Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

Results 31 - 60 of 5413
2 months ago
Who’s going to fund our SS? Pretty sure robots don’t pay SS on earnings because their owners collect all their earnings.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
So glad I got out of my Mormon marriage! That was hell!
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
And that’s worse than what Joseph Smith did how? Kinda surprised anybody in UT Co spoke up to the cops instead of their Bishop or Mission President.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
God cuckolding his Step Dad by raping his own virgin Mom to create himself in the flesh, seems evil.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
Genocide Murder Rape Child abuse Cruelty All things God did in the Bible.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
I’d be surprised if far more sinister covert surveillance operations were not taking place in an Organizatio with a ‘Strengthening The Members’ Committee of Latter Day Danites.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
None of which answers the question, Is it a coincidence that our solar system aligns exactly with the axis of the Dipole CMB?
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
Is it a coincidence?
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
There are a hundred things you could do with a bird dog other than shoot it for killing birds.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
Its political suicide in America to admit you killed or were in any way cruel to a dog. (except Mitt Romney who somehow survived putting his dog on the roof of his car.) Humans on the other hand, there's an entire party in America that's proud of its cruelty towards 'others', (Liberals, migrants, Muslims, Jews, minorities, women, atheists, communists) and I think that describes the divide
Forum: Recovery Board
2 months ago
schrodingerscat "COSMOLOGISTS called it the axis of evil. Spotted in 2005 in the cosmic microwave background, the all-pervading afterglow of the big bang, the axis was a peculiar alignment of features where we would have expected nothing but randomness. The name was justifiably melodramatic, giv
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
Gravity never let me down.
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
Everytime I add a tube link it gets rejected. Tells me it’s a banned word. When I erase it and repost it. It posts.
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
If you enjoy having your mind blown every day, This forum bans u2ube links but Search U2be for a video from math/scientist Anton Petrov, answers “Are Gravity Waves Responsible For Life?” in a way that makes a whole lot of sense. Turns out Sagan was right when he said we are all just stardust. A “Kilanova” is the only thing that can create heavy elements, like Gold. Gravity wave
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
All the Christian (White) Supremacists are still here!
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
They also rejected condom use in the middle of an Aides epidemic in Africa. Pure Evil
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
schrodingerscat I read this interesting OpEd in the NYT yesterday about happiness that ends with this, “Take the prominent review for Nature by a child development scholar, Candice L. Odgers, which cited American “access to guns, exposure to violence, structural discrimination and racism, sexism and sexual abuse, the opioid epi
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
Brother Of Jerry Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > >Ignorance is no excuse 24yrs into the Information > Age, especially after the church published it all > on the church’s own website for everybody to > see. > Point 1: wait, you think the "Information Age" > started in the year 2000? Don't you remember the > entire planet
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
Ignorance is no excuse 24yrs into the Information Age, especially after the church published it all on the church’s own website for everybody to see.
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
I was a missionary once and looking back at where I was when I was in your shoes I can honestly say I was clearly misled and lied to by omission. Nobody ever breathed a word to me about all the extra marital affairs Joseph and Brigham had with their followers wives. Not a word about why Oliver Cowdery was really excommunicated, for witnessing Joseph engaging in a dirty, nasty, filthy affair with
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
Cool article about Archeletta’s coming out song. When he came out he was most concerned about how his Mom would react. Much to his surprise she said I never want my kids to be in a place where they are unloved. If you are going to hell, we’ll all go with
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
When I was in college I had a friend named Sam. He was a hell of a sailor and always needed a hand on his sailboat. Sam was this tall redhead with the most disarming smile, who fished in Alaska for 3mo in the summer to catch fish and made enough to be a professional student, with access to the best GD woodshop on campus, where he made things like boats and masts and buildings. And he lived ha
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
The seditious traitor probably fits right in down there in Cedar City!
Forum: Recovery Board
3 months ago
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
No. You posted a Google search, but thanks.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
Nightingale Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Apparently not. :P Try posting a link to a you-tube vid.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
Which I can’t post here because you-tube is a banned word, apparently, but go look it up. It’s worth the listen.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
Nightingale Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What the hell is the matter with some people? (Too > many people) > > "I have a dream" was a long, long time ago. > > "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise > up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We > hold these truths to be self-evident that all men
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
schrodingerscat University of Utah players had to change hotels because of racist hate directed at them in Coure D’elene, ID, which was skinhead Central not long ago.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 months ago
We really f’d up when we plugged our pre-pubescent kids into unfettered access to the Dark Web with no guardrails, all gas and no brakes. Then we put all of that into ‘Smart Phones’ and hoped they’d make our kids ‘smart’. Instead it just made them anxious and permanently medicated/depressed. Haight points out that when we all decide this is really bad, things can change rapidly,
Forum: Recovery Board