Exmormon Bios  : RfM
Exmormon's exit stories about how and why they left the church. 

Results 1021 - 1050 of 1074
13 years ago
Very clever mick!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Those of us who have had the opportunity to think about career opportunities have likely been advised to have an "elevator speech" in case we meet someone who might be in a position to advise us about careers or better yet, hire us into something new and exciting (ok, or ANYTHING!). This is a one or two minute explanation of what our skills are and what we can offer to a potential em
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hey Wendell, if I had any brothers you would be one of them!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
He almost never posts so I'll answer for him.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Now a "Bishop somebody?" Seemed like he was still a pastor and supportive of gay rights.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
5.5 hours - our best time ever! (Jersey near Philly - to 25 miles N of Boston) OK - that still doesn't make up for the times when we have sat for hours and hours on the New Jersey Turnpike. At a plaza I saw a tee shirt that says simply "New Jersey Turnpike." I think next time I need to pee I'm going to buy one - I DO spend most of my vacations there!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I am active in a Unitarian Universalist congregation.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
And it never gets old (or maybe there is something wrong with me!) DH and I left way before the internet and until 2000, we were the only exmos we had ever met or conversed with in any fashion for 12 years prior to meeting others with the same story. My personal email is mksnow@comcast.net. We are in our 50s with four kids and grandkids. We married in the temple in 1978 - the usual BYU stor
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Answering the call to serve my country I was unable to attend any First Parish activities this Sunday. Second son has been deployed to some bunker in the middle of a desert where he does stuff that is referred to as logistics. At least he is no longer flying combat missions. Meanwhile, back in the states, his wife is launching an exciting career that requires occasional weekend conferences
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Do you need more to do???? Cute sign anyhow.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
1032. WOW
You have been through so much - looks like you are on the start to recovery. What great advice has come in already. I assume you are looking for feedback so I will add an observation - so many times you mentioned "DH did nothing about it." It would be great if he stood up for you, but, as you know, you have to stand up for yourself. Even if he did stand up for you, you still have
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I saw in the thread about how lds inc. harms that it was your first post here. A warm welcome - I hope you enjoy your time on the board. Does your wife visit here as well? Happy Wednesday to you.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Hugs all around and thank you for holding everything together on the homefront. If there is a medal for "keeping the home fires burning" you and countless other wives, parents, partners, children, friends, and other family deserve it. Your account is well written - upbeat and unsparing at the same time. Keep telling your story - it is the story of a nation.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Things like the way the satan character is pretty much "in charge" in the temple. The cult markings. Saying that it all hinges on the BOM, if it's not true we're all batshit!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Everything you do has cosmic signifigance. The actual creator of the universe is a personal acquaintance. Not that you can ever really measure up to his expectations, but still, you are an insider! ANd then, it turns out we are all just like everyone else. That is incredibly liberating and then disheartening. And then it is just embarrassing. I mean really, we thought god could help us fi
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
In what format did you communicate this? In person? In writing? Good luck with everything.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The sun will rise, even if no one stands up and says so. Twooth is self evident and self proclaiming.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
1039. OUCH
Well that really stinks and I am sorry to hear all of it. Hope the venting is helpful.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
If all that wasn't exciting enough I would like to report that the voices of light chorale has been invited to perform at the holiday fair. As of this evening we have arrived at all four voice parts on the Christmas music. And this group used to struggle to stay together singing unison. Sometimes life is so exciting I can barely contain myself!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I do hope things improve as the week goes on.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I had the opportunity to meet her in person a few years ago as she was a new englander at the time. I have completly lost track of her whereabouts. Her email was the name of a british car wasn't it?
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
or partnered people who never had children: They are very self aware. They have had the mental space to think through who they are and what they need to be true to themselves. Sometimes in relationships and all the time in parenthood the vast majority of mental energy goes toward figuring out "who am in regard to this relationship?" Which I think is probably easier than doing the
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
and thinks she's smart. I hope she eventually is able to leave.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Greetings first parish report followers. Have I mentioned recently how much I adore 8th graders? (And teens in general.) On Sunday, my co-teacher, David, and I were meeting with the 8th graders in the reproductive health course, “Our Whole Lives.” (OWL) 5 young men and 6 young ladies. And who is the goofiest and most awkward? The young ladies. We were discussing concerns around
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I dunno - maybe she is actually trying to get out of going with you - maybe she would like some time to herself as well. Sometimes a little distance is ok.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
UNless they are being abused (other than spiritually) it seems to me that anyone running a "safe house" could get into all kinds of trouble for harbouring minors without their parents permission. Maybe they could find a relative to live with instead - I know a young lady who moved in with her nevermo grnadmother, but she was actually over 18 at the time. Under 18 - fake it and start
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It makes a huge difference. What would happen if you shared your concerns with your wife?
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
We begin to feel like our kids somehow need us to be in it and we need the structure. Makes it harder to leave. Unless of course we manage to think, "holy crap, I don't want to raise my kids to be guilt ridden by a pack of lies!"
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
OK - where does that come from? It always made me think of god pooping out blessings!
Forum: Recovery Board