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5 years ago
Life is LOL
I recently for fun composed two limericks. Can you add yours and share the fun? Oh the Mormons always have it right Which is why they always act so bright But their heads are buried in the sand Its darkness all theirs to command And this is why the’re not able to see the light For years I hoped the Mormons had it true Acknowledging all the while I never knew Then the Book of Abraha
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Life is LOL
“Christianity as a whole is declining. The US is losing 100 church's a day according to one article I read.” I too recently read that report. Finding this thread here at RFM prompted me to add a comment. 100 churches a day! Here is my guess why: USA citizens purposely have been and are being impoverished from a hundred different directions. They have lost faith, hope, jobs, homes, s
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Life is LOL
I have a report you might find interesting. I served my mission in Uruguay 1964 to 1966, and I left the church ten years ago when I learned how the BOM is a man made document. I have some cousins etc here where I live and we get together for parties once in a while. Some of them are TBM. At the last event I attended there were two missionaries present and as it happened I sat by them for a whi
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Life is LOL
After leaving TSSC I have two principles that guide my life, and I find them complete and very satisfying. 1. Love everybody unconditionally 2. learn something new each day
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Life is LOL
What you do in this situation is extend your hand and ask "What is wanted?" guaranteed to freak them out!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Life is LOL
This always works: Have a bucket of water on the porch near the front door. When the HT or VT knocks on the door, just simply go out on the porch, pick up the bucket and without a word soak them from top to bottom. it works equally well with a garden hose. They will NOT return.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Life is LOL
Does the TSSC still have missionaries in Venezuela? If my child were a missionary in Venezuela I would do whatever I could to remove him. Look at this video.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Life is LOL
Hello everyone. I resigned 7 years ago. Life has been better without the TSSC albatross around my neck. Stilll I have 2 questions which interest me. My absence has sparked these inquiries. 1. Does the church still promote itself as the restored church of JC, the only true church on earth? This is what I grew up with. 2. Is the Pearl of Great Price book studied officially like in Sunday school
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Life is LOL
What a wonderful story. Love is the great secret in this temporary life on earth. Love is what we receive from God every day without exception. To the degree we show love to others we receive love back, both from our acquaintances and from God. By showing unconditional love to everyone including TBMs you are doing what God does to us. Think about this for a moment. If you are critical or angry
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Life is LOL
My fav Moron joke is this one: What's the best thing about being a Mormon in Tennessee? answer: You get to marry all your cousins!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
This is your answer. Research local psychiatrists, psychologists, hypnotists until you find one who does regression therapy into past lives. That person will regress you to the event in a past life that initiates this current trauma. With that new understanding your fear of dogs will completely disappear. Dr. Brian Weiss has written several important books on the subject. Here is an Amazon link
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
GC this week to include vexatious disappointments thought by the GA’s to be sagacious anointments presented as veracious in truth just fallacious To be seen by us as inefficacious ointments
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
This thread reminds me of something that happened to me during the seven years I was on the high council. In one of the early Sunday morning high council meetings being led by the SP and his counselors, the SP went into a long and very serious discussion about the chalk being used in our meeting houses. Seems the poor quality chalk would leave a residue on the board that was difficult to complete
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
Elder Strangelove talked about growth there in Tennessee. Reminds me of a classic joke I heard recently. "What is the best thing about being a Mormon in Tennessee?" "You get to marry all your cousins" Could that be the reason behind the Tennessee growth?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
to VerilyVerily your post had me rolling on the floor!! What a talent! Please keep posting.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
Here is a joke you can tell your fellow Tenesseseans that might break the ice and give you a chance to express a little of your feelings. I heard this joke out here in California. "What is the best part about being a Mormon in Tennessee?" "You get to marry all your cousins."
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
Here is an interesting thought which I do not remember being discussed here at RFM. Christianity was created by the Piso family who were leaders in the Roman government. It is my personal belief postmo that there probably did exist a spiritually inspired man named Jesus 2100 years ago. The new testament stories about him are mainly concocted out of thin air for political purposes, which are nicel
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
Here is the map that belongs in their seminary text in my opinion. What does everyone else think? The map showing Book of Mormon sites directly overlaid the map of New England
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
One of your first responses was to hold on to your passport. I would make a phone call to your future mission home in Chile and they will tell you what their rule is. You might find out ahead of time that they will insist on confiscating your passport. If you do relinquish it, they will be most reluctant to ever return it to you during the two years. If that happens you will be reduced to making
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
Being snarky is wonderful! It is what you should have done. They only understand snarky. If they happen to return be even more snarky! Way to go. If you are nice it is interpreted as weakness and they will return.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
Wow, the depth of your oppression is astounding. Congratulations for never having given up! May I make two points in an attempt to comfort you? First, here are four links that demonstrate the foolishness of the Mormon church. This is the true origin of the Book of Abraham, the absence of Jewish DNA in the Indian tribes in the Americas,
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
Here are some thoughts in dealing with unwanted visitors at your door. 1.Invite them in, serve them pizza because the missionaries are always hungry, and proceed to tell them about the true origin of the Book of Abraham, the absence of Jewish DNA in the Indian tribes in the Americas, the role of Sidne
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
Here are some thoughts in dealing with unwanted visitors at your door. 1. Invite them in, serve them pizza because they are always hungry, and proceed to tell them about the true origin of the Book of Abraham, the absence of Jewish DNA in the Indian tribes in the Americas, and the role of Sidney Rigdon collaborating with Joseph Smith to create the Book of Mormon. The greatest service you can pr
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
Things to do when unwanted Mormons are at your door. 1. have a bucket of water on your porch. Go outside onto your porch, calmly pick up the bucket and drench them without warning. then calmly go back inside. They will not return again. 2. If you have been through the temple endowment, you will recognize this as your greeting at the veil. Do it to your visitors and they will be so shocked they
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
Things to do when unwanted Mormons are at your door. 1. have a bucket of water on your porch. Go outside onto your porch, calmly pick up the bucket and drench them without warning. then calmly go back inside. They will not return again. 2. If you have been through the temple endowment, you will recognize this as your greeting at the veil. Do it to your visitors and they will be so shocked they
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Life is LOL
things to do when unwanted Mormons are at your door. 1. have a bucket of water on your porch. Go outside onto your porch, calmly pick up the bucket and drench them without warning. then calmly go back inside. They will not return again. 2. If you have been through the temple endowment, you will recognize this as your greeting at the veil. Do it to your visitors and they will be so shocked they
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Life is LOL
When they knock on your door, open it about 6 inches, extend your hand, and ask, "What is wanted?"
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Life is LOL
How many Californians does it take to screw in a light bulb? Californians don't screw in light bulbs. They screw in hot tubs.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Life is LOL
Here are my three favorite quotes. My thanks to the previous posters who originally submitted them. "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits" Albert Einstein "Remember, being called of God doesn't fix stupid". “Remember if you believe it, it's not a lie” George Costanza of Seinfeld
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Life is LOL
I once watched a YouTube of an early Billy Graham preaching to some huge football stadium filled with people. I was struck with his carefully crafted accent and pronunciations of the words. It all seemed so contrived for the image of a successful preacher. I have listened to current radio preachers who copy this same accent and delivery methods. I strongly suspect Billy Graham became the role mod
Forum: Recovery Board
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