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7 years ago
You're right - I have to fill out a form to go over 21.5 units. That should be fine, since you're generally allowed to take more units if you have a decent GPA (mine is 4.0) and haven't dropped two or more classes for the previous quarter (I didn't drop any this quarter). Fortunately I plan on transferring to a California state university, and online there are very comprehensive lists of whic
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
The social aspect should be fine, since all of my lab/field classes are in the same program and generally with the same small group of people. A lot of my current classmates will be taking the same set of classes as me next quarter, aside from the online ones. That should be plenty of socialization for me. Thank you for the advice!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I need to finish 90 transferable units before summer quarter, unfortunately (a requirement for the university I want to transfer to). Thank you for the suggestion, though!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
In my experience online classes rarely translate into as many hours as they're supposed to, and the professors in my department are heavier on fieldwork than homework, but next quarter I'm taking a couple writing-intensive courses. Those will probably take up most of my time. I hadn't considered travel time yet. Four of my classes require meeting off-campus for labs, and one of them even h
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I'm currently at community college on a quarter system and taking 19 units, which is very manageable because I don't have a job. I'd like to transfer in the fall (living at home is very uncomfortable now that I'm out of the closet and left the church), but to do that I need to overload on courses for winter and spring. Is taking 25 units next quarter overly ambitious? 17 of those units would b
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Good to hear that going to a Cal state school wasn't a drawback for you! I'm planning on applying to one this month and hopefully transferring in fall of 2017. I attended BYU and BYU-I shortly, but their environmental science program isn't as strong as several of the CSUs (or even the community college I'm attending right now), from what I've heard and experienced.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
You know what I meant. No need for me to clarify.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I can't eat most the things on the list, since I'm vegan, but I'll probably end up making my own, equally unhealthy substitutes.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
This year my family is doing a very small celebration since my twin brother is away on a mission and my grandmother, who we would normally celebrate with, passed away at the start of the year. My friends' will mostly be at out-of-state colleges or traveling. I'll draw something for my closest friends, and I might buy some clothes or small accessories for myself, but otherwise I don't plan on an
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Thank you for sharing! That was a long but worthwhile read. During fall of 2015 I took Foundations of Science (FDSCI 101) at BYU-I. I don't remember the specifics of what we taught or read, or if the information was presented as factual or speculative, but evolution was included in the curriculum. The professor even brought in skull models to show human evolution.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
If it's a weekend sometimes I drink vodka, but I'm cutting back since I blacked out a while ago (I'm small and had six shots and a can of beer in under an hour). Not recommended. I saw a college psych counselor recently, and that helped me become more self-aware. Otherwise to relax I take classes I'm interested in, write poetry, hang out with friends, watch movies, etc. Give yourself time t
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I agree with you! Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough. My self image just tends to fluctuate between way too high (for instance, if I've been reading a lot) and extremely low. That's a separate issue that I'm working on, but it's my personal reason for taking a break from doing much reading. I still participate in quite a few "thinky" activities from time to time, like writ
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Planning which college to transfer to (I went to BYU and BYU-I, then transferred to community college and came out as gay and an exmo). I'd love to go somewhere in Washington or Oregon, but I'll probably end up going to a CSU for the relatively low tuition.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
It's probably for the best that I don't read many books anymore. At least when I was in middle and high school, reading excessively turned me into an awfully pretentious person. Switching out books for mostly mindless entertainment lets me take myself less seriously. Not that there's anything wrong with seriousness - it's just an issue for me because I tend to either overthink or adopt a holie
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Those Pillsbury cookies with snowmen, trees, and reindeer on them! The kind that comes in a roll and you slice and bake. I went vegan at the start of this year, though, so I'll have to figure out my own copycat recipe.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I was raised somewhat conservative and I'm still pretty young but over the past five years I've become very liberal and progressive. My parents, who used to be conservative, have become increasingly moderate over the years.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
This reminded me of a Kimball quote from 1975 that lists some serious sins, including abortion: "Alcohol, tobacco, drugs are evil. Adultery and fornication are tools of Satan; homosexuality and other forms of perversion are from the lower world; petting and other physical intimacies are most destructive sins. Abortion is vicious, and most divorces are inspired by selfishness." The st
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
My twin brother was endowed a little over a month ago, before leaving on his mission, and I have lots of mixed feeling but in that regard I pity him. I'm so glad I never had to wear the garments. The #1 thing I enjoy about being out is definitely being able to openly express my sexuality, though.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I had a BoM professor (Mark Mathews) at BYU in Provo that actually spent a long time on that scripture. He just taught the complete opposite. He spent a large portion of class very strongly and adamantly encouraging us to "judge righteously" and complaining about how people "misinterpret" scripture to mean that you shouldn't judge others.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Last December I came home from BYU-I and asked my mom if I could talk to her for a minute, and then I came out of the closet and told her I'm agnostic (well, I'm an atheist but I thought she might react better if I said I'm agnostic instead). It was a fairly short conversation. She was disappointed, and said she thought my dad might get angry, and then I practically ran out of the house to spen
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
You can use this to get a rough estimate of how much you need to drink to get buzzed (if you scroll down there's also a chart of the effects at different BACs): It varies from person to person, but that should help. The first time I had alcohol I tried small amounts of about five different drinks and ended up only feeling sl
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Most TBMs I know avoid horror movies since the genre isn't considered very virtuous (just look at the content of franchises like The Human Centipede). Of course, there are some very high quality horror movies, and movies that are decent and PG-13, but those tend to be lesser known than their torture porn subgenre counterparts. TBMs also seem to avoid anything too occult (ouija boards, palmistry
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Thanks for reminding us. I was at BYU-I a year ago. Now I'm out of the church, out of the closet, and attending a different college.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Thanks! I relate to a lot of that (especially overcompensating for my sexuality, which I perceived failure to live up to expectations, with perfectionism). I'm just starting the process of improving my mental health and I have a long ways to go in terms of self-discovery, but it's good to have a positive vision to look forward to.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Thank you to everyone for all the advice and support! The therapist isn't mormon, so I'm not concerned with her trying to get my back in the church (not that there's anything that could convince me to do that), but tomorrow if it comes up again I'll ask her to clarify her suggestion. Having a week to think things over really helped clear my head. I didn't realize until now just how hard I
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Thanks! Yeah, I definitely plan on letting loose, and I've been doing a decent job of that since I left the church about ten months ago. My therapist actually brought up the possibility of me returning to the church (she started with the whole "there are gay mormons, you know" line) but I was very quick to shut down that idea.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I met with a therapist (well, a community college psych counselor) for the first time last week. I was terrified and stumbled over my words or misspoke a lot, but she got the impression that a lot of my depression and unhealthy mentalities (perfectionism, fear of vulnerability, difficulty expressing emotions, internalized homophobia, etc) come from my LDS upbringing. Thoughts? Aside from the h
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I'd just like to add that drinking the rest of my vodka at once gave me the confidence I needed to send an e-mail to set up personal/psychological counseling, which is something I've been meaning to do for about ten years! Honestly I've spent hundreds of hours wanting to do that but feeling too shy or embarrassed. I'm leaving before the drunkenness starts to show more, but I thought I'd share
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I'm gonna drink the rest of my bottle of Smirnoff watermelon vodka, which looks like about five shots. My TBM parents are out of town (I'm at home while attending community college) for the week and I don't want to keep having to hide the bottle in my closet. On Tuesday I drank seven shots and a bottle of beer and blacked out for a couple hours. That was my first time ever blacking out, but
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