Exmormon Bios  : RfM
Exmormon's exit stories about how and why they left the church. 

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6 years ago
Nor should you (feel shame).. of course YOU didn't do anything, but it always feels weird to think of a relation having possibly done something awful.. like you said knowing would be nice. But families love to keep their dark secrets hidden any way they can! I was just reading the part in Blood of the Prophets about Juanita's reasons for investigating the massacre history and writing about it
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
All very interesting. I finally got mine removed when I realized I could (thanks internet!) 10 years after the fact. I felt the need because I didn't want to contribute to any potential political power TSCC could gain because of the numbers of members who no longer attend but are technically 'members' still so they can claim a large membership base when who knows what it really would be if al
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I grew up in TSCC and left at about age 23. I actually HAD heard of MMM. BUT it was white washed propaganda. In the early 80s my parents bought all of those dramatized scriptures and early church history audio recordings. Almost nightly we'd go to bed listening to the dramatizations on a tape player in the hallway (With all of us having our doors cracked open to hear it). I loved listening
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Wow! That's some family tree you have Hie. So sorry!! :( I am currently reading 'Blood of the Prophets' about the massacre, truly enlightening.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Yeah that must suck to have to have gone around preaching such nonsense. I do remember those times, only vaguely though as I was very young. I recently saw a youtube video interview from back in the late 70s addressing the blacks in the priesthood thing with Donnie and Marie Osmand. There responses show just how brainwashed they were. They say stuff like 'I'm not the prophet so I can't speak
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Oh good lord, help us baby Jesus! This is a terrible piece of news! Is this all part of Trump's talk of giving religions more 'freedom of speech'? Mandated bible classes at school?? That's not much freedom of speech for non-Christian religions now is it? We really need true separation of church and state, which I don't think we've really ever had in this country though there has been
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Wow that's brave of you 'drakprincess' not sure if I could pull that off. Esp. hard because I don't really believe in god, at least not as a 'heavenly father' being, so I have a hard time saying anything like that even in an attempt to speak their own language. I do think it's a good tactic though.. it might help crack the shell just a little. Like that one video (link in the body of the CES
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
LOL, love all the answers here, thanks! And yes they think 'know' and 'believe' are the same thing. But when we use 'know' back it would actually mean 'know'.. We can say 'my know means know!' (and yours doesn't!) Ha ha And that 'silent awe' response to testimonies rt mentioned.. yes I get that now too, they were just thinking 'wow, CRAY CRAY!'
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
When I had an office job in NYC (yep me too, but in the 90s), I got so sick of trying to Keep up with the Joneses (or I should say 'Jane-ses'… ).. it was so expensive trying to wear different shirts and dressy women's clothes that you couldn't were two times in the same week or maybe even month without feeling the pressure.. So I decided to do what men do and get a suit and just wear my sui
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
It occurred to me that the next time any TBM tries to bear their testimony to me I can offer mine in return.. "I KNOW that the church is NOT true, I know that Joseph Smith was a fraud, a liar, a thief, a murderer, an adulterer and a pedophile. I KNOW that Brigham Young was a raving lunatic madman dictator. I KNOW that the Book of Mormon is a total fiction written by Joseph Smith with most
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I remember it being told that the angel either took them and hid them away somewhere else (here on earth) or that he instructed Joe to hide them somewhere.. in either case I had thought they were buried again somewhere secret. Which maybe makes more sense than an angel taking them from the earth. But it's all pretty nonsensical anyway. Joe must have been VERY charismatic or a hypnotist or som
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Thanks for the list. It's incredible what most members just DO NOT KnOW about their so called 'religion' to begin with (for a reason, since if they DID know there would be no 'religion' left!) I didn't even KNOW there WAS a reformed LDS church until I heard of it while at BYU. I think that was one of the first little tremors before the big earthquake hit me and shook that LDS belief sys
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Hinkley quote from the video (when addressing a group of missionaries) - "Well you are not much to look at but you're all the lord has." What an ASS-hole! And you see that one man's reaction in the audience who at first sort of courtesy/ knee jerk reaction, smiles and then he looks down and you can tell he's thinking 'WTF!??'
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
- " We have a profit to guide us in these latter days " I think you did a Freudian slip here by spelling 'prophet' as 'profit'.. But I think it's PERFECT! LOL
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Happy Birthday Catnip!!! Hope you ENJOY (YES, ENJOYMENT, PLEASURE, FUN, SELF INDULGENCE, SELF LOVE.. all foreign concepts in TSCC! :)) your special day!!! :)
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I can't say the hurt and frustration is gone for me yet or that I don't hate the leaders cause I am pretty sure I do! I laughed at the part of you referring to your old TBM self reading what you are writing now.. the old self would NOT get it at all, too true.. I wonder if we could time travel and go back to our old selves and try to speak the truth to them how we'd react then? Seeing a '
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
From the article- "The original manuscript is the most important record in possession of the church," Brandon Metcalf, archivist at the Utah-based faith's Church History Department, said.." How SAD!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
You're welcome. I meant to add that Yes, it's possible she is used to being alone more and is not used to that much company. (since it sounds like she started to act weird the longer you were over)… everyone gets annoyed with each other's company sometimes and that can be normal. And yes she could be grieving as well. HOWEVER what I think is a red flag is her inability to communicate that to
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Lots of red flags there. Sounds passive aggressive. You shouldn't be made to feel like you don't know if you are doing something 'wrong' or not. Yes something else could be bothering her, but she should TELL you, not act like a bitch towards you. That is NOT COOL at ALL!!! I would definitely NOT move in together. Yes 6 months is not a long time, but doesn't mean it couldn't work with the righ
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I fantasize all of the time about telling my TBM family members these types of facts, but I already can play out their responses in my head. Denial, denial, denial.. and LOTs of ANGER at ME! They will immediately question the source and will assume the facts are not in fact, facts.. and that nothing can really be PROVEN 100 percent. When I tried any of this (using logic and reason) with my family
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
And this part is also interesting, follows the paragraph I just posted.. "This admission is the reason why Bishops and leaders of the church cannot help their emotionally and mentally depressed members ... the core ingredient that can heal is missing ... Love, and with it, Understanding. Love begins with loving oneself, which makes possible the ability to love others. We cannot love ourse
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I just found this in The Pattern of the Double Bind (available on this website) about the omission of love in Mormonism.. the author writes about the following experience of trying to find love inside of TSCC.. " I went to the Bishop and asked him, "Where can I find Love in Mormonism's teachings?" (It had not been taught in the previous forty years of my membership in the church
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I downloaded this. But don't have Kindle (do have the Kindle Cloud Reader on my computer) and would like to figure out how to transfer to my Nook reader. I read you can convert the Kindle files to epub but I can't find the file on my computer since I don't know where (if anywhere) Amazon stores it. I may try calling them to find out.. In the meantime wonder if anyone here knows.. Also wondering i
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I noticed in the youtube comments of the OP video that the TBMs wrote 'oh what lovely PROMISES.. thanks for the PROMISES'' UNBELIEVABLE.. they have NEVER made good on any of their so called PROMISES.. Talk is cheap alright! Especially when paid by all the members tithing to do it!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
LOL! I don't know! Probably a lot! My partner and I joke that it's really a pick up line for this guy and that he's trying to see if he can take me away from my guy with is use of 'Jyorei'' LOL
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Thanks Hie. It is interesting though. Because I get this specific kind of sensation from it. And even when I didn't know someone was doing it. For example I was getting a massage and the massage therapist took a moment to give me some Reiki without telling me but I got this kind of jolt from it and was like 'hey, did you just do Reiki,, and she said yes..''. So not sure how to explain that.. I
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Well I totally respect your view, though I have done and given Reiki and I do FEEL something (energy vibration).. BUT as for actually HEALING anything physically, I can't actually testify to that, so you may be RIGHT Hie! :) All I am saying is I can feel a change when it's 'flowing'.. but again can't prove that it's affective at any real healing.. except for little things like headaches and musc
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I admit I was taken in by various 'spiritual' practices after leaving TSCC over the years. But I've finally gotten more astute at sniffing out other cults and other 'spiritual' traps. In part thanks to reading 'The Pattern of the Double Bind'.. But also due to my now vast experience with these things.. Now my 'spidey sense' seems to get activated pretty quickly when approached by brainwashed c
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