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9 years ago
Google can help get past these sort of issues, I found this on Google: In my drinking days I used to prefer using the methods that involved beating the bottle against the wall, especially when company was around. Great way to amaze and amuse your friends.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
There are too many to list. The more experienced you get, the fewer "mistakes" like that you make, but there will always be the times.... The only real newby mistake you can make is to not learn to laugh at yourself and those "mistakes".
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Then you are saying that Mormons have a RIGHT to define you as less than human?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yes, and the Nazis got great wealth because they had the power to take the wealth of others, and according to you, they had every right to do so.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Saying a person should be a slave is one thing. Actually devaluing a person by MAKING them a slave is another. This is the point I am making, not taking DOING. It is the point you continue to miss in your rush to vendetta.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
elderolddog Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > we're arguing at tangents. > > I will continue to assert that "rights" can only > exist when there is "power" to enforce them. Then you assert that the Nazis had EVERY RIGHT to kill jews because they obviously did have the power to enforce that right. And to defend that, you
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
elderolddog Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Okay, maybe now we're getting somewhere: > > > > MJ stated, "Unlike you, I do not believe > > that any group no matter how powerful has > > the right to commit Genocide." > > > I wholeheartedly agree with you! The 1000 year > Reich did not have the "
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I was talking about "defining" you misrepresented what I said as "think" in order to discredit my argument. Classic straw man. And again you use a straw man, I am not talking about coming to a subjective value. I am talking about DEFINING the value of another person that has the right to define themselves, which is different that coming to a subjective view. By DEFINING
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
IN another post, you stated, and I quote: "'Power' is what creates 'rights.'" If this is what you truly believe, then you must agree that since the Nazis had the power they had every right to kill millions of jews. They had the power so they created the right. Then I would assume by your quote "'Power' is what creates 'rights.'" that were you in Nazi Germany at the t
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
You have every right to not read what I said and post nonsense in response. I have every right to recognize that nonsense as nonsense and to disagree. I have ENFORCED nothing, I have only disagreed. You seem to have problems with people disagreeing with you. You seem to be trying to make it wrong to disagree with you. You seem to be implying that because I am disagreeing with you, I am tr
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I am talking about being able to DEFINE what my value is. There is a difference between "think" and "define" am I correct in assuming that you understand the difference even though you come across as if you do not? I don't give a shit what they THINK, but what they DO. And defining my value is an act that defines me as a person. I, not anyone else has the RIGHT to defi
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
elderolddog Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > MJ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Yeah, its all about the number, so Nazis had > the > > right to send jews to the gas chamber because > they > > had numbers, eh? No, they had the power, not > the > > right. > > I neve
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
This is truly scary. So One group has the right define another group as only having value as slaves? Or of not even having enough value to keep alive, so they are only worthy of death?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
And you would be OK with that? Yes they have a right to define what THEY value, but not what YOUR value is.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yeah, its all about the number, so Nazis had the right to send jews to the gas chamber because they had numbers, eh? No, they had the power, not the right. Do you really believe that the Constitution is what grants rights? That if there were no constitution, you would be running around violating other peoples "rights" because there would actually be no rights? I believe that a h
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I say that your value is that of a human, that value is defined by the fact that you are born a human. Others my have the power to DENY you the value you have as human, but does that give them the RIGHT to devalue you? No. Nobody has the right to define your value, defining your value as to be that of a slave. Someone may have the power to deny that right, but that is different. The i
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Wow, talk about devaluing people with less than white skin! They evidently are not even human!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Do Mormons have the right to define what value you have as a human? Do they have the right to devalue (defining you as less than human) you? Do thy have the right to define you as not having value enough to marry? This is defining you, not just stating an opinion. It would mean that being exmormon means you are, by definition less than human. So, do Mormons have a right to define you as l
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
summer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Holland seems to think that there is some sort of > recipe for keeping kids in the church. But plenty > of board members here have or have had very > faithful parents, and yet their children fell away > anyway. And again, that is TSCC not the USA.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Still don't get how that affects me, a non-member, but US citizen. But I see that in order to defend your point, you would take away parental rights, telling parents they are not "free" to raise their own children as they see fit. Are you suggesting a state sponsored guide as to how to raise children that all parents must follow, our just the religious ones>? Good luck wit
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
It continues the discussion in a way that gay rights people can confront ignorant points of view. This is not saying the person is ignorant, only the point of view, well informed people can hold ignorant points of view. This also has taken almost a million dollars our of the hands of the anti-gay advocacy groups. It also shows that the anti-gay groups have to artificially prop up business
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
But if they form a group and have an event, it is OK to discriminate against all the individuals that make up the event. What a nonsensical argument. The discrimination is the same regardless if it is applied to an individual or event. So, I guess you would be OK with a caterer refusing to service because they do not agree with your religious views? Would you feel the same way if you
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
They should not be in a PUBLIC accommodation business. Objecting to the KKK could be "I do not photograph events of groups that promote illegal activities because I do not want to be seen as an accomplice to illegal acts". My view is simple, I want the same as blacks got in the 60's when "white only" restaurants were outlawed. When you can understand that, you an under
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Which is completely different subject. Nobody is asking the pizza place to supply anything other than the product they offer. The people that are wanting a Texas BBQ are not being denied a service THAT IS CURRENTLY BEING OFFERED, they are are being told that the service is not offered to anyone even if a vegetarian asked for it. Thinking that the business has to provide a service that the bus
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
But because it was held outside the shop it is not? Don't see a valid point here. Would you say the same thing for blacks? What about jews? Would you say the same thing if you were denied catering because they disagreed with your religious views expressed in a wedding you were attending?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Horse crap. in places where Pot is illegal it is illegal for EVERYONE other than those with medical need (same as with many other medicines) The pizza place issue is refusal of service based on an immutable characteristic. Not at all the same thing and you should be embarrassed to have even tried such a poor argument. There is no discrimination based on race, religion, sex or sexual orien
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
There have been many denial of service discrimination against gays and gay marriage posted here in the past. Hell, at least I showed the place enough respect to take their word as good an did not go off calling them liars.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
And you are part of the anti-gay population that insists that gays accept and know their place as second class citizens. I will proudly fight until gay rights are accepted EVERYWHERE, despite those that try to get me to accept discrimination anywhere. It is not truly a diverse society as long as parts of the society are denied benefits of the society.
Forum: Recovery Board