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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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9 years ago
I grew up in the 60s and 70s when people thought nothing about telling jokes about blacks. Even my very TBM friends and relatives thought nothing of it. Naturally, everyone laughed about gays. My ex-Mo sister married a Southern Methodist from Texas, and they live in Georgia. Before I got remarried and had children, I used to go visit them at Christmas every year. After a week of nonstop re
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Hmmmm. You've ignored three requests from the administrator and you want to make requests for us? Ever look up the definition of "irony?" No one is going to wade through pages and pages of dense prose for points unknown. Reread your first post, the conclusion has little, if anything to do with the text, or at least what I skimmed. What is it that you want to say? Anyone can write
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Outer Darkness, here we go! I wish TSCC would keep teaching it's dark secrets. This would be a fun one to ask Tommy. Too bad he doesn't do interviews.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I think he's sincere and just by the nature of what he does, is a lot more open about his journey than what most people would do. Lots of people criticize him for not quitting TSSC, but I get the sense that he really believes there is positive in it which if changed can be beneficial. It's a completely different viewpoint than mine. I never felt any particular comforting spirit within Mormo
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yeah, the comments over on the Trib are hilarious. "Of course, women are involved, someone had to pick up the poster from the printer."
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
This actually is the best reason to quit TCSS. All of us sheep would be paying tithing, attending endless meetings, scrubbing toilets and home teaching people who only want to be left alone, while only a few elite get the whole god thing.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Really, no need to meet at all, but if you do, then at Starbucks. Tell the executive secretary to go jump in a lake. If you want to meet, you'll tell them the time and place.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Heads up. Those Bible tales, including the flood et al., have been debunked for years. It's only Christian fundamentalists, including Morbots who believe in that stuff.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
It's hotter than hell here in Taiwan as well. My children know how to help daddy make iced coffee. Use half the water. Then pour the coffee into a mug. Let the mug heat up and pour into another mug. Cool the first mug in tap water, then pour back and forth a few times, cooling the empty mug. It gets down to room temperature really quickly. Then add cold milk to taste, and finally
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I'm watching it now. It's interesting to watch. The moderator actually isn't that bad, he has a son who has left the church and he made some fairly (no pun intended) reasonable comments. At the first of the talk, he talked about the "crisis of faith" and asked for a show of hands for people who have a spouse, child or parent leave. Unfortunately, the hand-held camera didn't pan t
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Get some help. I'm fighting depression and PTSD from a horrible childhood, and have had episodes where I feel exactly like that. It feels that I can't control my emotions or thoughts. It's horrible. What you did actually isn't self-abuse, it's the way that the mind works, at some point, the emotional pain is too great to endure, so physical pain is a relief. This is one reason people cut thems
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
After being out for a number of years, I went to my Mormon cousin's funeral. Wow. I did not miss that at all.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I was initially surprised by Brent's comments as well, until I realized that Brent doesn't have any particular insider knowledge of what happened between the prosecutor, the defense and possibly the Morg. He reported what the prosecutor told him, and gave his thoughts that it seemed reasonable. However, it's obviously to everyone that the Morg benefited immensely by the plea bargain. More
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Since your wife is fine with you having doubts, decline the meeting, and tell your wife you need a break from attending because you're burned out living dishonestly.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
On another note, I found two matching socks this morning! It's a miracle!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I went to Japan on my mission in 81 to 83, just at the tail end of Kikuchi and got his replacement. I remember a mission-wide meeting with Kikuchi and him reaming us out for the lack of baptisms. It was all about numbers, numbers, and numbers. I was in a little town at the time, and knowing our dismal success rate knocking on doors, I figured we would have to track out the entire town in three m
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you were one of the least valiant ones so as a punishment, you got sent into a Mormon house. As one who has gotten out, it seems you were likely a tiny more valiant than those who can never leave. Or something like that.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Resmar Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Growing numbers of people now campaign to make > spiritually dangerous life-styles legal and > socially acceptable. Among them are abortion, the > gay-lesbian movement, and drug addiction." > Damn, I guess this means I'm going to have to pull down my website supporting hard-core drug addi
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Tal Bachman:Your comments, then my response with <OS> "My post was only me wondering aloud about the possibly adaptive nature of religion, and how Mormonism might fare on some objective scale. I was trying to step outside myself, and think about questions like these:" <OS> That was not clear, and as others have pointed out, there does seem to be a lot of confusion abou
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Is there a particular reason you have -- apparently -- very deliberately chosen fighting words to diss the people you claim that you wish to debate? "superficial" skeptics? vs. "real" skeptics who are so much smarter? Good god. Your reasoning is utterly and completely devoid of any "deep" reasoning, and itself is superficial. Normally, I would not attack in
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Why should people respect your beliefs when you (LDS) are actively attempting to impose your beliefs on others? Renounce your opposition to SSM, then we'll talk.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The unique claims of TSCC: specifically that JS was a prophet, that he met God and Jesus in the form he claimed they exist, that there is a magical power which only Mormon men can hold, that the leadership of TSCC is in special communication with divine beings, that JS was led to gold plates which he translated, that there were people who came from ancient Israel to the Americas and had some sort
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Richard Foxe Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If atheism > gains a more widespread following and public > acceptance, will schisms develop as they have in > religious movements? Atheism is defined as lack of belief in any god. (Or, as simply the belief in one less god than Christians, as the saying goes.) That's it. How there there possibly
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I think that they need to be more open about this. This is really the super secret VIP club within the super secret club. Members should ask more questions.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I quit alcohol on my own, "white knuckling it" as they say. It was hell. Ninety some odd percent of people can drink alcohol just fine. Not me. In my case, I was self medicating for the PTSD which came from child abuse growing up. I was just switching therapists, and having my meds prescribed by a doctor, and not one of the three professionals warned me that my PTSD would get wo
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
It fits the Joey's pattern. Here is not just any Indian skeleton, but Zelph, the Great Warrior. This isn't just any stone, it's the actual altar build by Adam himself in Missouri. So yes, the apologist try to come up with creative spins, but the introduction is without doubt that Joey told people.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
that's basically it. For the top couple, could be paid $1 a year, and their other deals, especially being on the various boards would be six or seven figures.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yeah, I was in Japan at the time it was announced. I went into the MTC in September of 1981 and to Japan in November. We weren't given the choice, but your dates seem about right. When we went home at 18 months, there was only one person from from the group of missionaries six months earlier who had stayed the entire time. All the others had decided to go home early.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yup. If you (general you) say something stupid, you'll be called on it.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Equality? Which will never happen, though.
Forum: Recovery Board