Exmormon Bios  : RfM
Exmormon's exit stories about how and why they left the church. 

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6 years ago
(Though when I drank I always preferred the richer lagers, I guess that's why I really am influenced by Satan and left! HA!)
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Well their proclivity for beer than would better explain about the secret temple (entrance to heaven) password. 'Pale Ale'! :) I guess that was the purest beer!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Good question. Maybe hard to answer easily as there really are SO many things.. I agree with the robbing me of my time with endless pointless meetings. And it robbed me of my parents. We were left largely to look are ourselves because our parents were too busy with all of their church meetings, duties, callings, scripture study, reading all the books by all the GAs ever written, basically
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
No, I was referring to the last name of the author, 'Smith' as being a coincidence and not a relative of Joe Smith. But you are right Amyjo, the book itself 'View of the Hebrews' is absolutely NOT a coincidence! It is most definitely the book that Joe Smith plagiarized in his writing of the BoM. That's amazing that a GA actually said that! It's weird, but I think some of the members and eve
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Ugh that's sad about your friend Greyfort. But totally illustrates what I was trying to point out to. And now you've helped me to clarify it. Their use of 'Satan' to convince people that they are either doing the wrong or right thing (depending on that person's interpretation of events at the time), really serves to separate a person from their own instincts. They get so they distrust those
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
That's really interesting about Graham, I had no idea! Funny how the modern day Graham cracker is really so unhealthy though! But interesting to know about the influences of the times. The more you find out about that, the more clear it is that Joe Smith was a product of his times, but also a con man, how just mixed different influences of the times and put his on spin on things, with the soul
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
It makes me think of a friend at the Y, who decided to go on a mission (female, so it was actually more of a choice), but I think it had been motivated by a desire for adventure and she was hoping, foreign travel.. but when she got called stateside, I think she started to question whether or not it was the best decision…. Well at the airport sending off party, she broke down and lost it in t
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I had wondered about that too (the same name), but apparently they were unrelated, and that was actually a coincidence. Albeit a weird one!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I think the Word of Wisdom (hence forth I shall refer to as 'WOW') came about primarily due to economics. Coffee, tea, tobacco, meats, wine, were all expensive items at the time and the members were close to starving in a lot of cases (however the leadership was generally very wealthy, esp. after the 'law of consecration' came into effect'.. But I also think it could have been a control me
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
So today is the first I actually Googled this book, 'View of the Hebrews' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/View_of_the_Hebrews In 1994 when I first found out about this book (after already having my faith shaken by other things I was finding out about LDS inc.), I went to see it in the locked cases at BYU where one of two remaining original copies reside. I believe that LDS inc. also owns the
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I could say a million different sentences to my TBM family members and they wouldn't hear any of them. Unfortunately unless the person is already doubting and asking questions they aren't going to open to hearing anything that doesn't fit with their indoctrination. So I just don't try. BUT if it felt like they WERE questioning and open I may share how I found out about the book, 'View of th
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I think God and church was invented to keep the peasants and peons (any mass of people ruled by a minority) from revolting. Esp. as Birdman said.. about the promise of injustices being corrected in the next life. Basically we aren't supposed to worry about any bad things that happen on Earth to anyone for any reason. One day all will be right. So until then, have FAITH, OBEY, and DO YOUR
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
PS- There were some high school kids who left in the 80s because of drug and alcohol and sometimes sex. Basically not being able to say no to peer pressure. But most of them came back to the fold later on. Because it was really just rebellious teenage stuff and not anything to do with doctrine or understanding of that.
Forum: Deconstructing Mormonism
6 years ago
I left in the early 90s before the internet was widely in use (I sure wasn't using it!) I am female so I struggled with what was expected of me in the church once I was 'of age' (past 18) to really be involved and be expected to marry early and have a lot of kids. I also grew up as a minority LDS, but when I went out to BYU I was hit with the culture shock of an LDS majority. I didn't lik
Forum: Deconstructing Mormonism
6 years ago
I enjoyed the original post and many of the comments. As for me on this topic. Well I firstly feel it fundamental that we allow anyone who doesn't believe in miracles that choice and not be bothered by it. I was raised in the LDS faith, so it wasn't really a choice or something I gravitated towards. Since leaving though I have tried different belief systems and have been drawn to all things
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I believe it. Seems like common sense that not sleeping is very bad for health. I would also recommend turning off all electronics at night, especially cell phones and wifi routers. The frequencies they operate at are in the high frequency range (close to UV light) so that it's like having the lights on (disrupts melatonin production). Quality of sleep is also so important and in this scr
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
The LDS media indoctrination program advanced a lot in the years between myself and my younger sister (13 years younger) so that even when I was still somewhat involved in the cult it disturbed me the music they had her listening to in her crib. It was designed for toddler and kindergarten ages. I remember one of the songs she used to just love to dance to and sing a long to. It went 'I'm
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Wow, some stories on here! I have heard some as well. I had a friend at the Y, who was closet gay. Came out to me after his mission. (He got called, ironically, to the San Francisco area! He even sent me photos standing in front of the Gay Pride parade while he was in the field.) So he admitted to messing around with other missionaries and said that there was more homosexual activity betwe
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Question.. So the temple worker behind the veil pressing his body against the 'patron' through the veil at the 5 points??? That's super weird and creepy!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Like I suspected. Just 'busy work' to keep members even more occupied (than usual with all the church callings, meetings and large families!), particularly with brain numbing repetitive ludicrous rituals. The temple is nothing but the highest form of indoctrination and control the cult has. It's sad. I used to believe it was a holy special place and one day I'd be 'worthy' of entering an
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Apparently it not only gets boring but stressful. My mom told me of a female temple worker SLAPPING a temple goer IN THE FACE because the temple goer was being too loud!! My mom didn't approve of the behavior but she clearly forgave it and still did not see any flaws in the system itself, just 'imperfect members.'
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
This from the wikipedia page about the 'holy of holies' room "Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, stated that "no one can truly say he knows God until he has handled something, and this can only be done in the Holiest of Holies".[7]" So Joe Smith said it's only place one can know God? What about his visitations in the woods? If deep in the woods,
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Thanks Hie!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Btw, it wasn't until I was in my early 20s questioning my faith that I even knew there were other versions of the bible from the King James! Of course I had seen a million times that it said 'King James' version, but never gave a thought to the possibility of other versions until my Jewish boyfriend at the time asked why we used that version? I could tell he thought it wasn't the best one.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
-Simply put, Joseph Smith is nothing more than an author that tried to sell a book, and when that didn't work, he started a religion. And a plagiarized one at that! And from a book published just two years prior to Joe Smith BoM, by an author from his same home town! ("View of the Hebrews") I've mentioned this in another post. But I am going to reiterate here that I have seen t
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
When at the Y in the 90s I remember there was a student who was EXPELLED because he supposedly looked at porn sites on a campus computer. The problem at the time was that it was the early days of the internet and there wasn't much knowledge about pop up sites and junk email with bad links. He said he had clicked on one of those links thinking it was a real one and one of the porn sites popped up.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
LOL, you got it in a nutshell!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I totally agree. And this has been a recent epiphany for me as well. It's easy to put 'anti' in front of anything that challenges the authority of any group. The use of this terminology immediately condemns any kind of questioning. And puts the members of the group being questioned on the defensive as if they are being attacked or persecuted. The LDS cult divides the world into black and
Forum: Recovery Board