Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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    Julie Rowe's interview in which she supports and sustains Chad Daybell, based on her personal interactions with him, with ghawd, and personal revelations, and just being an all-around wonderful child of ghawd.     It's an hour and eight minutes and I could not listen to the whole thing.       I've met a couple of LDS people during my life who 'had all the answers' and I co
Forum: Recovery Board
    Is there an old Azerbaichance peasant song about "How high's the steeple, Lord?"     If it's the one I'm thinking of, it has a wicked balalaika solo after the lament of the stolen peasant bride.  There was a lot of peasant bride stealing back then...
Forum: Recovery Board
    In an attempt at "fairness" (which everyone defines per their particular needs), all that's required to post here is a computer, an internet service, and hutzpah.
Forum: Recovery Board
    I don't think it's presumptuous to say that Religion is Physics (i.e., explaining the world...) with a human touch.     And then, when we compare religious explanations of the world, we realize that it's likely that all humans operate with loose screws.
Forum: Recovery Board
    But they're doing it for our own good, right?     They want what's best for us, and knowing that, I sleep good at night.  I always seem to wake up smiling!
Forum: Recovery Board
    Yes!  I'm in favor of ALL the endurance sports!
Forum: Recovery Board
> Would you be in favor of adding > more women into the BoM myth?     Does this mean the same thing as, "Would you be in favor of adding more cleavage into the BoM myth?"     ...asking for my best friend...
Forum: Recovery Board
    I don't think it's just mormons who are failing veterans.     We're all impressed by the sharp point at the end of the sword, but once we've oh!'d and ah!'d about it, we lose interest in what goes into creating and sustaining that sharp point.
Forum: Recovery Board
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Salt Lake City hasn't had a Public Relations victory since that recording of the MoTab Choir singing Battle Hymn of the Republic came out.     It's been nothing but legal victories since then, which is reflected in their growth rate.     Of course, the whole point of building temples is give the church, and its members, something to brag about.Â
Forum: Recovery Board
    And why didn't ghawd make us an Earth with nice, precise, repeating days?   You know, days of equal length so that 1/1460th of the population didn't have to be born on a leap day...  Yeah, the math says that of our current eight billion humans on Earth, 5,479,452 were born on a February 29th.     And every new year, there's an article about how Real Evidence Clergy (aka Scie
Forum: Recovery Board
> "Therefore, even at absolute zero, > atoms and molecules retain some > vibrational motion."     v. > If you were able to bring it to a > complete rest, it would not have > energy either, and therefore would > not exist.     So...  If "Vibrational Motion" is a thing, why can't a photon be 'at rest' (relative to the Universe, in
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
    I have a hard time imagining what would make 'the cheating' worth the risk . . .     Was Canada worried that NZ might be playing with 12 players? Did they think NZ intended to substitute an oval ball for a round ball?     Were they checking to see if the NZ team was using very loose jerseys and practicing hiding the ball under said loose jerseys?
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
    So, can we take this as 'proof' that Jesus is not going to return (sneak back) to Earth prior to the conclusion of the 2034 Winter Olympics?     Also, is "climate change," aka global warming/globular warning, likely to be a devise factor in terms of actually doing winter sports?     Is there a winter version of Pickle Ball?
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
    Rabbi Dunne spells his middle name Qhatavi . . .  Glottal stops were all the rage when he was born.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
    "Why aren't the members of the members of the Tribe of Judah born without foreskins?"         --Rabbi Smookem Ifughotumb
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
    How did they figure out the drone belonged to the Canadian team?        Asking for a friend...
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
    Wait!!  I thought there weren't any "wild fires" before Europeans came to America and invented tobacco!!
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
    Which will be taller, the ski jump or the closing ceremonies temple steeple?
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
> I'd better sit down and > have a cup of soma!     Wear a seatbelt!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
    I crossed myself and did a 'pinkie swear' for Jasper...     How could I NOT!!!  Jasper was my MP's first name!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
    One wonders how much effort mormons made brewing beer to make coffee . . .
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
    Those who grew up in California or raised kids in CA likely remember the grammar school project involving picking an early California Catholic Mission and preparing a report on it.     I can foresee a science project far in the future involving getting a basketball-sized object to 'stand still' in space. I'm imagining that the biggest hurdle to overcome is finding a place in 'space
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
    "Africa, the cradle of humanity!"     When the missionaries preach the gospel in Africa, how much emphasis is made regarding the Garden of Eden being in Missouri?
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
    So...  We now know where the bong is . . .
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
    It makes sense based on the manner in which The Universe was 'born' that no bit/chunk/piece of matter came into being 'at rest,' but could a series of bumps and collisions finally have made some bit of matter motionless?     Is there anything going so fast that ghawd can't turn on his lights and siren, catch up to it, and pull it over?  Are PIT maneuvers a thing in the Celest
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
    ¡¡Como friegan eso gueros de Missouri!!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
    Yeah, Friends of the Fetus said that they would spare no expense to support the Rights, Powers, & Privileges of Fetii EVERYWHERE!!!     Then, some TV journalists started asking about what they'd do for all the fetuses they'd saved when they came to term...     FOTF said they were only advocating for fetuses and that once they were born, they were on their own, so the fet
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
    What if "Society" thought unborn children deserved court-appointed attorneys to advocate for their rights?     What about the fertilized eggs cryogenically frozen and stored for contingency purposes?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
    "...lord luv a duck!"
Forum: Recovery Board