Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

Results 3811 - 3840 of 3914
13 years ago
I especially love it when the local news stations here in Salt Lake City have a story that involves the church and they have to waste all that air time saying thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints...whew!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I used to listen to KOMA in southern Idaho in the 60's all the time (at night only). It was the best station for playing all the music we loved in high school. Thanks for the walk down memory lane!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
A BYU professor wrote a letter to the Provo Daily Herald when the new rule came down that all professors had to hold a current temple recommend to keep their jobs. He basically said that it would just make skillful liars out of many of the employees there because if it meant your job, you will lie.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
whoops...I meant to post an oldie but a goodie.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
and oldie but a goodie
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I did the whole she-bang on my wedding day way back before any temple films. Idaho Falls Temple. Had to be there in the middle of the night...4 a.m or 5 a.m. No one told me ANYTHING about what to expect and I was in shock the whole time, couldn't understand who these old people were who played Adam and Eve, couldn't sit next to my husband to be, kept thinking how weird everything was. The
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
My thoughts, too. I don't give a flying leap as to all the reasons or causes of homosexuality. We humans are all along the continuum of sexuality. All I know is that my ex is much more content in his skin now after coming out as a gay man in the 90's after trying to be straight and in a marriage to a hetersexual woman for over 20 years. My wish is that some day sexual orientation will no
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
5th grade. American History. Studying presidents of the USA. On a test I listed one of the presidents as Wilford Woodruff. The teacher was baffled (non-mormon lady). It was supposed to be Woodrow Wilson. I was soooooo embarassed.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I have to admit I have a few of them and use them from time to time. Browsing through one of the last cookbooks I got from that ward I was amazed at how many of the people who submitted recipes are just names on a page now. I can't remember who half of them are! I figure some were inactive or transient members and the others were people who flew below the radar. Of the people I do recognize,
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I am an apathetic agnostic. Don't know. Don't really care. I have no control over what's out there, if anything, so I am focused on this life.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It says of the phrase "latter-day saints" that 'these conceited words' (love it) were added to the church's title in 1833. So, when Joe started the church, he simply called it the Church of Jesus Christ? Wow, that seems pretty boastful in and of itself. I did not know the latter-day saints wasn't part of the title from the beginning. Dawkins got some things a bit wrong in places
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I went to see her today like I do several times a week. She lives in an assisted living and it is coming to the point where she will need a higher level of care at age 91. But, today, it was just downright strange. I mentioned that it was a snowy day outside today. We were standing in her kitchenette and she looked at the white wall over her sink (no window there) and said she couldn't see
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I do think a bit of retail therapy is going to be happening tomorrow since I have the day off!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
3825. My sister
will not hear word one about this from me. Nope.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
have fun with some of it, put some in my HSA, some in my ROTH and some into home repairs. It is such a windfall, I just can't get over it.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
My TBM kids will probably have harsh words to say about my filthy lucre and how I obtained it but I won a big jackpot last night in Wendover. I am sure this will be a once in a lifetime happening for me as I am such a small time gambler. It was such a shock to me I couldn't really believe what the screen was telling me. People around me were more vocal about it that I was....LOL. What was w
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
3828. to think4u
I thought the same thing back in the 90's when I got into a rebound marriage after my divorce. I felt like I had to be married to the guy so that my kids wouldn't think I was a bad role model. Well, It was a big mistake. My kids have come to realize that their mother needs and deserves to have someone in her life and if that includes intimacy, then so be it. I'm engaged and living with a ma
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Mary Beth Ranes in Salt Lake City....very good with this specific issue. She was a contributing author to the book "Peculiar People" when it came out in the early 90's regarding gay folks in the church.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Years ago when I was married to a never-mo who moved to Utah, we loved to go to University Mall in Orem and play Hi-Mo, Lo-Mo and No-Mo. The Hi-Mos were pretty easy to spot. We sometimes got to laughing so hard that people would give us funny looks. Ah, the memories.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Years ago in the 80's, we were really struggling financially and I would hold the tithing check and sometimes it didn't get turned in. I finally told my DH what I'd done when it came time for tithing settlement. He was upset but told me we would not catch it up, but would claim part tithe payers. We got to keep our recommends, but we got a stern talking to about making sure the tithing wa
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
me, too. There is something about that little coffee break about an hour after I get to work and I have my little ritual. There are only 2 of us who are coffee drinkers in this mormon dominated office and I love it!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
My, My, My. Seems that Zion's Bank got spanked by the feds for lack of proper anti-money laundering controls. This is a very big deal because literally billions of dollars got wired around the world over the years through Zions and a lot of it was probably dirty. Hey, maybe that's where the cash came from to build City Creek! Remember no tithing money was used.....hehehe.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It has altered my family relationships completely. Nothing will ever be the same with my grown children.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The monster who killed her stated that because she fought him, he hit her over the head with a piece of wood. As young women in the church are always taught to fight to keep someone from taking their virtue, would the outcome have been different if she hadn't done so? We will never know. It is just so incredibly sad that this happened. The mother did seem very disconnected from her feel
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
3836. Re: Postum
My mom got a catalog with all kinds of crap from days gone by. I fully expected to see postum in it, but alas, it wasn't haha
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I have never been happier than I have since leaving the cult. I let go of so many fairy tales that had me gripped in guilt. Sex, M,thinking my thoughts would be shouted from the rooftops, lack of scripture study, prayer, FHE, VT, testimony bearing,journal writing, genealogy doing, temple attending etc. etc. etc. making me feel "less valiant" freed me from the trap of mormonism. Can y
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
up to eyeballs in debt. student loans up the wazoo.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
running into former ward members in the store? I made a game out of it...I would purposely find them as they tried to avoid me. I would say hi and they would respond, usually by telling me all the excuses as to why they were there (this often happened on a Sunday in Utah County-haha). It was always quite entertaining. Now that I live in SLC, I don't have any former ward members that I can ann
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
My mother had this experience after she was widowed. One guy took her to dinner and when he brought her home started in telling her how his stuff would look in her house and where he could hang his paintings! That was their first and last date! She was in her early 70's at that time.
Forum: Recovery Board