Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 
SubjectPosts Started By Posted
Update on my dog with cancer... 12 pigsinzen11/21/2012 04:43PM
For Exmo Ron minded folks (Adult) 16 Jesus Smith11/29/2011 08:32AM
I hate to complain about a four-day weekend, but... Dallin A. Chokes11/21/2012 07:44PM
exmormon women and abusive relationships suzanne11/21/2012 07:15PM
Why do mormons feel like they have to do hard things? 28 thederz11/20/2012 10:43PM
The Meaning of Thanksgiving 27 ziller11/20/2012 11:04PM
Conversation with TBM, "Why are you so angry." King Benjamin11/21/2012 06:20PM
When Mormons lose an argument 15 Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes11/20/2012 03:31AM
After reading a few posts lately, I think that many members reach a breaking point 10 Chicken N. Backpacks11/21/2012 01:31AM
dosnt it seem like theres a mormon verson of everything? 32 chelseamarie11/18/2012 10:31PM
For ExMos in Embryo: 2 News Anchors Provide a Model for Resigning--Together On Air, Without Going into Detail but Later Explaining Why to a Local Newspaper (video link/text) . . . steve benson11/21/2012 08:46PM
In honor of Thanksgiving and Brick Tamland. jacob11/21/2012 08:22PM
Monson's new book with a tape so children can hear him read the story. Liz11/21/2012 08:09AM
****REMINDER - NO NAME CALLING**** Susan I/S11/21/2012 08:07PM
Thanksgiving seek and find - the Mormons! (spoof) Elder Berry11/21/2012 11:26AM
The godless heathen way of friendship Stray Mutt11/21/2012 06:02PM
Humans, Morals, and why the John Locke's "Tabula Rasa" fails: "Babies help unlock the origins of morality" 22 tiffanyspencer11/21/2012 09:58AM
The Holiday Love Bombing is starting...anyone else receiving extra attention? Ways to get it to stop? 10 notanymore11/21/2012 02:22PM
Missionary farewell etc. 15 Exmo Mom11/21/2012 10:27AM
If you could have any 3 wishes granted regarding the Mormon church...What would they be? 33 notanymore11/20/2012 11:08PM
Stupid things I've heard Mormons say in the last 24 hours 33 CA girl11/19/2012 08:18PM
Narcissistic Personality Quiz, Con't from closed thread catnip11/20/2012 04:44AM
9 months before the first christmas Mormoney11/21/2012 04:52PM
Lesson learned - Hitchens appreciation 19 intjsegry11/20/2012 04:20PM
Mormons are commanded in all things... thederz11/21/2012 04:06PM
How many Joseph Smiths does it take to screw in a light bulb? popeyes11/21/2012 03:38PM
Upper level in the SLC temple.... 20 4t4mag11/21/2012 12:35AM
Mormon-Excusing BabbleOn: "Jamison" Claims He's Not Dissing RfM but Says Coming Here Inclines Him Toward "Siding with the Believers." (GONG!) more edited in . . . 29 steve benson11/21/2012 01:15AM
"Wolves Among The Lord's Sheep." A true story about how the Mormon Church enables sexual predators. heretic11/21/2012 02:26PM
A few have been asking about how to explain spiritual experiences 25 Jesus Smith11/20/2012 02:12PM
How many converts would there be... tig11/21/2012 11:40AM
Coping with Holidays & TBMs 11 Exmosis11/21/2012 10:16AM
Sentenced to Church rationalguy11/21/2012 12:25PM
John_Lyle: How are you feeling? 10 wine country girl11/21/2012 11:13AM
Advice- Best way to respond to HT and VT "invitations" in the mail intjsegry11/21/2012 03:20PM
Gave myself an icky feeling last night. 11 Stray Mutt11/21/2012 11:31AM
The Mormons still don't get it Carrots Tomatoes and Radishes11/21/2012 01:25AM
Called "Confidential Membership Records" in SLC today 15 BOUNCED!11/21/2012 02:33AM
Nervous getting Coffee in Break Room justrob11/21/2012 01:15PM
heavenly father hates pregnant women 23 anonforthisone11/20/2012 10:35AM
More for jamison to digest on the topic of "Bitterness" (long) 18 frogdogs11/21/2012 09:22AM
Funerals???? Help me plan my funeral! 15 MoNoMoInUT11/20/2012 11:55PM
Today was my lucky day! ;) tiptoes11/19/2012 07:01PM
Post-election Mormon PR? smorg11/21/2012 12:56AM
Telling My Mom about our Wedding 23 puff the magic dragon11/18/2012 03:51PM
Should i out myself at a work party? cont. cuz i wanted to reply to xyz... 13 sonoma11/20/2012 07:52PM
People who are more religious have lower provided Craig11/21/2012 10:39AM
Study linking intelligence to religious belief. 10 forbiddencokedrinker11/21/2012 10:45AM
OC weekly offends Mos by showing Romney as Moroni 13 Quoth the Raven Nevermo11/20/2012 05:16PM
Mourning the loss of my friends... 36 fidget11/20/2012 08:43PM
How are Missionaries "called"? 33 mormonista11/18/2012 10:29AM
43 Year old tries coffee for the first time & love it. 34 the outlander11/20/2012 08:40PM
'Thoughts on LDS Reform' = must read! NeverBeenaMormon11/21/2012 06:06AM
What I really want to hear from jamison (looking for discussion here, not a flame war or a dissection, please) 31 hexalm11/21/2012 01:29AM
Resignation 10 checkingout11/20/2012 01:04AM