Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 
SubjectPosts Started By Posted
Did anyone else here hate Motab? 33 joesmithsleftteste12/16/2012 04:22PM
Annoying FB comment on the Wear Pants to Church day 10 CA girl12/16/2012 02:30PM
Bednar quote that makes me want to puke... 21 formermollymormon12/16/2012 01:59PM
"When a church explodes on thieves, it's likely a sign from God." Dave the Atheist12/16/2012 06:01PM
Christopher Hitchens on the problem of religion "even if it could be true". atheist&happy:-)12/16/2012 01:05AM
Need help on research freedomfinally12/16/2012 08:44PM
Those who don't resign 33 rationalguy12/16/2012 12:28PM
What have your tbm families had to say about the wear pants to church? 12 anon for this12/16/2012 02:55PM
When Prayer is not Enough khark12/16/2012 11:08AM
Return and report 16 jan12/16/2012 02:46PM
What do TBMs think is in outer darkness? Is it just people bumping into each other or . . . Jerry the Aspousetate12/16/2012 08:57AM
Westboto Baptist Church to Connecticut Shooting Funerals 19 eeeoyvey12/16/2012 03:39AM
sorry anointed one. templenameaaron12/16/2012 07:25PM
The phrase "You choose to be offended"... 38 tiptoes12/13/2011 04:26PM
What's it like to be an introvert? Sincere question. 44 shannon12/16/2012 02:27PM
Why did I never see this before? 12 twojedis12/16/2012 11:15AM
Would the school shootings have been any different if there were no god? Nancy Rigdon12/16/2012 09:27AM
The LDS-ing has already happened 16 charles, buddhist punk12/16/2012 04:26AM
Is there a legal method to obtain your confidential church records? ladell12/16/2012 12:31PM
Since The 2nd Anointing Negates The So-Called Atonement...& Men Can Grant Exaltation 2 Other Men...Pray Tell What Does Moronism Even Need Jeysus 4??? Oh The Arrogance Of Mo'ism!!! (n/t) BeenThereDunnThatExMo12/16/2012 03:53PM
Gay son has not come out yet. 33 al-iced12/16/2012 01:34PM
Misshies at my door....why? 25 hope12/15/2012 01:41PM
which animal is most like the LDS chuch? 34 GNPE12/15/2012 11:06PM
Death and religion 10 John Smithson12/15/2012 10:27PM
Something I'd love to see on Temple Square 11 cludgie12/15/2012 04:43PM
Swath of new MP's and Mission 11 4t4mag12/15/2012 08:55PM
Then you have people like this, 11 Maybenot12/15/2012 04:45PM
The Guilt gift... thank you, and request for "Mormon Zinger Questions"... intjsegry12/16/2012 02:07PM
Would certain changes to LDS doctrine... 35 SAXGIRL0712/15/2012 01:53PM
LDS Class Consciousness: A Friend's Story blindguy12/16/2012 11:54AM
Colored Shirtmageddon, . . . . perhaps the next stage of TBM rebellion? 26 imaworkinonit12/14/2012 11:32AM
In the mood for a new holiday song/carol...create your own! I did. ChrisDeanna12/15/2012 08:24AM
Brigham Young wanted the women to wear a mormon burqa type uniform! (link) 13 Levi12/15/2012 07:44PM
Patriarchal blessings, Mormon version of "Cold Reading"; video sillysally12/16/2012 12:32PM
I have a question about baptism 10 Mia12/16/2012 02:25AM
Dont eat beef stew from deseret EVPRAKSIYA12/16/2012 10:51AM
never mind - just saw another post about this... (n/t) josie12/16/2012 11:35AM
@ anointed one, or any one who knows the answer 40 templenameaaron12/16/2012 01:36AM
my thoughts on the Newtown tragedy 34 peoriaazexmo12/15/2012 07:16AM
Friend getting baptized this Sunday rando12/16/2012 02:17AM
Kirby and "Wear Pants to Church Day" adoylelb12/15/2012 05:27PM
Joseph Smith got it right Elder Berry12/16/2012 10:40AM
Can you believe it? A "Book Of Mormon" Graphic Novel anybody12/15/2012 08:47PM
What If You are Wrong? Ever Considered It? 51 PleaseAnswer12/16/2012 02:11AM
Robbie Parker--father of a Sandy Hook victim--is reportedly LDS 37 truthseeker12/16/2012 01:59AM
Just watched a doco on TV called "For The Bible Tells Me So" about Christian parents of gay kids seeing the truth. Brilliant. [LINK] ozpoof12/15/2012 10:20PM
Response by a religious leader to the gun-slaughter of some 20 elementary-school children and 8 adults (numbers still in flux) in Newtown, Connecticut . . . 24 steve benson12/14/2012 03:14PM
O/T Should I consider this cheating? (some adult) 32 Anon4now12/15/2012 05:11AM
Leaving the Church a "Betrayal" 38 Onmywayout . . . someday12/13/2012 06:03PM
Drove past the local LDS church today... moonbeam12/16/2012 01:28AM
The quorum 12 Kori12/16/2012 01:17AM
Here I am Watching Sister Wives Chromesthesia12/15/2012 10:01PM
Something I am happy about BadSheep12/16/2012 01:55AM
how hard can it be? rt12/16/2012 01:38AM
Whence this "change from within" fallacy? 17 xyz12/15/2012 02:34PM