Exmormon Bios  : RfM
Exmormon's exit stories about how and why they left the church. 

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6 years ago
Interesting. I sometimes have felt I got glimpses into past lives too, when in that in between wake and sleep state. I'll have this whole story I am a part of that is really fascinating when I wake from it since it has no relation to my current life at all. Recently I was a train conductor for example (in my 'flash back') and there was this posy of men who wanted to make me have someone ride
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
It's funny how much your story reminded me of some of the New Age beliefs out there. Not sure if you are familiar with the channeled messages of 'Abraham-Hicks' (Hicks the name of the one channeling and 'Abraham' the name of a GROUP of 'entities' channeling the information). It's not surprising to me now, esp. in light of your very 'inspiring' story, that I had gravitated towards these new ag
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Right, I see what you mean. Otherwise it becomes about certain people in the church and not the church itself. Will definitely give this some more thought!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
And yes I agree with 'yet again' other temples from other faiths are generally much more impressive and inspirational architecturally and decoratively.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
YES I am sure it was because she got pressured because of possibly being near death. OR she actually got scared herself and figured she may as well go through with it 'just in case'.. I got surprised how some of my ex-Mo friends growing up went back into it after getting scared. One in particular had a serious traumatic experience where she hit an old man with Alzheimer's who was in the middl
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
LOL. Yup LOTS of inconsistencies. I like the one about Smith seeing his brother in the CK. It's like in my family. When relatives have been near death and see other deceased family members waiting for them on the other side.. but not all active in the church or church members. For example I had an uncle pass this year who has not been mormon for a few decades (though raised so), and ne
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
And I agree that most ideas of Heaven are ridiculous and if religions didn't have an idea of heaven and hell as reward or punishment in the after life they would hardly be able to keep the large following they have and they wouldn't have the kind of control over their members that they have. I sometimes think Hindu ideas of reincarnation make more sense. But then again it sounds similar, the
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
LOL. I've enjoyed the responses so far! Great thoughts! And yes I hadn't thought about the 'war in heaven' part needing to happen for each world.. new Christs and Satans after your spirit children all fought. Yikes! And I was thinking about the baptisms for the dead and what a never ending task that really is (almost like a work project from God to keep us busy, digging holes and filling t
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Thanks so much 'Hie' for the explanation! Yes I suppose it would be hard to press charges in that case because of the 'consent'.. however it IS unfair in the extreme that that consent is really a last minute one (under a lot of pressure from family, etc) since I don't believe anyone is told that will happen beforehand! I thought I remembered the author of that book saying it was a man who
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
This is still something I am trying to figure out as I never went through with those temples rites and I keep hearing references to this anointing business.. So if someone can please enlightenment on the whole process and what's it's supposed to be for, I'd appreciate it. For example.. do men do the anointing for women too? Is it in front of other people? Do they really touch you without cl
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
I was thinking about how ridiculous the Mormon ideas of pre-existence and Celestial Kingdom are. What they teach just does not add up, and I mean in just a basic math sense. Firstly the supposition is that we all existed as 'spirt children' of our heavenly father and heavenly mother. It sounds like one mother but Mormons believe in God's model of polygamy and that God is a polygamist. So that
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
My partner is a burgeoning documentary film maker. We've been talking lately about tackling this topic. I wonder how many on the board might be willing to share their stories on camera? I may take a poll if we end up seriously considering it. The problem is with coming out in this public way is that so many of us are still involved with family members that are LDS and we may feel that
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I had issues with explosions of anger about small things. My dad also did that a lot at home growing up. I have gotten a lot better at 'impulse control' after seeing a therapist for a few years and helped me to see what was the root cause of my anger which had a lot to do with childhood trauma, feeling helpless, not being able to/allowed to express my emotions. Expressing anger was especially
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Here's some more hilarious brainwashing from the 60s "Never a Bride: Preparation for Marriage (Translation - "Preparation for domestic servitude") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSre6GLRN-0
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
And I feel now much more comfortable with others not believing anything, even if I believe in something I don't feel the need to have everyone else believe it too. I notice that religious fanatics have get very defensive and threatened by non-believers. Why should they care if we believe or not, why do they feel compelled to 'save our souls'.. why should anything I believe or don't have anyth
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I know what you are getting at 'Inquisative' I think that happens with meditation if you're end goal is some abstract ideal like 'enlightenment' and that's the trouble I've had with it, getting caught up in results and then judging myself accordingly. So I try to sit and be okay with it as it is, maybe 'imperfect'.. maybe I still feel agitated and those thoughts in my head won't shut up. But
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7 years ago
And some serious scare tactics, wow!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
AHHHH! Just watched 'Summer of Decision'.. The message seems clear to me that 'thinking' is very dangerous! I've always just 'loved' the church's idea of 'free agency' which says supposedly you have the freedom to ask questions and make your own decisions, but if your decisions are not in line with 'commandments' (how can you have commandments and authorities telling you what to do AND fr
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
OMG! I remember that film (time and all eternity) very vaguely and the title esp. rings a bell. Going the check out the link. The other someone referenced about the 'blank (insert number) cow - wife', is called 'Johnny Lingo'. that was is also quite ridiculous and sends a disturbing message to young women that is in some demented way supposed to help with self esteem issues???!!! WTF??!!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I complied nearly a hundred links on the wireless radiation topic a couple of years back. I have since bookmarked hundreds more. So this is just a short list here for those interested in further research. Wifi in schools links- http://www.babysafeproject.org/ http://www.safeschoolspg.org/health.html http://www.wifiinschools.com General info links- http://www.bioinitiative.org http:
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Addressing PTSD and wifi/ radiation sickness. I was just going to back down after what I wrote yesterday. But I had trouble going to sleep after. I noticed I was getting into panicky breathing patterns and that I was overly stressed. I asked myself why as I tried to take deep calming breaths. What I discovered is interesting so I want to share it here as it may be useful to others in fig
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
In re. wifi, it's estimated now that about 3 percent of the world's population have EHS (the disorder I suffer from if you can call it disorder, it used to be called 'radiation sickness' or 'microwave sickness' in the 40s-60s when mostly radar operators suffered from it, but now the levels we are exposed to are on par with what radar operators were exposed to when you put all of the sources toget
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Thanks everyone for your shares! Always good to get support here and not feel so alone in this. One issue I've taken with me from the LDS thing is that I have a really hard time thinking of God as a He and I esp. have a hard time hearing anyone refer to God as our 'Heavenly Father'.. possibly because my father was so awful and the idea of 'father' in heaven is not especially comforting to me!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Don't remember no speed limit exactly but I do remember driving through from Utah to Arizona during the 90s and my BYU days and stopping a stretch of 'highway' that you could practically see to infinity on. And it was just deserted. So much so we would pull over, get out and line on the yellow lines and take photos. I think it's probably not quite like that now. More people in the world equal
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Ugh, I forgot firstly about the flowers and giving them to us YM and wishing US happy mother's day?!! Totally offensive! AND I forgot about all the blame games when things don't go perfectly in someone's life it's all because they are good enough Mormons??! PLEEEAASSEE! (SO sorry Cheryl, how horrific!) I have blocked out when Mother's day is for many years and almost never remember my moth
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
"Rebellion against God" WOW! I forgot how intense all their rhetoric can be. From where I sit now it all seems so transparent. They call it 'putting Jesus first' but it's really 'the church' and their devotion to the cult. Just another way to break families apart and further commit it's members to it's leaders. It makes the parents that reject their children feel righte
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Women feel less empowered in general and we are made to feel like this from a young age. So I think it's harder for them to leave, ESPECIALLY when they have become financially dependent on men for support. The LDS 'church' discourages women from both getting an education and working outside the home. This keeps them tied to the men and the church for support. This is done, I think, intenti
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
This thread has really given me a lot of pause. It's helped me to see my own part in bullying in our home growing up. Because I was bullied so much I took some of that out on my younger brothers. I teased one relentlessly sometimes. Most of us did. He was an easy target, because like me, he was sensitive to it and reacted. It was easy to get a rise out of him so it made it even more 'fun' for
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
For many years after leaving 'THE church'.. I tried out many other religions, all seeming the same. (then I went into the woods and asked god and an angel came and said that NONE of them were TRUE!.. LOL,, just joking) Anyway,, I have noticed how even though I didn't end up in another organized religion, I have followed many different paths of BELIEFs.. Like for a time I was vegetarian and the
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I am also sorry Janis, that sounds so awful. And I fully agree about this 'church' being from Satan. (I remember while at the Y in Utah, there was news on TV about a local LDS church being used by some of the members, including the bishop, as a Satanic worship place at nights.. there had been some blood ritual and evidence left on the walls, stuff written in blood and the people responsible caugh
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