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9 years ago
They are completely inspired! By the same god who runs around finding lost keys and much needed parking spaces for Morons in a hurry. Unfortunately, this keeps him too busy to do things such as provide guidance on mistakes in doctrine such as the Blacks and the priesthood, which 10 presidents and scores of apostles got completely wrong for over 100 years. You know, the little stuff. Or the
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
baura Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 1.6% of 7 BILLION people (population of the earth) > is 112 MILLION people. I would guess that a > person has a better chance of being gay than being > a left-handed red-head. Or Mormon, for that matter. iwenttothewoods, I'm really sorry. My TBM mother has never really accepted my sister but at least sh
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
This is silly. Show any serious scholar who believes that. Even the Christ myth champion of champions, Richard Carrier calls people who believe that "crank mythers" From Carrier's blog: "Joseph Atwill is one of those crank mythers I often get conflated with. Mythicists like him make the job of serious scholars like me so
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
If you believe that Mormonism is doing well, listen to JD's recent Mormon stories interview with Christine Jeppsen Clark, Daughter of General Authority Malcolm Jeppsen. In the final part, Christine talks about the younger generation who have access to information we never had. They are going to be fact checking many more things. For the link above which is showing an increase, yeah, well i
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I grew up in an extremely abusive household where my father, a member of the bishopric, forced my mother to get down on her hands and knees, and lick his shoes. He sexually abused my sisters, and told me, his 12-year-old son, about his deeds in explicit detail. While he sort of talked around that part about it not being the best idea in the world, he never got around to that part about this b
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
In a comment to a recent By Common Consent blog, a person claimed that over 100 missionaries are coming home early, every week! That's over 5,000 per year, and helps explain the "missing" number of missionaries between the actual number serving and what the Morg had predicted last year as the peak. The
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Actually, I think it would be possible to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was made up in the early 19th century. It won't convince a TBM, but it would a reasonable person.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Not impressed. Here's one post: "How do you respond to someone who is happy about something they've done that's sinful. Like, say, I have a friend who is gay and got a boyfriend and is really happy about. I don't feel like I can say congratulations, what should I say?" As expected, a large number of ignorant responses, but one or two who are reasonable. Still, they can only
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Get an attorney. The toughest SOB you can find. It's a matter of bluffing them, and they don't like bad press.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The funny thing is that when the church helps with expenses, they pay for cremation! My Jack-Mormon cousin died penniless and his TBM mother had no extra change, so they asked for help from TSCC. The Morg paid for cremation, because it was cheap. My TBM had a really hard time with that, as she had always been taught that cremation was "wrong."
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I can't pretend to understand the KKs and JDs of the world. I'd love to have three minutes inside their brains, to see what they are really thinking. Do they think they can actually make a change? I completely support them, because I think they hurt the Morg much more than any of us can do. I also think that the leadership completely misread the situation and do not understand the
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
It's a silly theory without any real grounding in fact. It doesn't make any kind of logical sense. The author and the theory have been attacked by Carrier in his typical long-winded diatribes. "Joseph Atwill is one of those crank mythers I often get conflated with. Mythicists like him make the job of serious scholars like me so much harder, because people see, hear, or read them and think
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
"The veracity of this book has been verified by a professional team who, rather unfortunately, quit after the first word of 1 Nephi 1:1. Before resigning, they certified that the word "I" exists in the English language. "In the view of the publisher, this should be sufficient evidence for the reader."
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
From the Des. News article. "Part of the explanation for these high numbers may be that the survey focused only on those who self-identified as Latter-day Saints. “The method they used tended to identify people who are strongly committed,” said BYU sociologist Marie Cornwall , who advised the Pew Forum on the new survey. “They don’t have the people who are kind of marginal. Bu
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Ask you friend exactly how it proves the BOM. Please spell this out in detail. "A" demonstrates "X" and "B" shows "Y," etc. And, have him open his BOM to 3 Nephi, 22:9 where JS has Jesus giving a sermon (plagiarizing the King James translation of Isaiah 54) saying that he, Jesus, had caused the flood. " 9 For this, the waters of Noah unto
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
When I was growing up in the 60s and 70s, I only heard one person talk about wanting a more liberal church. I went on my mission in '81 to '83, and had never heard of anyone going back home for anything except sex on their mission or a major medical problem. I never knew anyone else who had doubts. With the information available now, the Morg will lose more people than will join. JD's powerpoi
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My abusive father did this as well. When my sister turned 16 and asked to get her driver's license, he whipped out a notebook marking the dates which she hadn't made her bed for the past six months and said she couldn't get the driver's license for that number of days. Of course, he had never said anything to her. Never talked to her. None of the rest of us were making our beds. It was simp
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
This is really screwed up (no pun intended). We don't know the whole story, but the marriage is pretty much over if it's coming down to this type of thing. First and foremost, this is passive aggressive BS. Don't matter what else is happening, why the f@ck can't he talk to her like an adult? Looking over the reasons, what the hell is he doing? Popping into the living room into the middle of
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I haven't spent nearly as much time on Old Testament as I have spent on the NT, but reading quickly through a few cites, it looks like historians are divided if there was any basis at all for Moses. It would be interesting to study that further, but this seems to me to be more similar to the question of King Arthur, to which historians are also divided. If there were one, we wouldn't recogniz
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
No, Kim's inner circle has to be too smart to survive this long. I worked in a medium-sized company where all the VPs were yes men to the Big Boss, because that's what it took to survive. They knew things wouldn't work, but you couldn't rock the boat. My guess is some sort of combination of Numbers 1 to 3.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I went back to Japan after getting off my mission. I lived for 9 months in one of the small cities that I had served in. As missionaries, we would tell ourselves that the Japanese members were so great, spiritual giants, etc. Then I went back to the small branch with 20 to 30 active members. Caty, backbiters, small minded pricks.But they sure gave a good show for the missionaries. I also w
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I normally really like Matt's work. The has done a lot to show there isn't much real growth in the church. It's pretty meaningless to work with these numbers, though. I suspect that this is just a paper to demonstrate what the patterns are, without much other content. A point of interest. The only places with really high growth rates are countries with very small Mormon populat
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
One of the original claims of JS which he wrote into the BoM is that the bad guys took out all of the "plain and simple truths" from the Bible. Reading the Mormon apologists, it reminds me that there is nothing plain, simple or true about TSCC.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Link: Humm. The cite won't let me link to it, but it shows JS getting an F on the translation of the Facsimiles. JD has it on his facebook.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I think it's useful. Sure, we can simply just say everything was made up, but that doesn't cause anyone else's shelf to collapse. TBM buy everything, hook, line and sinker. It's a house of cards and all has to remain magic in order to remain viable in their minds. Take some things away here and there, and eventually the whole thing comes crashing down.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Are you in the US? According to the courts, you are now officially gone, despite what they say. The local bishop may call him. Talking to him may or may not speed up the process, but there is no requirement. Whatever happens, you do not need to get sucked into playing their game. It's no longer "Bishop Goodiestwoshoes." He's "Billy Bob." Interviews are not needed. You c
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
From the article: "Branch President Ethan Lee noted that the branch initially had better attendance at the weekly home evening activity than at sacrament meetings, but with so many people moving to Sunset Beach and so many people being reactivated, the branch continues to grow." Translation: "We got a bunch of kids out for activities until they realized that they're so lam
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yes, and another big reason is that they want to be all things to all people. They want to mainstream "I don't know if we teach that" while at the same time saying that they have the truth that no one else has. LDS teachings are so contradictory that the only reason people's minds don't explode is because there is no clarification. If they clarify it, everyone will see that the em
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Reread (or read) the Old Testament, even the New Testament and the BoM, especially the events supposedly about around the time of Jesus' birth. That God is one vicious SOB. Look at the Flood as literal history. Was the entire world really, truly evil? Everyone? All the babies and children under eight who, according to Morg, can't sin, so they get killed with their parents. All those cities in
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Some debates just can never be civil, unfortunately. Try posting on the question if you should let your baby cry it out on a mommy message board. Have the people will love you, half with show up on your door ready to lynch you. Which is too bad, because there is the potential for an interesting discussion if people could only remain civil. one of the more interesting discussions I've had wa
Forum: Recovery Board