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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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7 years ago
Ida Smith decided later in life that she wanted to donate her body to university medical students for learning & research, so she no longer needed a burial plot. After deciding this, she met Nemelka and after some conversation they both felt the arrangement was a perfect fit for both their desires & interests for that last available Smith burial plot to be legally transferred to Nemelka.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I've just learned about Nemelka and am working to form an opinion on the matter. You posted this a year ago and today I was interested to see this video about Nemelka admitting the sealed portion was a fraud. Since then that video was pulled off YouTube by Nemelka due to copyright claims. Darn, I really want to figure this guy out. He persuaded a direct Smith descendant to give him her Smith
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I've decided that the people who say 'how inspiring' the temple is are just parroting what they've been brainwashed to believe. Everything is white & quiet & expensively decorated in the temple. Those things might make some people think they feel inspired. Maybe they enjoy a few quiet hours away from a noisy life. But I always found the temple experience incredibly numbing & e
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I remember praying in the celestial room just like you did. I was in agony wondering when everything in life would makes sense. I did everything TSCC asked me to do X100, so why did I still feel so empty & lost, and why did no one love me? Well TSCC never did make me feel whole the way it always promised it would. So I found wholeness is a process that only comes over years of hard work a
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
The very title of this thread caused me some anxiety heart palpitations. I literally felt my blood pressure rise, and that says something because I'm a healthy athletic person.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I must've received my endowments after giving birth, because I went from a B-cup to a D.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I remember dreading receiving & giving visits, but I pushed that dread down into my subconscious, and put on a pleasant affect and carried on with the duty. I thought there was something wrong with me for not truly enjoying this "inspired" thing.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I'm interested in her "aura that seems to disrupt all technology." Can you describe some of her experiences with that? I had a couple of those several years ago, very interesting.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
That man is a genius. I wish I had his wit & spot-on insights & comedic delivery & timing & EVERYTHING. He is so good to listen to, every word is illuminating.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I don't understand how Terry supposed trees could walk around at night when no one could see them, and how a tree appeared at his window one night when he got up to use the bathroom. Please explain? And I think Terry deserved to be reprimanded for being mean to Cory & putting rocks down his pants. I don't believe in spanking kids, but he did deserve some sort of intelligent appropriate cor
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
What?? I can't believe a man who confessed to his bishop about having an affair was allowed to keep his tr, and further advised not to tell his wife of the affair. He & bish must've been secret fishing & beer buddies or something.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Please bring me up to date; what has Oaks been caught with?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Yup, it was one of the things on my shelf. Couldn't fathom that there were no artifacts or remains or any BOM evidences whatsoever. Because what a fascinating yarn the BOM was. Some damn good storytelling in there, in my opinion. They sure had me believing & worshipping for many years!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
"One time we had missionaries over at our house, and my Mom mentioned the fact that there is a Star Wars religion. One of them got so excited that he clapped his hands together and blurted out: 'I WANT TO JOIN!!!!!!' The other missionary gave him a surprised look, and then, I kid you not, two seconds later it started pouring and hailing outside. The other missionary just glared at
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
To be fair, Utah accepts Pastafarianism as a religion, and even allows Pastafarians to wear spaghetti colanders on their head in their driver license photos. Because if Utah starts questioning people's religious choices & religious clothing, they'll just open a can of worms for themselves :D
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
That's why I stipulated "pressuring anyone for sex who is not willing and/or doesn't understand, is ILLEGAL." But of course such things are nebulous & hard to define & prove, so that's why we have such strict lines drawn. I get it. But the laws need to be reassessed & altered a bit.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I tend to agree with this. My unpopular opinion stems from my own childhood experiences, experimenting with sex as early as age TWO. And when I was 13 I was so nubile & eager but everyone did their legal duty and ignored me :( It was their loss & my loss as well :( People are sexual beings their entire lives. It doesn't suddenly begin at the arbitrary legal age of 18. Every time I inn
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Someone please tell me how common it is to be hacked & spied on through our cams? I always knew this was a possibility but have never been paranoid about it or covered any lenses. 1) Who would spy on me? 2) How? 3) WHY? 4) Should everyone cover their lenses just to be safe?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Good point. Although in my case at the time LDS entered my life, it kinda saved me. But it eventually brainwashed me and took my life in a direction I never would've chosen. Having fun was sinful. I felt guilty all the time. Lightmindedness & loud laughter were sinful. Being human became sinful. Aaagh!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
What were the laws back then regarding age of consent, statutory rape, etc? Was it illegal at the time for Joseph to marry a 14-year old? Was it even illegal at the time to have more than one wife? After the law came down on LDS multiple-wife practices, LDS stopped doing it. Just wondering if what Joseph did was illegal at the time.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Can someone please provide a link to the old men discussed in this thread? I haven't thought about the church in quite some time but 'twould be interesting to see those old familiar faces and see how they're aging.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
(Tangent) OMG you're right, that is Ronald Rasband. He happened to be visiting our branch one Sunday in 2003 when my (now ex-) husband was getting his confirmation. So Rasband placed his hands on my ex's head for the confirmation that day, I'll never forget. It's a mild case of Mormon Celebrity Fever. P.S. My ex has always has latent gay fantasies, so watch out he might find that picture arous
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
You may have heard of the TV show Who do You Think You Are, apparently a lot of normal people are interested in researching their family history. That TV show is probably intended to get people interested in family research by paying celebrity actors & actresses to pretend to be amazed to discover mildly interesting facts about their predecessors. I've never watched or even WANTED to watch th
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Travis, Wyoming is where Minerva lived until the end of her life, and coincidentally I was born in Wyoming almost 1 year before her life ended. I must have subconsciously picked up her name from Ensign magazines through the years, as some of you've mentioned that her art is regularly featured there with credit to her. Becaus
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Ha! This made me laugh. Polyvinylchloride! So I'm not the only non-tourette's person to get these random verbal tics :)
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Good to know that everyone here has heard of this Minerva Teichert person. So now I wonder if maybe I HAD been vaguely subconsciously familiar with her name during my Mormon years. I was an avid Ensign reader. So maybe it's just a tic coming out lately. Or as AmyJo suggested, maybe a spiritual channeling, gah, who knows.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Oh my gosh, I do the same thing with church songs. The tunes are memorable, some of the ideas are nice, but others need updating & editing :)
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I hope those plastic-perfect fake wealthy ladies make time for yoga class. I threw LDS out the window and found true health & happiness in yoga. Ohmmmmm.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Does anything like this ever happen to you? This started a few years ago for me, it happens every once in awhile when I'm buzzing around the house taking care of mundane tasks. The words "Minerva Teichert" come into my head so I say them out loud. It was happening so much a couple years ago, I finally put those words into Google to figure out what the hell those words are and whe
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Gordo has such a defensive tone of voice throughout the entire interview.
Forum: Recovery Board