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12 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
You know, When that happened, I thought about the same passage from Alma... But, to these (the wealthy royalty) folks, that didn't matter. This happened in West Virginia, but from what I have learned over the years, I know that we certainly don't have a lock on pompous, holier than thou "Saints"... BTW, the RS president's husband was president of a large land company (dealing mai
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
Yep, they never came back... And to me, it was one of the saddest things I have ever experienced. Their childlike hope of something better, crushed by a pompous wealthy lady whose husband would soon be called as bishop. I felt horrible over it as did some, (including my wife), but most of the women commended the RS president on the kindness and concern she had shown for the spiritual welfare
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
There was a very poor family that joined the church in our ward. Like a lot of wards, especially in the east - southeast, the ward boundaries were pretty much split by demographics. The first ward had most of the poorer and more rural folks, while the second ward (mine) had been laid out to take in some rather affluent subdivisions where the "financially blessed" lived (with a smat
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
"We have no evidence that Barley grew there, but the fact that it could have is an important first step."
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
Those are the topics I love, and the main reason I lurk on RFM - that, and the weird/funny experiences threads. When I find an interesting topic with references included, I copy and paste it to Word, where I keep it in a special folder on my computer. When you have the references, it is a real eye-opener - plus, it really helps when talking to TBM's who think you left because you were "
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen, it'll leave you with a hangover that makes you wish someone would hit you over the head with one of those Greek pine trees it's made with!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
I don't know about the pressures - here in Appalachia, we were a cult (Still is, but its more accepted now), which would cost us a lot of girlfriends and stuff - (I was young, then...) - but, at that time, the church was the center of the mormon community. We had road shows, weekend youth conferences at a rented college, basketball tournaments, softball leagues, dinners, dances with live bands
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
Also, the guitars have no cords plugged into the jacks...
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
...since she got that horrendous botox job. Too bad, since I always thought she was attractive. Sigh...
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
Coal Mining Engineering/Research/Support company owner.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
...I agree with many of the other posters. You will NEVER get any TBM out of the church by arguing doctrine. In their minds, they are right and you are either decieved by a well meaning minion of satan or offended by someone. It takes time, but LEARN THE HISTORY, especially that which has good documentation. You will be amazed at how that gets to them. The Peep stone (JS was a convicted mo
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
Interesting story, especially from a long time Dyed In the Wool Card Carrying lurker - but it did happen!!! When things slow at work and home, I'll try to put it together with some modicum of coherency (?) -past my bedtime!!!) Anyway, if enough are interersted, I'll see if I can get a move on! Thanks
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
In my instance, I don't believe in the LDS church anymore than I do that the world is flat. That being said, I haven't had my name removed from the rolls because: A) It's not something I think about every day, and it's not something even remotely near the top of my to-do list. B) My extended family, whom I love dearly, are ultra TBM (my brother in law is a stake patriarch), and, even thoug
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
Give live updates on the bottom of the closed circuit feed? Would the players not in the game be required to watch it on their smart phones? Would there be no males over the age of 12 in the BYU cheering section? I mean, I was always taught there was NO excuse for missing the general session of priesthood!!! Then, if they made it to the finals, there is the Family home evening conflict.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
the first games of which would have conflicted with the second sesson of conference and general priesthood meeting on Saturday?? Would conference and priesthood been replaced by a churchwide TV feed of the game, or would BYU have forfeited the game (Like the BYU women's rugby team did) in order to attend the meetings??? (Fat chance...)
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
When I was TBM, I looked forward to general conference the same way I'd look forward to getting wisdom teeth pulled... Now, as I listen to it without fear or false interest, I find myself paying more attention to it than I ever did - but, it's with a different set of ears. I think it's because, as I listen to these guys (some of whom I honestly believed would have occasional face to face conv
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
About five years... I've posted maybe five or six times.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
Coal Mining, college graduated Hillbilly (And proud of it!!!). Also went to Ricks (oops! YBU-I) before going to a real school, at various times lived in Ohio, Utah, and Texas.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
Gods Country - Though there are a few places here he made then sort of forgot about....
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
Having spent a lot of times working long and sometimes odd hours in the mines, I've discovered that: A - Make the room as dark as possible. Thick aluminum foil on the windows works great (though it does look wierd from the outside). B - Keep the room as cool as possible, then pile blankets on. It gives a womb like sense of security. C- Keep a fan blowing on you. Keeps the air moving,
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
We only had one of those... A couple was going thru a messy divorce. She stood up,railed mightily on her soon to be ex, and then, raising her hand to the square, stared him in the eye (he was sitting a couple of pews away from her), and began to cast demons out of him thru the power of the priesthood. The bishop turned off the mike, but you could still hear it all! To the hubby's credi
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
I didn't go to my mothers funeral... I have tried to put into words here what was going on at the time, but I can't get the words to make any sense, though it was a week before christmas back in 1993... She and all my family were very TBM - me being the black sheep. At the viewing (wake, as we call them here), I was filled with a feeling I can't put into words by all the ward members and
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
Thanks for making my journey out SO much more well informed!! You guys are great...
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hillbilly Heathen
I was going through my old saved internet favorites files yesterday, and came upon a link I had saved about the Porto Allegre Temple (Brazil) from a couple of years ago: I had forgotten about it, but upon re-reading it, it made me tremendously pissed off again - especially the part where President Faust was so moved to purchase gold teeth from th
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