Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

Results 1 - 30 of 1459
24 days ago
Just a guess, based on the limited information. Either she doesn't want to go out, or she didn't see your message. My experience dating after 24 years of marriage was very different to say the least. I tried a few dating apps. I found them to be a horrible waste of time. It's not my thing. I joined a group of people who were studying Japanese in Tokyo, since that's something I do. The
Forum: Recovery Board
24 days ago
My first year of law school, right before finals, we were chilling in the lobby. My classmates were sharing their tattoos. I don't have any, so I just observed. Then I got roped into the conversation. "Hey, T-Bone, what about you?" I had nothing to show. One of my classmates chimed in. "Some guys will do anything to be different." Seriously, I have never had one an
Forum: Recovery Board
24 days ago

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4 months ago
I was not blessed with high metabolism. I can look at a piece of chocolate cake and gain a pound. Carbs put me a food coma. A messy divorce put me in a tailspin where I got to over 250 lbs. My wife is very savvy when it comes to nutrition. When we started dating, I just ate what she ate and dropped 60 lbs effortlessly. Today, I drink lots of water, black coffee only, and sometimes tea - strai
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
I fled in 2014, California as well as the USA. Japan is paradise, if you can handle earthquakes, small homes, and crowds. The cost of living is amazing, it's safe, and there is little fighting over poliics.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
That's sad. I always got a little sleepy during sacrament meeting. I wonder if a lot of people secretly were thinking, "I always feel like this in sacrament meeting." It's a good thing somebody noticed.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
I wrote them down with my wife and we discussed them on New Years Day. We planned out our year. Vacations, mini-vacations, and dates. Be bold but kind. Be honest - not just telling the truth, but calling out something that I know is wrong. I've got some professional, fitness, and financial goals. I started taking cold showers in December 2023, and I plan to keep taking cold showers
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
Thank you, everyone, for the kind comments. We are on the Ring of Fire, which basically extends from the East of Australia to the Philippines, to Japan, then Alaska, the West Coast of the US, and down to South America. We get little earthquakes all the time and people rarely even mention it at work the next day. I'll be sitting in a coffee sh
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
It keeps them from realizing they are in a cult.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
I'm in Tokyo, so Ishikawa is on the other side of the island. It's about a 6 hour ride on the bullet train from us. We were totally safe, thanks. I was in Starbucks at the time it hit, on the third floor, and the building just kept shaking and shaking. Some of the major temples that people visit to celebrate the new year have Red Cross tents every year. It was the perfect chance to donate
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
I love my MacBook. I love that I can make a video on my iPhone in 4K, send it to my MacBook by airdrop, and then edit that video using Final Cut Pro. I think I've had 3 MacBooks so far. I've also had multiple PCs. I prefer Mac. The big difference between Apple users and other systems as far as I can tell is, Apple users ask, "What does it do?" Non-Apple users ask, "What can
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
Makes enforcing the honor code that much easier. People laugh and call social credit scores a conspiracy. They stop laughing when their credit/debit card stops working.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
I have a rule. If someone says something rude, I make sure to say something twice as rude to them. Without breaking eye contact. Yes, that includes family.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
When I was in law school, I was an intern at a big city prosecutor's office. We saw the worst of society. I won't bury the lead. One HUGE mistake I saw was people setting themselves up to be victims over the holidays. Dec 24 Got all the whole family together for Christmas (Photo) Dec 25 Got a new big screen TV and a Playstation for Christmas! (Photos of all the expensive gifts)
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
What's the perfect Solstice gift?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
LINE is an app that we use in Japan. It's a lot like WhatsApp, and they have a news section in the app. This is how a lot of Japanese get their news; sports, entertainment, international, etc. The article is probably a translation of an English article. You can read it in English by right-clicking and selecting Translate to Englis
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
OMG - James O'Keefe would have a hay day with the Mormon church.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
I remember hearing this story on a podcast a few years ago. The authors claimed that if they just went along with the ideology of the publications they were submitting papers to, and used the right buzzwords, their papers were accepted. I wonder how many people are still citing these articles.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
When I taught online classes, my students had to write term papers, and the plagiarism was rampant. They obviously used Wikipedia, which was not recognized as a scholarly source. They had access to an online treasure trove of research. Some students copied and pasted from Wikipedia without even deleting the brackets. Here's an example: The term "scientific method" emerged in the
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
One of my buddies here in Tokyo is ex-military. He was in Iraq and saw where the money was going. He invested every extra penny into companies that made things that go "ka-blooey". He's in his early 40's and retired very comfortably.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
When in lived in LA, I loved In-n-Out. My wife didn't. We ended up getting divorced. Make of that what you will.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
I hated liver when I was a little kid. I never understood why my father ate it. Now I'm an adult and I still can't stand liver. If you like liver, I'll never be able to convince you it tastes awful. If you hate liver, nobody will ever convince you it tastes good. Shared traditions contribute to a cohesive society. It's important not to throw out the baby with the bathwater; there are unintend
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
True. Look at any sitcom that has a family. The dad is always a buffoon and it's considered "cute". Nah, it's disgusting.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
There was a new restaurant in my neighborhood a few years ago. They had a snarky sign in the bathroom, telling men to sit down to pee. We visited once and found the food underwhelming and the staff unfriendly. We never went back, especially after I saw that sign in the bathroom. Usually, things like that start with management and trickle down. Men started to post the idiotic sign on socia
Forum: Recovery Board
5 months ago
I remember driving through a neighborhood south of Provo in the early 2000s. The McMansions were hideous. Cookie cutter homes filled with newlyweds and young families. On of my co-workers bought one. On the outside, it looked amazing. I was a bit envious. He had got a great deal, or so it seemed. I assumed the prices were cheaper because of the location. A few years later, he told me that
Forum: Recovery Board
5 months ago
I saw my new neighbor. She's cute. I had an impure thought (or two).
Forum: Recovery Board
5 months ago
It's almost like a sports team. Mormonism is, from its very roots, divisive. And it teaches mental gymnastics When a Mormon gets rich, it's because they live the gospel. If a Mormon is poor, it's a test. Either way, "the" church is true.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 months ago
I start the morning with a double espresso, and I put a small ice cube in it. I can't drink it too hot. I've also been known to get so engrossed in what I'm doing that my coffee gets cold. That's the life of a creative person.
Forum: Recovery Board