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13 years ago
Not a statement but a question. My then bishop told me they don't do temple divorces anymore (this was 1993). I asked him why because I wanted one from my ex. He said everything would be worked out in the eternities. My question that stopped him cold: "So, D--(ex husband) will be turned into a straight man then?" He sat there speechless.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
They can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. My good friend in high school was overweight but not obese. Her PB had nothing in it about marriage, posterity being a mother, etc. The stupid prick of a patriarch judged her appearance. Well, she shut down emotionally after that and guess what? She never married. Stupid cult.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Stab it with their steely knives, but you just can't kill the beast.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Come to think of it, I don't think I ever felt joy when I was an active member. It always just felt like obligation.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
My ex was 45 when he came out. It was very traumatic for his siblings, some of whom just barely tolerate him even now after 18 years. How's that going for you?
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
A few of the new steeples dotting the churches have window panes that are very very close to looking like crosses. I do NOT think it is accidental.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I am sure my name gets put on it often as my uber TBM sister works in the temple. If it makes them feel better about their apostate sister, so be it. It is mildly amusing to me, actually.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It breaks my heart and at the same time seems cathartic for you to write it.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
C12 and I are ex wives of gay mormon men. My ex never cheated on me and didn't give me an STD. What he did do was completely devastate me with his admission after 22 years of marriage and 4 children that he was gay.It went to the very core of who I was as a female and made my whole marriage to him feel like a sham. You have just had a bomb dropped on you! Cheating is horrible no matter wha
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I seem to notice something because I am downtown every day as I work there in the middle of the construction zone. I see missionaries, both male and female each and every day. The sisters seem to be from all parts of the world and very striking in their appearance. I know most work on temple square. The males, OTOH, seem more like misfits. I hope that doesn't come off sounding mean. It
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
my sign. I know, not too creative...
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Thanks everyone...I will let you know what I decide to do and if we get together how it goes.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
3854. to cl2
You know my story and it is yours also. She knows my ex as we all went to HS together. She will also think he is a fallen son as another friend puts it. Devout mormons just do not understand how much of life is grey...they live in such black and white worlds of thought.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I think what will come through from her the most is her judgmental attitude toward me. I know she feels that she HAD to leave her marriage because of whatever and to know that I am living with my fiance will just be fodder. What I want to tell her is how happy I am that I am out of the cult. I just don't know how to do get that across.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
She was the molly of mollies in high school. So "modest" she wouldn't shower with us in gym class. She married later than the rest of us and I actually felt sorry for her husband because I just could never see her having or enjoying sex. Well, it all came to pass...she hated sex, had some kids, and is now separated from said husband for--get this--looking at porn she says. I don
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
How I wish you knew my TBM son who lives there. Were you ever active in the last 10 years?
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
OMG this thread is hilarious! And, I have heard each and every one of these types of testimonies during my lifetime! The best "spousemonie" I ever heard though was when I was in high school and this woman who always wore her skirts pretty short (in the 60's) got up and went on and on about how much her husband meant to her. I mean, it got embarassing....well, weeks later, she had run
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I've lived in Utah for 31 years this go around (not counting back when I was a newlywed in college). 15 of those years were when I was active and thought it was just peachy to live around so many mormons. The reason I stayed after I left the church was because my job and my family were here. I now work downtown SLC. Half of our office is UBER TBM and the rest of us are non mormons or exmorm
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I know when I was trying to do the journal thing, it just set up lots of guilt when I would go months without writing and then I would promise I would do better. How twisted is that...when NOT writing stuff down made me feel bad? I has forgotten that until now.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I was with my uber TBM sister and BIL yesterday for our mom's birthday. They actually treat me ok even though I left the flock years ago and am living with my fiance. I was telling them about a few things my youngest son had experienced the last few years and they were quite impressed with the update. Then, all of a sudden, my BIL got all excited and wanted to know if he had written all of thi
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Shannon, we are all here for you if and when you are ready to share, or if you never feel like you can. Your call.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I have posted here before about my little cog-dis regarding the ERA back in the mid 70's. Lived in St. Louis as DH was doing his graduate work. We spent many weeks in RS making protest signs to take to IL when they were about to vote to ratify the amendment...they were an important state in the process. We were encouraged to go to the IL statehouse and protest on the day of the vote. I was
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
3864. Blogs
My TBM kids all have blogs. I read them once in a while. My oldest DD has posted something today that she knows I will read and it is hurtful and directed at me. I don't want to escalate things, but now our whole extended family will wonder what the heck is going on. I will say this again...some mormons have no boundaries.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
When I divorced in 1993, I asked the bishop how to get the temple divorce started. His reply? "They don't do that anymore". I was taken back and asked why not. He said that would all be worked out in the eternities! I then asked him if my ex would be turned straight in the afterlife and he just did NOT have an answer for that. I don't dare tell my current fiance that I might sti
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Wendell, I am the ex-wife of a gay man. We divorced in 1993. That day was a horrible, sad day for me, too. The finality of it is the tough part. We both knew it had to happen, but all the history of our life together before the bombshell just came flooding down on me. It was so bad, I got a job in another city just so I didn't have all the "oh you poor thing" comments coming at me
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I laughed out loud when I read the caption under the picture of the National Security Agency Deputy Director John Inglis when he was quoted as saying "Utah is a "handshake state" that will deliver on its promises". hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Well, alrighty then. How do they explain away the way RS was run for years and years...their own magazine, dues to be a "member", bazaars, rummage sales, bake sales and other fund raising activities to fund the organization and most of all, autonomy. It only got put under the priesthood in when, the 60's(?) or so when the correlation program was implemented. They now just want to rew
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I was a young married with two children and a husband in graduate school, transplanted recently from BYU to St. Louis in the mid 70's. Illinois was in the final stages of ratifying the Equal Rights amendment and the LDS church was in full battle mode. Weeks and weeks of relief society meetings were devoted to making signs and getting whipped up about the terrible things that would happen if it w
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
So, I'm off today and tomorrow. I make an appt with my doc to get my prescriptions renewed. Nurse takes my BP and it's a little high. Doc decides my BP has been all over the map in the last year so has me wearing a BP monitor for 24 hours. It takes a reading every 15 minutes! I have one question: How am I supposed to sleep tonight with this thing squeezing the life out of my arm and beepi
Forum: Recovery Board