Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 
SubjectPosts Started By Posted
Whats the real story behind foot amputee that drank no alcohol to help with pain, yet had a bar in his home.. anona05/12/2012 12:53AM
Post Mormon Centering Rituals... 22 wonderer05/11/2012 01:50AM
Art Therapy Exercise - 'Pimp Your Covered Wagon' (or Hand Cart?)... (based on MTV pimp your ride)... wonderer05/05/2012 05:22PM
Two-word Rant (inverted f-bomb) GQ Cannonball05/12/2012 12:52AM
Anagrammy, can I ask a favour? O/T Itzpapalotl05/11/2012 11:54PM
I'm not allowed to speak at the baptism? 25 Elaine Dalton05/11/2012 03:26PM
Looking for participants in new podcast mormonstories05/11/2012 02:17AM
O/T??? fundrasing in utah jenn05/11/2012 10:41PM
Thoughts on the Science of Disaffection 27 Brian M04/25/2012 09:40PM
What Happens To The "Cast Out Boys" After They Die? NeedToKnowThisForPostingOnAnotherBoard05/11/2012 08:57PM
Vern Holley -- exMormon -- Gnostic Atheist 31 Uncle Dale05/08/2012 03:58PM
I found a photo of God's simple plan for mankind.... Chicken'n'Backpacks05/11/2012 11:08AM
Since the "If you could travel through time" thread is closed Chicken'n'Backpacks05/10/2012 11:11AM
Just a tinsy little bit of bourbon, not even a full finger really. (n/t) lulu05/10/2012 09:50PM
My thoughts on same sex marriage...a bit rambling maybe... 38 Ctus05/11/2012 02:40PM
1,100-year-old Mayan calendar discovered by BU team. 11 xyz05/11/2012 11:30AM
Has a bishop ever had the integrity to say "that's none of my business" 11 BI05/11/2012 05:50AM
mitt the mutt and Steve Benson's Thread - I apologize. slatheredtwice05/11/2012 07:34PM
(Continued thread) Should we divorce because she won't go exmormon? 21 doubleb05/10/2012 11:56PM
o/t When I saw the Time breastfeeding photo I felt uncomforable (ADULT) 41 matt05/11/2012 05:59PM
How do you define God now? 35 wonderer05/10/2012 06:32PM
Vatican investigates another sex-abuse case (link) 3X05/11/2012 06:54PM
What I don't get is why post-death existence is so important a concept 29 Elder Berry05/10/2012 08:41AM
Maybe Temple Rec. Intv. should include, "Do you believe in the Liahona?" 12 Just Once05/10/2012 02:40PM
Marriage (and Relationships) after Mormonism/Outside of it... wonderer05/11/2012 05:16PM
"Real Growth" according to the morg Truthseeker05/11/2012 02:48PM
Male breastfeeding, or how even in nature, our well defined sexual roles are not so well defined. 13 forbiddencokedrinker05/11/2012 10:09AM
Young Mormon Male Mitt Romney Gang-Assaults a Gay Classmate in Ways that Would Make Gay-Bashing, Bullying, Violence-Justifying LDS Church Apostle Boyd K. Packer Burst with Pride-- 32 steve benson05/10/2012 06:24PM
Is marriage prominently a religious or a legal institution of the united states? 36 MJ05/11/2012 03:37PM
My letter to Elder Holland re Book of Mormon (very long) 65 anointed one05/10/2012 03:19PM
Quick poll - Your thoughts during your first temple endowment session 37 Lost Mystic05/10/2012 11:16PM
Meditative music tiptoes05/11/2012 03:55PM
Romney can't be in support of gay marriage anagrammy05/10/2012 10:24PM
Mormon Doctrine Experts needed on Millennium and Resurrection. Implications for vicarious ordinances Eastbourne05/11/2012 12:25PM
My current struggle...a step backwards tonight 16 Lost Mystic05/11/2012 12:02AM
Epistemic flaw in ethical monotheism. 22 resipsaloquitur05/10/2012 08:18PM
I can no longer find the morg's bragging about total $'s spent on humanitarian aid on their website.. Truthseeker05/11/2012 02:51PM
Persecution/Shunning 18 sdee05/10/2012 11:52PM
Why do you think the Sperheroes, Robots we create are much more ethical and juster than Gods we create? (n/t) quinlansolo05/10/2012 08:50PM
Whoa!!! Am I reading this right??? 12 NormaRae05/10/2012 03:30PM
Sin, guilt, and low self-esteem jacobkolob05/11/2012 12:51PM
Temple endowment ceremony - Full description or video? 12 Aaron Hines05/10/2012 01:46PM
Business as usual in Utah .. H David Burton now on UTA board m05/11/2012 12:02PM
Kinship question Stray Mutt04/16/2012 08:36AM
Patriarchal Blessing 10 branandco05/10/2012 08:43PM
My dad told me yesterday to quit posting 'anti-mormon' stuff on FB. I stood up to him, now I feel horrible. 32 anon for this one05/10/2012 10:31PM
It is so offensive (and to Christians, blasphemous) that Mormons believe women won't be resurrected by Jesus, but by their husband. 32 FormerLatterClimber05/10/2012 04:29PM
Walking out of a Temple session rather than take the oath 18 DNA05/10/2012 12:33PM
Devotion after Mormonism wonderer05/11/2012 11:52AM
OT Question: xyz05/11/2012 11:50AM
Continued: Should we divorce because she won't go exmormon 16 anagrammy05/10/2012 03:10PM
Love wearing bra-less tank doing yard work in moville 29 nomomomo05/10/2012 07:15PM
nursery leader thought that it was her lostbagle05/11/2012 02:46AM
"I don't know that we teach that" is nothing but an abusive technique called gaslighting (swearing). FormerLatterClimber05/10/2012 07:09PM