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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 02:18AM

What has made coverage of that story problematic is that subsequently Twede softened his approach out of concern, he said, for his economic well-being, because of his mounting fatigue from the experience and because of wanting to maintain connections with his family's Mormon culture. While acknowledging this, he has, however, clearly reemphasized his original point that the excommunication proceedings which have been launched against him are, in part, politically driven by his statements tying Mormon Church doctrines, secular ambitions and political history to Mormon Mitt's belief in those doctrines and to Romney's own political ambitions.

That's why the reaction from the Mormon Church (and its lapdogs) has been fast and furious. As my grandfather Ezra Taft Benson observed (with the help of his son Reed who put the words in his prepared-sermon remarks), "Hit pigeons flutter." Not only was the Mormon pigeon hit by “The Daily Beast” piece, it was hammered. Not only did the Mormon Church flutter, it flailed.

The feelings of inner conflict and fear experienced by Mormons who are at odds with, and openly critical of, the Mormon Church's doctrines and practices are tangible and understandable. There is much at personal stake for those who dare to go public in speaking truth to power; in detailing historical political reality involving Mormon Church machinations and intrigue (activities that the Mormon Church would rather spin and hide from the larger world); in criticizing the Mormon Church for mixing politics and religion in advancing its own agenda while lying and denying about doing so.

The fact remains, however, that Twede, to his credit, has set the record straight in a recent blog post of his, where he states that because of real concerns about financial repercussions relating to the possible denial of future government contracts at his place of employment and because of his own feelings of “war-worn” emotion experienced after days of relentless bombardment, he wanted to retreat and downplay what his gut instinct told him from the beginning were the political Romney-related elements of his excommunication hearing. At the same time, he has reaffirmed his belief that his excommuncation is, in part, politically driven.

Mormon apologists have been quick to dismiss both Twede's explanations about his subsequent softer tone, as well as Twede's re-emphasis that his excommunication saga contains a definite Mormon Church-Romney political link. Mormon water carriers reject these affirmations because, they say, they were not communicated by Twede to his Mormon Church file leaders. That line of reasoning is absurd. Why would Twede want to relay those points to Mormon Church authorities after they had notified him of their plans to hold an “apostasy” court on him for speaking the truth?

Twede was correct and accurate in his initial comments to “The Daily Beast.” That news organization is, in fact, because of the determination of seasoned editors, standing by its story. There is a political element to Twede's excommunication trial. (There are, in fact, indicators via additional channels that the Mormon Church, indeed, harbors--and has demonstrated that it harbors--real concern about what certain Church members have publicly expressed in terms of criticism of Romney).

As sincere and forthright as one may be in explaining one's complicated, conflicted and self-discovering journey through, and out of, the often intimidating entanglements of Mormonism, apologists for the Mormon Church will not be inclined to seek out relatively obscure posts off the well-traveled media path. If clarifications and reassertions are to have significant effect, they can be made to reporters in public interviews, held in familiar media settings, where they can be easily accessed by the general consumer audience.

As proof of the effectivenss of that kind of approach, simply observe the reaction of the Mormon Church and its cheerleaders to "The Daily Beast" story.

Feathers everywhere.

Edited 29 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2012 09:04AM by steve benson.

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Posted by: wilford ruffwood ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 02:24AM

It needs to be understood that this reaches beyond David's individual case. This is illustrative of TSCC's behavior at large.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2012 02:24AM by wilford ruffwood.

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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 02:28AM

"Hit pigeons flutter"

I'll remember that one.

In my travels through life I have to say that's a comment that men in charge of corporations would not only love, but repeat. It sounds so corporate to me.

The apologists have just about fluttered themselves out of the picture.

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Posted by: SLDrone ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 02:52AM

In all my years dwelling in the very heart of Mordor, in the very core, the very inner workings of the entire beast, I've never once known anyone to be sanctioned in any way for political views. Other than my mother in law at Thanksgiving if that counts. I've never even heard whisperings of such an event. I doubt Harry Reid is dealing with any particular sword of Damocles. That Twede's blog also reveals details of the temple ordinance might perhaps do the trick however.

I do not dispute that Mr. Twede has been summoned before a disciplinary council. That there is an analysis critical of Romney on his website could only be conclusively pointed to as the motive for the summons were it the only information presented. It is not. The Romney rant is minor nor is it the reason Mr. Twede has been inquisitioned. Further his self admitted multi year hiatus only to be recently and miraculously reawakened to just how much mormonism means to him doesn't strike me as genuine.

I prefer to keep my powder dry and watch for more credible causes. I'm stayin clear of biting the hook on this one. But to each his own. Enjoy the crusade.

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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 02:53AM

This is a credible cause, despite your claim to the contrary, and your "educated opinion," as you have self-described it, lacks a more complete and educated picture.

Until those spaces are filled in to a greater degree (by perhaps having actual contact with the participants in this episode), one supposes you will have to rely on your mother-in-law's experience at Thanksgiving. To each his own. Enjoy the turkey and dressing.

Edited 11 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2012 03:04AM by steve benson.

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Posted by: SLDrone ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 03:05AM

One of the wonderful advantages of a free mind is to also be free of any appeal to authority. Your say so Steve is interesting, on a couple of levels, but it is not fact nor a source on which I would base my own opinion. I'm not defending the chruch, I just prefer real issues over speculations or even you insistence that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt. And now my friend, I believe it's time for a double shot of Glenlevit and my Serta pillow top.

Does it really matter if the fish stinks from the bottom up or the top down. The smell is still as rancid and the meat still as rotton.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2012 08:37AM by SLDrone.

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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 03:10AM

You appealed to your own sense of authority by citing your residence in the heart of the Morg, where you declare that you were involved in "the very inner workings of the entire beast." That means, of course, that you know what was behind what went on in Florida last week. What you insist are not real issues are real issues to those who were there. Just like when you were at that Thanksgiving meal with your mother-in-law.

I have had my own inside experiences with the Beast, including being involved in stopping efforts by Mormon Senator Orrin Hatch to get me to intervene against reporters trailing the lies of GA Paul H. Dunn, to name one.

We could get into my insider encounters with Apostles Oaks and Maxwell on how the Beast operates but, hey, that doesn't count.

Edited 11 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2012 03:41AM by steve benson.

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Posted by: SLDrone ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 03:14AM

nor are you under any obligation to believe me. I would love your accusations to be true, but I just don't believe you are correct. That's ok isn't it?

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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 03:16AM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2012 03:17AM by steve benson.

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Posted by: charles, buddhist punk ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 03:12AM

SLDrone Wrote:
> I've never once known anyone
> to be sanctioned in any way for political views.

There's always a first time. Anyway, the LDS have never been known for consistency in anything ranging from details of WOW to CHI policies and proceedings as has been demonstrated by former members that post here. You should hear what how they deal with the womenfolk!

> That Twede's blog also reveals details of the temple
> ordinance might perhaps do the trick however.

You've got a point there. But, according to Twede, he offered to pull anything from the site that 'they' deemed offensive. They were never specific and the offer was dismissed.

> Further his self admitted multi
> year hiatus only to be recently and miraculously
> reawakened to just how much mormonism means to him
> doesn't strike me as genuine.

I can't speak for Twede personally but it appears that he isn't the first or only one to hold two internal conflicts in tension as regards Mormonism. You've been posting in RfM long enough to realize some people on here who are still in for various important reasons that only they can appreciate.

Be that as it may, whether for political or doctrinal issues, the church is again demonstrating its medieval mindset which is "caught on tape" for the whole modern world to see.

They have also contradicted themselves into a corner, at once claiming it would be false to excommunicate members for having dissenting voices, while failing to show actual evidence of Twede's being "in apostasy".

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Posted by: dk ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 03:33AM

If the reason wasn't political, the church could have waited until after the elections. Information on the temple ceremonies is on the web already. It's just bad timing on their part and stupid.

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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 03:43AM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2012 03:44AM by steve benson.

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Posted by: spanner ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 03:49AM

I don't think the church are attempting to smooth the way for Romney for "political" reasons. Party politics that is.

His party is irrelevant for the church's purposes.

It is the mainstreaming, the credibility, the acceptance, the mandate.

The favorite son is running for office - he tells the family not to do anything embarrassing, once I am there, there will be benefits for all the family so just keep the crazy cousin in the attic, and don't let dad out in public until I make it. The family are busting a gut to maintain their best behavior just til favorite son is in a position to bring home the bacon. We are the spiteful siblings who want to let the skeletons out of the closet.

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Posted by: Heidi GWOTR ( )
Date: September 25, 2012 11:22AM

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