You’re no good just as you are. Do whatever we tell you and you’ll have great reward, disobey us and you will spend eternity in hell.’ This seems to me to be the opposite of what church is supposed to be. Shouldn't it be a place to learn love, forgiv
Forum: Recovery Board
3 years ago
57. Re:
Forum: Recovery Board
3 years ago
Using simple math, you’ll see that virtually everyone is eliminated from the game called “reaching the highest degree of celestial glory.” The trick is not to play. Those who die before they are old enough to play (according to the rule book) get a free pass. Virtually everyone else is eliminated: 1st cut: One third of all God’s children are eliminated from the game while still in
Forum: Recovery Board
3 years ago
Some inactive Mormons, who don't like the church, stick around, perhaps feeling guilty at their 'inactive' status, because they believe Joseph actually dug physical plates out of the ground at Cumorah. The Mormon church's reason to exist hangs on this one event. If the plates were real, meaning physical, the church is indeed true, like it or not, regardless of messy doctrinal issues. But
Forum: Recovery Board
3 years ago
Good for you. I hoped it worked out well for you. Leaving the nest is harder in a strongly regulated society like Mormonism, but we all have to do it if we want to grow. The world has plenty of strange things to discover. It's my duty to investigate everything.
Forum: Recovery Board