Posted by:
Date: October 29, 2014 12:28PM
cludgie Wrote:
>(McMain and Dew were/are
> widely believed to be a lesbian couple.)
Has there been any actual proof of Sheri's assumed lesbian lifestyle? You would think a lesbian that did have a relationship with Sheri wouldn't feel too bad by outing her.
I supposed the simplest thing could be that Sheri is a A-type personality and a man would hold her back. The irony is she works for a corporation that dictates MAN is always better. Sheri is an anomaly within the organization and the church spins her as something for house wives to look up to as a the city on the hill. She keeps writing books making money for the corp by those house wives that aren't as successful because they are busy breeding.
Anyway -- past lesbian comments I found on the board:
Some rumor posts that came up:
scmd said "I have a female cousin who has come out as a lesbian. She says that Sheri Dew pings in a big way. That's just the opinion from the gaydar of one lesbian, obviously, but she's never told me anything that turned out to be wrong in that regard.",1093347,1094356#msg-1094356sistertwister said: "I think Sheri Dew is a very frustrated lesbian. It's a shame she can't be herself.",1184905,1185018#msg-1185018Referring to photo: said "I'm convinced that Sheri Dew leads a sad, conflicted life. There is also no doubt in my mind, that she is a lesbian. Her talks and her mannerisms, are exactly like a GA.",654431,656174#msg-656174Picture link: said: "She lived by me when I was a kid and she rented a house with another woman. I was just a kid (10 or so) but I remember some in the ward thought she was gay, and this was in the mid 80's, well before her climb up the corporate lds ranks. She was not very social, and many of the women in our ward were intimidated by her as I remember my mom talking with her friends about her and just remember the tone. I think her roomate was a softball player as well as played on the ward basketball team. Sandy 42nd ward if I remember right, Albury road not too far from the Lahnems."
In the same thread:
NormaRae said: "She was my sister's neighbor and my sister was her visiting teacher and also lived on Albury lane (so Sherry Dew wasn't the biggest bitch on the street). In fact, you may be the same age as some of my nephews/neices. My sister used to talk about the Lesbian she visit taught until Sherry was called into the RS presidency, then she disclaimed ever saying that because now she had a claim to fame.",232398,232966#msg-232966Nightingale said "Some are (inevitably) speculating that she is lesbian, which may explain why she is unmarried into her 40s/50s in a church that pushes early marriage. My guess is that she is a strong independent woman and it's just really bad luck for her that she is a member of the Mormon Church, that doesn't as a rule uphold such qualities in women. I don't find that a majority of men seem to like independent women (in my experience anyway). It's as if independence is not comfortable or predictable and therefore not as desirable - I'm not sure. But that's even more so the case in Mormonism, where obedience is a high ideal. If you are an obedient female you get married young, breed multiple children and look after the home. Sheri got on with her life which to date hasn't included marriage."
"The fact that she has been given the high (female) callings she has is quite remarkable, given her single status, in a church full of very old men at the top that value the obedient homemaker ideal, which she is not.",249328,249328#msg-249328Sheri Dew Marriage excuse:
she claimed the only reason she wasn't married was because no one ever asked her.
Sheri Dew appears to be comfortable with associating with those that are gay. Yet, publicly tows the line for the church.
"βI have friends living an openly gay lifestyle with kids,β she added. βIn every instance, they are caring parents who love their kids and their kids love them. They know I feel it's not my prerogative to judge them. It's their right to choose. ... Those that deal with same-sex attraction have my respect.β 2005.
I guess this similar to a remark by a quickly accused bigot/racist: Hey now, I have lots of "choose ethnic group" friends and we get a long just fine.
Sheri Dew is a poster child for successful women in a corporation. But if she didn't work for the church how successful would she really be working for a UT based business? Does she have the drive and ability to handle the stress for a real For-Profit organization that doesn't peddle belief and religion as a packaged product?
CEO of Deseret Book Company
Director of Bonneville International Corporation do you have time to be successful at both of these positions simultaneously? I learned skill I guess.
I had a nice chuckle at this:
Annual Compensation: There is no Annual Compensation data available.
Stocks Options: There is no Stock Options data available.
Total Compensation: There is no Total Compensation data available.
LD$ Inc. doesn't have to disclose anything in the U.S.
Biggets regret...Her shyness. "...My fear and shyness paralyzed me. My whole life I've felt like I didn't quite measure up. ... It's one of my biggest regrets. I've never gotten over it."Said this in 2002.
I guess her shyness hasn't stopped her anymore.