Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 
SubjectPosts Started By Posted
COJCOLDS once preached that the only way for blacks to enter heaven was as slaves? 13 Space Dust05/09/2012 06:21PM
Active Mormons and Divorce rethinking policies05/07/2012 11:27PM
Concise Dictionary of Mormonism: M (part 1) runtu05/07/2012 06:55PM
OT President Obama declares his support for gay marriage . . . robertb05/09/2012 06:38PM
How I know I am out. My personal check list that I refer to from time to time. 47 SusieQ#105/09/2012 01:16PM
Same opportunity for a descendent to go represent us ExMorg Young Ones Elder Berry05/09/2012 06:42PM
Really Angry 27 truckerexmo05/09/2012 09:39AM
Speaking of fires, if a temple caught on fire... 13 dr505/09/2012 01:05PM
Some quotes that remind me of mopologetics runtu05/09/2012 06:13PM
BYU or West Point? Which should a free thinking TBM Chose? Part 2 tombs105/09/2012 05:00PM
Pubs vs. Churches esias05/09/2012 05:20AM
Where is Raptor Jesus? 32 forbiddencokedrinker05/09/2012 09:18AM
In the news: Mormons posthumously baptize Dutch royals 17 rt05/09/2012 01:45AM
Well at least Mitt & Ann weren't DRUNK when they tied the dog carrier on top of the car... xyz05/09/2012 03:43PM
Happy Birthday, Wine Country Girl! 23 Timothy05/09/2012 07:48AM
BREAKING NEWS: Pres. OBAMA Supports Same Sex Marriage 30 Mrs. Estzerhaus05/09/2012 03:21PM
Just want to bare my testimony sdee05/09/2012 01:29PM
How many of you plan to buy Mother a present from... (swear) Jesus Smith05/09/2012 04:45PM
Uncle Dale what's your mission? 10 thingsithink05/09/2012 02:23PM
NatGeo TV: Inside Polygamy: Life in Bountiful drilldoc05/09/2012 04:03PM
Utah Data Center, big mistake?, link 17 OnceMore01/07/2011 11:01AM
I was just helping my daughter get ready for a psych' test Chicken'n'Backpacks05/09/2012 11:47AM
Favorite Buddha quote.... "Believe nothing..." Robin05/08/2012 02:20PM
Children Bearing their "Testimony" 22 waner05/08/2012 10:39PM
New article on how emotion can shut down higher level thinking omen05/09/2012 12:22PM
Don't Even Think About Divorcing Until... (link) knotheadusc05/09/2012 01:31PM
What Were YOUR Thought When the Temple Changes Were Made? 32 Ex-CultMember04/19/2012 03:25PM
Why my new name is "PapaKen" PapaKen05/09/2012 02:00AM
Will this stop The Cult from sending the deacons out to collect FO? 10 nonamekid05/09/2012 02:28AM
***Reminder - Susan I/S, Sue and SusieQ*** 32 Susan I/S05/09/2012 12:12AM
My Encounter With Missionaries, I Lied to them, would any of you done this differently??? 36 tombs105/08/2012 04:16PM
Economist Article - The Mormon way of business Exmo Dad05/09/2012 10:50AM
The God Mormons would have us believe in must kill. jacob05/08/2012 06:11PM
Why I use the term: Tribe as the best way to understand Mormonism. What that means, and why it's hard to leave. 15 SusieQ#105/08/2012 01:29PM
Pitying the missionaries Stray Mutt05/09/2012 08:12AM
(O/T) I've been invited on a Road Trip to Montana with my daughter's MiL. 19 wine country girl05/05/2012 01:27PM
did I do the math right? 21 hollensnopper05/08/2012 04:41PM
What is the estimate of church income compared to their actual charity? 14 Harmony02/01/2012 03:28AM
Economist article: Mormonism and Authenticity Exmo Dad05/09/2012 10:54AM
LDS Gospel Library App- a way to spy on people? C.05/08/2012 10:49AM
How do you 'come out' (as ExMo) to people who are Mormon? 11 wonderer05/09/2012 12:11AM
new Fast Offerings distribution plan The Oncoming Storm - bc05/08/2012 11:31PM
Changing Religions Not Logged in05/09/2012 05:51AM
FAIR clutching at straws - BoA facsimile 28 sherlock05/08/2012 02:44PM
Shook to my core...again .. AA related 31 mindlight05/08/2012 10:02AM
I'm getting a little annoyed with people who don't believe much of what the CULT teaches 37 ozpoof05/08/2012 04:14AM
Update! Did We Screw Up Our Chance to Leave??? 17 Anon This Time05/07/2012 05:13PM
birthday present goat05/09/2012 12:19AM
Were you a Mormon like this? 15 Elder Berry05/07/2012 08:46AM
When is Danny's apocalypse supposed to happen? Elder Berry05/07/2012 07:37PM
Another "What was the first thing that stopped you from believing" thread 35 bc05/07/2012 03:14PM
Someone closer to SL/Mo Decisions, Please tell us: GNPE05/09/2012 02:04AM
Dresses only allowed 33 mindlight05/04/2012 11:44AM
Was anyone else taught that the profit is only second to Jesus in perfection and righteousness? 13 ambivalent exmo05/08/2012 07:57PM
Small Children/Morgites/Whopping Cough GNPE05/09/2012 01:07AM