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8 years ago
This should be forwarded to the press. Any of the editors who penned the recent coverages of the new policy would be interested in this for follow-up pieces. Their emails can be generally by found in the byline. Just request the not go on the record and your confidentiality will be protected.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
levantlurker Good to see influential news organizations write human interest pieces on gay Mormons. It keeps the focus on while at the same time humanizing those most hurt by the church's policies.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Most of Kaskade's set consist of originally produced tracks. However, I do agree that it's quite a bit of money for someone who generally just hits 'Play.' This is coming from a long-time EDM fanatic. Best to think of EDM djs as orchestra conductors. They're not absolitely necessary for the live music. Instead, they embody the music and give the audience something to focus their attention on.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Kaskade is HUGE. His following predates the current progressive house wave that entered the American mainstream in the late 2000s. Most people have no idea he's LDS. I would use that fact to convince my church friends to go party late into the evening, as opposed to the usual PG movie plus board games.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Wow. I wish I had the guts to respond to the whole mailing list with this passage. Good find.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
My friend just forwarded this to me. Looks like the backlash from the Church's youth is growing. Dear Brothers and Sisters, The following fireside from President Spencer W. Kimball may provide some comfort to those struggling with the recent changes to the Handbook of Instructions. Please be cautious of what you read on social media or the internet. As always, I'm available to if you would
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I got married (to an atheist no less!) in my late 20s, so thankfully didn't have to go through the shame of being dragged out kicking and screaming from the local YSA and into the Single Adults ward. Several of my YSA friends are going through that right now. I've attended two Single Adult regional conference events at the request of my close friend who is the activities coordinator. Why would
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
levantlurker From my buddy's Instagram. Not sure this has anything to do with recent events, but I'm feeling inspired regardless. F*** these bigots!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
No comment needed. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I'm extremely curious how this will play out. I've always made it a point during my past TR interviews to answer this question honesty. I give my time and talents to few gay advocacy groups, both LDS (Affirmation) and non-LDS (HRC). I was always reminded by the bishop that this question specifically pertains to groups advocating for fundamentalists engaged in plural marriage. That said, I liv
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
“Do you affiliate with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or do you sympathize with the precepts of any such group or individual?” I've always made it a point during my past TR interviews to answer this question honesty. I give my time and talents to several gay equality groups, b
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I stand humbly corrected. In the heat of the argument, I did not consider all the cases. In general, I find that TBMs would prefer that a child be raised by horrible, incapable biological, married parents than be raised by good same-sex parents. This jerk off online fell squarely in that camp.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Just took down a TBM troll online who was arguing that two men raising a child is "gross and perverted." "Every child raised by a gay couple was abandoned by a straight couple. Every one. It's a mathematical certainty." No response. It was glorious. :)
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
This is my personal take (posted on another thread): The LDS church's move was tactically smart, but strategically dumb. The biggest reason for the shift to acceptance of same-sex families is the increased exposure of everyday hetero Americans to gays. Many people now can say they know someone who is gay. And guess what? Their lives are just as boring as ours! Why did the church implement t
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I've been seeing this article pop up all over my FB feed. The LDS church's move was tactically smart, but strategically dumb. The biggest reason for the shift to acceptance of same-sex families is the increased exposure of everyday hetero Americams to gays. Many people now can say they know someone who is gay. And guess what? Their lives are just as boring as ours! Why did the church implem
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
It was my last straw.,1709640
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I haven't had a chance to read the other commentson this board, but I'm guessing that I'm in the minority when I say that I was (and still am) completely shocked by changes to the handbook. They've really doubled-down on stupid. Nothing has changed since Prop 8.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
168. I'm done
I'm done with the LDS church. 100%. It's over. I posted a few months ago about my plans to slowly go inactive. My parents were inactive ever since I was born. I rediscovered my "tribe" in college. I was baptized and went on a mission, but I never actually believed in it. Ultimately, it was a way for me to feel like I was part of a special community (and perhaps a way to rebel against
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
levantlurker "But there’s at least one place in American society where Mormons have found an unusual degree of acceptance—in agencies like the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the CIA, which see Mormons as particularly desirable recruits and have a reputation for hiring a disproportionate number of people who belo
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Oh! And the movie starts with the following: "The historical events represented in this story are true and occurred on the American frontier from 1805 to 1845."
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
levantlurker Much attention has been given to inaccurate artist depictions of the translation/dictation process, but I haven't read anything about the relatively recent (2005) LDS film 'Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration.' This movie to this day is constantly used by the missionaries to teach investigators. Skip to 18:43.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
levantlurker Truly noble animals.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The Philippines has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Fortunately for me, two years after my mission I got to go back for a friend's wedding. In addition to swimming in the ocean, I got to participate in several other banned activities such as karaoke (a national obsession, called videoke by the locals) and cock fighting (cruelty at its max).
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
"Went on a mission for the experience of living overseas." I may be lying to myself. Most likely it was my way of rebelling against my parents and wanting to feel like a legitimate member of my "tribe".
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I probably peaked around 10 or 15% at most. Grew up with inactive, liberal BiC parents who never baptized me but would occasionally take me to Church or family/friend events. Got baptized freshman year of college after getting involved in an LDS Student Association. Went on a mission for the experience of living overseas. Continued being active for the social environment. Slowly exiting as I'v
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Really? I think for a TBM to say "good riddance" is basically to completely abandon the 2nd mission statement of the Church "To Perfect the Saints."
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
levantlurker I don't know why this surprises me, but it does. I think I've seen too many people over the years ball their eyes out at F&T over a friend or neighbor removing their names from the records. The comments are 90% negative. Here's a small sampling: Oh no! Not 100 out of the millions! What a tragedy! :) Well, byyyyyyye come bac
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
levantlurker Super curious how much Mo-ism talk occurred when he collaborated with Neon Trees. This was still two years before Tyler Glenn came out.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
levantlurker Sharing for those who want a sampling his music. He's a true legend. Sooooo good! Ugh, I don't want to go to work now. I just want to stay in my house and rock out all morning!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
levantlurker I'm a big fan of EDM and live DJ sets. Kaskade has been a staple of the progressive house music scene for years, though very few people know of his Mormon background. He's also one of the few EDM acts I've been able to drag my TBM friends to. The moment I mention that the artist is a RM, BYU
Forum: Recovery Board