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9 years ago
Yep! And like a sap, I admitted it to dear Pres every time it happened. It was only like 3 times, which is probably a record for me in 24 months. Now I look back at the absurdity that as a 19-21 year old man I talked to a 58-60 year old man about that. TSCC definitely F**ks with your brain.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
False. Modest can be attractive but to say that automatically being modest is hot is indoctrination.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
My second companion met a girl in the MTC. They spent two weeks talking during lunch periods and during class and they started writing each other talking about 'their future.' I found that quite insane. You meet a girl and have two weeks to occasionally talk to her and you're planning on marriage? yikes.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Good question. We had a temple in my mission and while we didn't have to go, we were 'allowed' to go once a transfer. Worst part was, you were only allowed to go on P-Day and then for some it was up to a two hour drive. So with four hours total there and back and the two hours your slept in your robes it was nearly your entire day off. With only a few hours off every week spending them shakin
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
That didn't come from the MTC, but rather a genius elder in my mission. He certainly felt that conviction.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Strange stories told are pretty universal to any organization with members. On my (often Douche bag) senior companions/DL/ZL etc told me some pretty great 'revelations' they had about me or Mormonism in general. Here are a few. They were the 'prophet' of our zone/district/area etc. They could receive revelation for me That while other colleges are okay, BYU was the only place where
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
It was nearly a decade ago I began a two year sentence as a naive missionary for COJCLDS, but it didn't take longer than about two seconds to realize the social structure I would be living under for the next two years. As a missionary, and I imagine all former missionaries realize this, you quickly learn that the missionary program establishes, encourages, nurtures and institutes an obnoxious
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I feel the pull to warn others, but it's a terrible idea unless you're sure the person is already close to leaving on their own. Generally sharing your newfound exmormon feelings does to a friendship what sharing mormonism does to it. It severly injures it. Mormons don't want to know about your exmormon conversion anymore than non-mormons want to hear about Mormonism. Tread lightly or some
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Couldn't stand Leno. I prefer Conan, but will sometimes turn to Fallon after Conan's Monologue and bit. I'm also under 30 so I imagine that is a big indicator as to why I didn't think Leno was funny.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
It's been nearly a decade since my mission started but for sure there they were. My mp asked regularly.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
That's the first I've heard of an sp being penalized. What kind of penalty can they receive?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
It's been nearly a decade since I went on a two year sales seminar for COJCOLDS and besides the Ivy League sales training, there are a few things that stick out like a sad sore thumb when I think about them. There was a missionary in my district who came from a nice privileged Utah County home. He was a good looking guy who was clearly very charming and talented at just about anything he wa
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
+10000000000000 Steve
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Thanks for your input CA but I think you've missed my point. I don't think an RM is a prize. That's exactly my point. They aren't any better or worse than any other guy there. The fact that certain women won't consider anyone besides an RM is a pedestal put there by someone other than the guy himself. A good friend of mine from my old singles ward chose not to go on a mission. He simply didn'
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Because I was taught from infancy that I was supposed to. I never really considered an alternative. I was raised that way and that's what my family did. Certainly a free-thinking fail on my part, but I got there eventually. I'm glad I figured it out in my 20s. In the end my complaints are minimal because many had it worse than I.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
First, I'm talking specifically about the women who refused to even consider dating a guy without him being an RM. That is not a general sweeping group of women. That is a very specific type of woman. And if your concern is a rush to get married then perhaps those same women I spoke of shouldn't be so picky as to only consider an RM. It's the same line of thinking as woman who REFUSES t
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Not even a little bit. Pretty silly when you think about it.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
So I wrote a long back story to this which I deemed unnecessary to the point I was trying to make. I've included it below if anyone is actually interested. Here's the short version: I once went out with a girl who was so in love with the church that she wouldn't even consider going on a single date with a guy without him being an RM. We talked for a long time about it one night while I was s
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Bahahaha. Great image. Nothing sexier that wearing tight fitting underwear over sacred tightie whities.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I was released as EQP around 5 months before I left. It's a draining and ridiculous job. Expectations and pressure are high from the BP and SP to make sure no one goes inactive and that stupid home teaching is done. In addition pressure was high from the RS to do every little chore one of the women wanted done. More than once I had a woman come up to me and say, in moving this Saturday. W
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Ah the great and powerful seer stone. A sentence would appear and not disappear until it was correctly scribed. Makes sense since the first BOM was covered in spelling errors and the wording has undergone many many changes over the years. Perhaps the prophet seer and revelator Joseph F Smith was mistaken. Doesn't make him much of a seer or revelator if he was.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Works either way. You be good and you get presents (salvation). He's watching you all the time and he knows if you lie to him. Made up by people looking to have power over you and convince you to do What they want. Jesus, God, Allah, Jehovah, Santa. Different names for the same fake story.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Not Biblical? Have you read that book? The Lard God couldn't stop killing people who got in his way. Then Lot's daughters got him wasted and slept with him. The Bible is weird cult book #1. It's also not true and God and Santa are the same story. Sorry to ruin it for you.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Raise my hands above my head and say "oh god, hear the snores from my mouth" The reason they don't want it discussed outside is because if people found out that all the big secrets are Masonic handshakes they wouldn't pay tithing and work so hard to get in the first time. The mystery is a big selling point.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Tired of strengthening the members so you hopped on RFM?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Judge much Krampy? This is a serious issue at needs to be worked out. Judging him isn't helpful
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Love these. Thanks!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
The last couple of days were the most fun. Hawaiian missionaries got to go to the Polynesian Cultural Center, something off limits while a regular missionary. They treat you like kings there, which was nice, plus all we wanted to do was go watch the Tahitian dancing where they tell the story with their hips. The next day is the day we leave. We went to the temple in Laie, which is a considera
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
My comment: Mormons can spike the football over this article all they want. What I want them to really do is start digging at the hill Cumorah. There was an epic battle here where millions of people died, right? Lets' get the shovels and find the bones, the swords, the arrows etc. Older ruins from the ancient Greeks and Romans exist, so where are the millions of bones from the Book of
Forum: Recovery Board