From the article, regarding all the new temples sites, including:
"...a major city yet to be determined in Russia."
So...ghawd can't see the future? He doesn't know how things are going to play out in this regard?
The last major direction from ghawd, as listed in the article, is that ghawd is blocking internet access to the following:
Instagram Pinterest Tumblr MySpace Twitter Flixster Xfinity TV Spotify Pandora Rhapsody Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Soundcloud Zynga Kahoot Clash of Clans Big Fish Games Gamespot
Apparently ghawd is not all that hip! Plus, you know they wanted to list exmormon(dot)org, but worried that putting it on the list would draw unwanted attention to it.
That's a long list. It just shows that many Ziontologists are looking for anything else to see than church speakers and church messages. Pretty soon, there will be an addition to WoW. No cell phones in church.
We really, really like the black people, see? Do more churching at home. We're working on colluding with the Russians. No fun stuff allowed in Sacrament meetings. We'd rather demote high Priests to elders than allow women into the priesthood. We're saints, doggone it, not Mormons. Because if there's one thing everybody knows, it's that Mormons are no saints.